North American only server...

I know that the servers are based here, but What I am suggesting is a server with IP restrictions excluding BR's and Euro's. I pay alot of money out to this game just to have my experience ruined by BR's with a 200+ ping. Sense z8 has refused a BR server, as they are not licensed to market the game in south america, I would LOVE to see this happen. People in the UK now are able to enjoy playing with people with an average ping due to their servers that BR's wouldnt even be able to attempt to play on. Why shouldn't people in North America, the biggest money market for the company, be able to enjoy the same experience. I know this Idea will more than likely be shot down, or something said along the lines that this idea is liked, but then just nothing get done about it.
The effort should be made to satisfy your North American Players and give them the ability to play with players with local pings...


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