AK47 Custom (clean version)



  • Is it ZP crated? beause then it's fair. NO COUPONS

    just ZP crated
  • Vizored222 wrote: »
    Is it ZP crated? beause then it's fair. NO COUPONS

    just ZP crated
    Of course it is meant to be a ZP crate price. I think they should take out the M4A1 Custom out of the coupon exchange as well. After its recent ammo upgrade, its ridiculous that the M4A1 Custom costs the same in coupons as the AUG and Desert Eagle Camo, which are both GP crate prices. They should make it at least 80 coupons, replacing the Desert Eagle Gold. Which could be made 60 coupons, because its slower reload balances out the extra bullet it has over the Desert Eagle Camo. 24eb6zq.jpg

  • cCatalyst wrote: »
    Basically, with the recoil noobs can't use it properly... and are you forgetting the Scar Light and M12s?

    That's true but they dont have scopes and silencers...... scar light and m12s are too overused i agree but they both have faults and stats that fail. Ex. m12s ammo 40/80
    So still i say no to this. It looks cool but you make it god-like. If it wasn't i would say yes.
  • That's true but they dont have scopes and silencers...... scar light and m12s are too overused i agree but they both have faults and stats that fail. Ex. m12s ammo 40/80
    So still i say no to this. It looks cool but you make it god-like. If it wasn't i would say yes.
    I haven't done anything more to the AK 47, than has been done to the M4A1 to make the custom version. Except maybe the semi-auto mode while scoped in. Which balances itself out, in my opinion. 24eb6zq.jpg

  • And condsidering most noobs won't even get this if this will be crates...
  • So will we be seeing this gun in the new patch?


  • Probably not in this patch. But one day, we will have this weapon. 24eb6zq.jpg

  • All people are doing is trolling this now. *cough* Bogdan *cough*

    Support lollis idea. its beast.
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Due to continuous trolling leading to non-stop flaming, I had a moderator close the old thread (after 54 pages). I've made some minor alterations to my original idea, which might please some of the few opposing this idea.




    Power: Has been reduced from 96 to 95.
    Accuracy: Has been increased from 95 to 98. (AK47 Scope, Silver and Gold are all 97)

    Automatic: Has been reduced from 52 to 50.
    Recoil: Has been kept the same, 76.
    Weight: Has been increased 49 to 50


    +5 Ammo bonus.
    A red-dot scope similar to the M4A1 Custom.
    Semi-automatic while scoped-in.
    A suppressor, that lowers the sound level of the AK47 by 2/3.


    Okay, to stop this thread from being flooded by people saying "We already have an AK47 Scope", like the old thread, let me say that it's not. First of all, this weapon is as different from the AK47 Scope as the M4A1 Custom is from the M4A1 Advanced or Silver. Just because it has a scope doesn't mean it is an AK47 Scope. Second, this scope is completely different from the AK47 Scope. Not only is it a red-dot scope, like the M4A1 Custom scope, but zoomed in, its fire rate is also reduced to semi-automatic. Meaning it with fire as fast as the PSG-1 Red Dragon or the MSG90 while scoped in. So it's not full auto, as with the AK47 Scope.
    And finally, what also makes it different from the AK47 Scope, is the obvious added suppressor and the skin.


    Now to tackle the
    "AK47 is suppose to be loud" and "The AK47 can't use a suppressor, because..." posts. First of all, the loudness of the AK47 is due to both its ammo size, as well as the design of the weapon. This is true. However, this does not mean that the AK47 MUST be loud to function properly. Thus the suppressor. Can an AK47 be custom fitted with a suppressor? Yes, it can. If sniper rifles with even larger bullets can be customized to carry suppressors, then so can the AK47.

    When you look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQCAKGcUi0c
    you can see both the AK47 and the AK47 suppressed being fired next to one and other. If you think that both sound the same, then you should listen for the echo of the shots when fired. That's where there is a noticeable difference.


    And now for the
    "But we already have tons of AK47's. Why not customize the <insert weapon of choice here> instead?" posts. Well, for one, the M4A1 and the AK47 are signature weapons for this game. So you can better get used to it, because in the coming years we are going to see a lot more copies of these weapons. That's why we might as well start off with this one. And two, I like this weapon to become a custom, like the M4A1.


    And finally, the
    "The AK47 Custom would be too overpowering." posts. First of all, let me break it down for you, using some basic algebra;

    M4A1 = AK47

    Both weapons are considered to be balanced. The M4A1 has low power, and low recoil. The AK47 has high power, and high recoil. Now the M4A1 has a Custom version, and its stats has been altered to be made balanced enough for this game. So;

    M4A1 = M4A1 Custom

    Since the added pros of the suppressor and scope are counteracted by added cons on the stats and spray pattern, customization itself is kept balanced. So;

    Custom = 0

    And if that is true for the M4A1 Custom, then the same would apply for the AK47 Custom;

    AK47 = AK47 Custom

    Also, the sound of the AK47 is not going to be reduced to the spitting sound the M4A1 Custom makes. Because the regular AK47 is noticeably louder than the M4A1, the AK47 Custom will also be noticeably louder than the M4A1 Custom.


    So, now that I've covered most of the common replies that oppose this concept, I'll ask you; If you have anything to add, that doesn't fall into the above 4 mentioned type of posts, please do so below.


    umm... if u really like aks that much why dont u make a ak like AK-47-ADV?
  • too many AKs!

    We need to customise diffrent gun! there are soo many diffrent Aks it stupid/ Wat bout K2 Adv? or Tar21 Adv? maybe there stupid but not another AK!
  • great unreallistic idea :D
    Its not unrealistic in the slightest. If they can do it for the M4A1 and the Type 89 (Japanese version), they can do it for any assault rifle in the game. The power of the weapon is a null issue, because it will have another stat counter balancing that power, like the recoil is for the AK47. Seen the AK47's power, loudness is hardly a disadvantage anymore. 1 or 2 shorts is enough to kill, and that hardly gives you away more than the 4 or 5 shots from an M4A1. The only place where the suppressed AK47 has a real advantage, is in ghostmode. And not an advantage for the one using the AK47, but the players on his team that try to pin point over the sound of an AK47. Suppressed, the AK47 is still going to be far louder than currently all our suppressed M4A1s are. 24eb6zq.jpg

  • If you really want this weapon, Please go play "Operation 7"
    You can customize your gun like that. :D
  • Um...would it be coupons too or just crates?
  • All people are doing is trolling this now. *cough* Bogdan *cough*

    Support lollis idea. its beast.

    I can beat the Crap out of u awwwwwwwwww I can't waith to get home

    But hmmmmm AK with black skin is so sexy but OP :3
  • Um...would it be coupons too or just crates?

    Omg it should be a rare gun, so no coupons.
  • Omg it should be a rare gun, so no coupons.

    But the AK-Knife is rare. You dont see it often and its still on both coupons and crates :S
  • But the AK-Knife is rare. You dont see it often and its still on both coupons and crates :S

    What about the AK-Scope? It`s rare too.
  • What about the AK-Scope? It`s rare too.

    Yep. But dont you think coupon only weapons (like the gold deagle and psg-red) are more rare than crate weapons?
  • Yep. But dont you think coupon only weapons (like the gold deagle and psg-red) are more rare than crate weapons?

    Why should they be more rare? The chance to get Coupons is much higher than the one for a Gun.
  • Not saying they should be. Im saying they are. I see the ak scope more than I see a golden deagle. I see the rpk camo more than I see the psg-red.
  • If you really want this weapon, Please go play "Operation 7"
    You can customize your gun like that. :D
    Why should I go play some other game for wanting this weapon for CrossFire? Why don't you go back to your G.I. Joe collection and feel badass about yourself, instead of coming to my thread and say stupid things like that. 24eb6zq.jpg
    Um...would it be coupons too or just crates?
    Actually, I would rather see the M4A1 Custom removed from the coupon exchange section, then enter this weapon into it. With its latest ammo upgrade, its ridiculous that its still only 60 coupons to get, while the Kriss and AK47 Knife are both 80. 24eb6zq.jpg
    But hmmmmm AK with black skin is so sexy but OP :3
    You've clearly not been paying attention at all, so let me ask you to please explain to me in detail why you feel this weapon would be too overpowering, while the changes made to the AK47 are no different from the changes made to the M4A1. Give me some valid arguments instead of you usual empty opinions. 24eb6zq.jpg

  • Yep. 60 for the M4-C is too low xD
    Another +1. That makes like +3 for you :P
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Why should I go play some other game for wanting this weapon for CrossFire? Why don't you go back to your G.I. Joe collection and feel badass about yourself, instead of coming to my thread and say stupid things like that. 24eb6zq.jpg

    Actually, I would rather see the M4A1 Custom removed from the coupon exchange section, then enter this weapon into it. With its latest ammo upgrade, its ridiculous that its still only 60 coupons to get, while the Kriss and AK47 Knife are both 80. 24eb6zq.jpg

    You've clearly not been paying attention at all, so let me ask you to please explain to me in detail why you feel this weapon would be too overpowering, while the changes made to the AK47 are no different from the changes made to the M4A1. Give me some valid arguments instead of you usual empty opinions. 24eb6zq.jpg


    You mean an AK-S more heavy etc but with more power and accuracy ? well believe me Scar Heavy has the same idea heavy etc but very accurate and powerfull :3 it still dunno what to say the skin is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool :3
  • i suppose that but u know that our crossfire is getting new weps from the china and japan versions... so this tread is a little bit unusefull or u are very lucky and a gm read this and maybe put it in cf china but it takes time to be in our version...
  • i suppose that but u know that our crossfire is getting new weps from the china and japan versions... so this tread is a little bit unusefull or u are very lucky and a gm read this and maybe put it in cf china but it takes time to be in our version...

    000203D8.gif but they gave us DSR-1 and that topic was made by Moose_1 it was a 150 pages topic I doubt that this one will go there without spamm and QQ everithing that I said was my opinion yep my 11 yrs old opinion :3