Good job
Since you managed to give everyone like 5 zp guns from those blazewing crates and I haven't won anything out of last 2500 crates i think its time for a goodbye. I have tolerated all the issues up till now but this was the last straw. Goodbye.
So are you going to boycott the lottery too, since people can win in 1 ticket yet others haven't won in hundreds?
You didn't win - Others did. You have the same chance of winning as everyone else, free crates or not.
It's not an "Issue". -
Thats what they tell us but in the end nobody can know for sure if this true xD
I've won in 1 ZP crate, and I've not won anything in 300 ZP crates. I've won in 1 GP crate, and I've not won in 1500+ GP crates. If my chance was higher than other peoples chances for example, I wouldn't have gone 1500 GP and 300 ZP crates dry. I don't believe OP has gone 2500 crates dry. Even if he did, it's his own fault for gambling so much. If you're spending thousands of dollars and getting literally nothing out of it, you really should know better than to keep going.
Unless of course this is a troll post. -
Since you managed to give everyone like 5 zp guns from those blazewing crates and I haven't won anything out of last 2500 crates i think its time for a goodbye. I have tolerated all the issues up till now but this was the last straw. Goodbye.
noooo -
I can definitely understand the sentiment of watching everyone win a weapon, while I didn't get it. I hope it just takes a bit of walking away from the computer to realize you've got friends who are like your family here who would be sad to see you leave. You've got something more valuable than ZP weapons, so I hope you will reconsider
master_mann wrote: »So are you going to boycott the lottery too, since people can win in 1 ticket yet others haven't won in hundreds?
You didn't win - Others did. You have the same chance of winning as everyone else, free crates or not.
It's not an "Issue".
How is it the same chance if the crates which have been given in that event were bugged? I didnt play for 2 weeks so I didnt have a chance to get these crates. Not blaming anyone here. But yes it is pure bs that I have wasted all my gp and spun around 200 zp crates in a few days and havent won anything while everyone who got 5 zp guns in 30 seconds will probably get to keep them. I have worked my ass off and grinded for that gp for months to get a lousy shotgun and I ended up with 2000 days of c4 is here or whatever else.
This is not the reason I am quitting but rather an occasion which triggered it. I don't know if the servers are playable or not as i have not been online lately but friend told me that the servers are even worse than before. So for anyone who blindly stands in front of z8 or defends them in any way I must say that I simply dont understand you.
2500 crates-0 wins
20 crates-5 wins
How is that the same chance? -
Since you managed to give everyone like 5 zp guns from those blazewing crates and I haven't won anything out of last 2500 crates i think its time for a goodbye. I have tolerated all the issues up till now but this was the last straw. Goodbye.
QQ kid, don't make a thread just because you didn't win it. -
How is it the same chance if the crates which have been given in that event were bugged? I didnt play for 2 weeks so I didnt have a chance to get these crates. Not blaming anyone here. But yes it is pure bs that I have wasted all my gp and spun around 200 zp crates in a few days and havent won anything while everyone who got 5 zp guns in 30 seconds will probably get to keep them. I have worked my ass off and grinded for that gp for months to get a lousy shotgun and I ended up with 2000 days of c4 is here or whatever else.
This is not the reason I am quitting but rather an occasion which triggered it. I don't know if the servers are playable or not as i have not been online lately but friend told me that the servers are even worse than before. So for anyone who blindly stands in front of z8 or defends them in any way I must say that I simply dont understand you.
2500 crates-0 wins
20 crates-5 wins
How is that the same chance?
I haven't seen a single person claim to win 5 guns from 20 crates. I also haven't heard anything about any crates being bugged. It may just be a case of hundreds of people opening them at once so it looks like they have a higher win rate.
Either way - you had the chance to get those crates too. It was completely fair. You chose not to do the event, so you missed out. Hardly z8's fault, is it? You also didn't have to spend your GP on those crates. No one is forcing you. You could have stopped. Set yourself a limit, perhaps. But no, you continued after 500 crates, you spun again and again, and that's your own fault. You should have cut your losses if you really wanted to keep that GP.
The newer GP guns have a much lower win rate than the old ones from what I've seen. I spun over 1700 of the new shotgun before I got one. ZP crates have and always will have a higher chance to win compared to GP crates. You have to PAY for ZP crates, so it makes sense that you win more often from them.
The one thing I can agree with is that the server conditions are terrible. They're playable, but with lag spikes every minute or so, there's no way of playing without it being incredibly frustrating.
This thread might be worth a read, seeing as how it looks like you're having trouble coming to terms with the fact that it is a lottery, not a guaranteed win, and everyone can have bad/good luck streaks. -
Since you managed to give everyone like 5 zp guns from those blazewing crates and I haven't won anything out of last 2500 crates i think its time for a goodbye. I have tolerated all the issues up till now but this was the last straw. Goodbye.
Oh no dont leave -
master_mann wrote: »I haven't seen a single person claim to win 5 guns from 20 crates. I also haven't heard anything about any crates being bugged. It may just be a case of hundreds of people opening them at once so it looks like they have a higher win rate.
I think op has a point there. I think we would have seen more of the new noble crates win than these dragon blaze ones because almost everyone got them for completing last event. But there were very less win announcements from those crates compared to these ones. Also only those people who won a zp weapon in that time period were given dragon blaze crates. So comparatively much less people had opened dragon blaze crates than noble ones cuz not everyone one a zp weapon in that period. But the win announcements from dragon blaze crates are insane, like 5 wins in 30 seconds, also considering they're only announcing wins of mauser rd and not of the other 4 weapons in that crates. Obviously there's noticeable difference of win rate with dragon blaze crates and others. -
I think op has a point there. I think we would have seen more of the new noble crates win than these dragon blaze ones because almost everyone got them for completing last event. But there were very less win announcements from those crates compared to these ones. Also only those people who won a zp weapon in that time period were given dragon blaze crates. So comparatively much less people had opened dragon blaze crates than noble ones cuz not everyone one a zp weapon in that period. But the win announcements from dragon blaze crates are insane, like 5 wins in 30 seconds, also considering they're only announcing wins of mauser rd and not of the other 4 weapons in that crates. Obviously there's noticeable difference of win rate with dragon blaze crates and others.
Fair enough. I didn't realise that. Either way, it means those people still won (ZP weapons), and he's complaining that he didn't win a GP gun in 2500, and it's one of the reasons he's leaving.
I'm sure dozens of us were in a similar situation, too, but GP is useless anyway once you have all the weapons/bags for years. -
QQ kid, don't make a thread just because you didn't win it.
Welcome to forum random. As you can see in the right corner there is a number that says 3281. That number says that I have 3281 posts and there is no need for you to post links of that thread.
By the way before calling someone a kid you should stop bumping your head into your keyboard when you make new accounts because it seems you cant think of a proper forum name. -
If it makes you feel better I didn't get a chance since they stated only zp purchasing and buying crates with it gets you entered into the event the communication of what counts on that event could of been handled better, and about servers they still under the ocean didnt bother staying online for more than 15 minutes yesterday along with the increase cheaters.
I thought that 2x on weapon wins was a bug and got fixed some claiming they got two Mausers, whole game is full of bugs would be surprised if that crate was. -
master_mann wrote: »Fair enough. I didn't realise that. Either way, it means those people still won (ZP weapons), and he's complaining that he didn't win a GP gun in 2500, and it's one of the reasons he's leaving.
I'm sure dozens of us were in a similar situation, too, but GP is useless anyway once you have all the weapons/bags for years.
I think this whole concept is wrong. I haven't won a gun past 300 or so crates that I've spun, and I feel salty seeing people win Noble weapons and rare legendary dragon, red dragon and divine dragon weapons from free crates. Though I don't have the same feeling towards those who win from paid crates. Sniper matches are a mess already with everyone and their grandma running around with barretts. Now we have to put up with seeing randoms like olpers running around with rare noble weapons.
Although I think it's unreasonable to threaten to quit because of this reason while there are other numerous reasonable reasons already to leave the game.There is something strange on these crates tho there are maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany who won 2-3 mausers plus the rest with 20 crates, when this happened again ?
This happened when the Water Park map was introduced along with an event where on every 30 kills on that map you'd get 1 royal dragon crate. Obviously there were no rules or limit so people farmed this event 1vs1 in locked rooms for one week straight and collected more than 3000 crates.
I think there must be something misplaced with these crates right now. But no GM would dare to comment on this if it's their mistake. Most likely it is. -
Since you managed to give everyone like 5 zp guns from those blazewing crates and I haven't won anything out of last 2500 crates i think its time for a goodbye. I have tolerated all the issues up till now but this was the last straw. Goodbye.
If there's an event/giveaway for the biggest losers of the noble crate, why isn't there one for such losses?? I mean why does the "know it's just luck and don't cry about it later" consent work on some crates and does not on the others?Thats what they tell us but in the end nobody can know for sure if this true xDBrandyIncubo wrote: »Bug (100% for sure) or not.. I've never seen something like that in 6 years...Right now I saw one guy winning 3 mauser 20 crates?!!!! All this is about luck or what?
I can understand your frustration B..
It is impossible to be mere luck.. Otherwise the luck-system needs a fix o.o.. I mean come onnn, 3 in 10 free crates? -
Welcome to forum random. As you can see in the right corner there is a number that says 3281. That number says that I have 3281 posts and there is no need for you to post links of that thread.
By the way before calling someone a kid you should stop bumping your head into your keyboard when you make new accounts because it seems you cant think of a proper forum name.
Are you actually happy with your forum account that you begged forever to get it back? And I don't even care about your no wins in 2500 crates.. don't cry because you didn't win kid. This is a loterry black market, not a market where you can win easily in 10-20 crates each time. So stop pretending that you need a win just because you spend so much money.. I hope that your broke now because of that -
aqwertyuiopl wrote: »money,free= no win
Not true.
I got Burning Shot crates for free and won SR-25, so that's not true. I also got Sun Wukong crates free and won the AK, and whatever crates the AWM platinum came in, and got the AWM free as well. I've also paid and won guns in single crates too. I don't know if the M4 Patriot counts because I got that from crate tickets. -
master_mann wrote: »So are you going to boycott the lottery too, since people can win in 1 ticket yet others haven't won in hundreds?
You didn't win - Others did. You have the same chance of winning as everyone else, free crates or not.
It's not an "Issue".
This is not true... Ever since the costume crate had increased winning odds what makes you think they wouldn't be changing the odds of all the crates ? Until they show the winning % On every crate I find it hard to believe all the crates have the same winning %, Like the more popular/expensive crates have worse odds.
+ this could of been a stunt to increase sales > Win free zp guns > deposit and lose money -
Are you actually happy with your forum account that you begged forever to get it back? And I don't even care about your no wins in 2500 crates.. don't cry because you didn't win kid. This is a loterry black market, not a market where you can win easily in 10-20 crates each time. So stop pretending that you need a win just because you spend so much money.. I hope that your broke now because of that
I'd like to see who you are, without hiding behind fake acc.. Nobody here is crying..we're just discussing what's going on in game..don't need to insult and actually your comment don't have sense...:rolleyes: If you don't have nothing to say than "cry kid blabla miau bau" don't write at all..or at least join with your main acc -
BostoNKinGs wrote: »This is not true... Ever since the costume crate had increased winning odds what makes you think they wouldn't be changing the odds of all the crates ? Until they show the winning % On every crate I find it hard to believe all the crates have the same winning %, Like the more popular/expensive crates have worse odds.
+ this could of been a stunt to increase sales > Win free zp guns > deposit and lose money
The costume crate had increased odds? I span 200 and only won the monkey helmet -
Are you actually happy with your forum account that you begged forever to get it back? And I don't even care about your no wins in 2500 crates.. don't cry because you didn't win kid. This is a loterry black market, not a market where you can win easily in 10-20 crates each time. So stop pretending that you need a win just because you spend so much money.. I hope that your broke now because of that
I asked support once and I got it back how is that forever?
And I dont spend money on crossfire. Soon I will find out who you are its easy.
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