What's wrong with Crossfire ??



  • NanoCooper wrote: »
    Don't break the Terms & Conditions. Surprise, you won't have any problems.

    I assure you I never had any problems with the Support, au contraire I even friended with some of them. I'm not getting random answers and I usually get responded fast.

    Try being as accurate as possible, bringing tons of proofs and any other materials (other than tears) USEFULL for them to investigate. They're humans, not magicians. They can't read in peoples' minds.

    As for the Mods, they're doing their job aswell. Again, don't break the Terms & Conditions. Your problems will then disappear.

    Do you even know me to imply that i'm breaking the rules? did you even read the entire thread before posting ? or you're just writing some random reply to get more post count? I've made it crystal clear up there and you're calling it breaking the rules , Read before commenting or don't put a comment that adds nothing but it just increases the problem , we are not kids here , as if we haven't already thought of what you wrote !! we are all matures here , denying the facts won't make the problem disappears it'll only increase it.. [/size]
  • Its bs

    Z8 support sucks, Ive made a thread about the system ticket being too archaic for a game of this dimension, yes it would take more time but at least you'd have satisfied costumers. You can see numerous errors, bugs, hackers and the freaking tracker/event rewards being drag (yeah im still waiting for the March of Ghosts ribbon to be given WHICH WAS IN MARCH) but somehow every update we have useless ZP weapons and VIPs incoming, goes to show the character of the people who run this game. I would even write any further but if i do i won't be able to not curse at you guys so i will leave it at that.

    Has for the thread i love Twerkie to death and really hope they solve his problem because he is one of us, honest guys and he never broke Terms and Conditions, the way his case was really mishandled and his responses were vague and contraditory as hell.

    For the people who are saying bla bla bla this is just another QQ thread mind this quote from Martin Niemoller (if no one speaks up they will continue this abusing money grabbing system until it dries) it might not be your problem until it is your problem.

    When the Nazis came for the communists,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I wasn't a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.

    Note: Im not comparing nazis to z8games staff by the way.
    CyberCats member
  • Thank you

    Hi everyone,

    First of all. I would like to thank everyone for the support I’ve been getting. You have no idea how much this means to me. And reading all of this (I know it may sound silly) brought tears to my eyes.

    I grew up playing this game. I’ve had a lot of rough times in my life. But I knew I could count on my second family: “CyberCats”. I remember the day Lilly asked me to be an LT. I was euphoric as well as honoured to be LT of this great clan. Through the years I got to know more people, some people even shared their life story and it felt great to be trusted. I wanted people to know they had someone to talk to and express their feelings.
    I do not want to give up on this game, nor my clan, nor my friends. But I feel like there’s no way out. Being banned is one thing. But being false accused of something you didn’t do.. That’s about the worst thing that can happen to someone. I’m also baffled that I didn’t even get banned for 7/14/21 days but I immediately got banned permanently. I also feel like this has affected me in my private life. I haven’t been the same person since.
    Sure this game isn’t perfect. Not by a long shot. But I have (or rather ‘had’) fun playing it, that’s all that matters.

    I am devastated about how unfairly I have been treated by the support but It’s great to see people, some who I have never met, support me regarding this issue. I really wish I could just play on my account and that this would all be over. Thanks again for all the effort Alari, you’re the best.
  • I posted in here already, but I'll post here again. For what it's worth.

    Either the accused used a ban-able program in CF, or they did not. There's no "maybe".

    Pros for why he might:

    XTrap detected something abnormal

    Pros for why he might NOT:

    Completely self-defeating (applies to anyone who hacks, but even more to people who have spent much time and much $$$ on the game. People with more invested inevitably want to protect their investment)
    No previous hacking conviction or even allegation
    Member of a clan with a very good history of removing members who hack
    XTrap itself has an EXTENSIVE history of falsely banning people

    I hope the GMs will hear Twerk out on this. It will have to be solved between him and them alone, but just with any "ruling" I hope the GMs will take into account the character witnesses being brought forth. The people defending Twerk aren't complete "randos".

    As you said here Kanadian, none of us can do anything. But we're hoping the combined force of our words will move you and your team to reconsider this. Not because Twerk deserves a second chance, but because we believe he is completely innocent of wrongdoing.
  • SomeaultP wrote: »
    u went from what happened to crossfire to QQ real quick though

    +1, this genius summed up this whole thread it applies to every reply on it omg he's a prodigy
  • NanoCooper wrote: »
    Don't break the Terms & Conditions. Surprise, you won't have any problems.

    I assure you I never had any problems with the Support, au contraire I even friended with some of them. I'm not getting random answers and I usually get responded fast.

    Try being as accurate as possible, bringing tons of proofs and any other materials (other than tears) USEFULL for them to investigate. They're humans, not magicians. They can't read in peoples' minds.

    As for the Mods, they're doing their job aswell. Again, don't break the Terms & Conditions. Your problems will then disappear.

    For the most parts you basically do get a random reply not even related to your question shown from previous screenshots lol... Support needs so much help, I find it funny how the hackers we do report are still roaming around playing but people that don't get reported get banned smh and yes X-Trap use to pick up programs not even related to CF as a hack probably still does, since it's purpose is to block hackers from cheating and it doesn't seem to be doing what it's designed to be doing. I'm just curious how they investigated so fast. Last I checked a MOD isn't suppose to talk rudely to players.
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    For the most parts you basically do get a random reply not even related to your question shown from previous screenshots lol... Support needs so much help, I find it funny how the hackers we do report are still roaming around playing but people that don't get reported get banned smh and yes X-Trap use to pick up programs not even related to CF as a hack probably still does, since it's purpose is to block hackers from cheating and it doesn't seem to be doing what it's designed to be doing. I'm just curious how they investigated so fast. Last I checked a MOD isn't suppose to talk rudely to players.

    X-trap has a list of banned programs in their system and according to Kanadians post he was using a program in the background that was on that list. About x-trap stopping hackers... They make hacks that can just bypass X-trap, lol.

    What mod..?
  • SomeaultP wrote: »
    +1, this genius summed up this whole thread it applies to every reply on it omg he's a prodigy

    I pity you for being ignored *sadface* [/size]
  • NanoCooper wrote: »
    Don't break the Terms & Conditions. Surprise, you won't have any problems.

    I assure you I never had any problems with the Support, au contraire I even friended with some of them. I'm not getting random answers and I usually get responded fast.

    Try being as accurate as possible, bringing tons of proofs and any other materials (other than tears) USEFULL for them to investigate. They're humans, not magicians. They can't read in peoples' minds.

    It's the factor that this one person has never broken the Terms & Conditions within 7 years but still getting treated as if he did.

    Also it's hard to give evidence saying "hey I didn't hack", what kind of evidence are you meant to show?

    Support should be able to show you the replay that got you banned if you were hacking, especially when you appeal against the ban.

    If X-Trap detected a certain program, it should be more clear on what program and certainly shouldn't be a permanent ban in case of mistakes.

    Although this Nano guy must have missed the message that this is about following the rules and still getting in his words "problems", I agree this is more "teary".

    Just take a look at some of these posts, it almost looks like a 10 year old could have written it. Like this one....
    Do you even know me to imply that i'm breaking the rules? did you even read the entire thread before posting ? or you're just writing some random reply to get more post count? I've made it crystal clear up there and you're calling it breaking the rules , Read before commenting or don't put a comment that adds nothing but it just increases the problem , we are not kids here , as if we haven't already thought of what you wrote !! we are all matures here , denying the facts won't make the problem disappears it'll only increase it..[/size]

    Mate. Slow down, stop using that blue colour it looks horrible. Use proper grammar and be clear. You keep saying we are not kids here, but you're the only one not making sense. "denying facts"? Come on mate. You are way too emotional, can't respect that.

    Also nothing is "rightfully" yours. Fact, your account is owned by Z8Games/SmileGate West.

    @Stef yo mate, tell Lilly to give you my Skype/Whatsapp if you want a Marshal account with zp guns/vips. Just in case you don't get your account back, so you don't lose every zp gun you had.
  • [SIZE=+2]
    Sorry to bother guys , but this reply is directed at everyone supporting the tickets system , though i respect every opinion that has been shared ,

    Here's the first ticket i sent regarding the CF games reporting that the entire team didn't get their ribbon and here's the answer i got , which to be honest i thumbed up for their help in it

    Thought the'll add it normally but they didn't so i asked again after a week ,

    a useful answer which i actually respected , even though it's their error and not mine , but they've been good with it
    Then i sent everything i wrote in the thread mentioned on the First post on this thread and that's what i got
    and i bet that everyone have seen the crystal clear screenshots proving my claim to the issue and they replied with that

    As if i'd lie to get a useless ribbon? in a VIDEO game ? Alright let's continue then

    This ticket sums everything wrong with the game , they could have said get lost in the first place if they could.

    I thought let's try asking again one more time for it ( Depending on the GM's words that they care about the tickets ), maybe they had a problem and it's fixed and here's my ticket

    and here's their answer:

    So if anyone is going to imply that we violate the rules , he should take a good look at those tickets before typing a random post supporting it , you may haven't encountered the problem we did , but sooner or later you'll be in our place and god knows what will happen then..

    Don't need to post the other 6 tickets which all of them having the same reply " our final reply has been stated " :s
    Don't blame me for bringing this up to the forums along with CyberTwerk's problem , This is not fair by a long shot
    Sorry for the long post..
  • Moerwijk wrote: »
    X-trap has a list of banned programs in their system and according to Kanadians post he was using a program in the background that was on that list. About x-trap stopping hackers... They make hacks that can just bypass X-trap, lol.

    What mod..?

    I still got a screenshot I believe on my phone of my main that x trap detected a hack tool back in 2010-2011 which I never did. And for that MOD you just want me to get in trouble.. we all know which one -.-
  • [SIZE=+2]
    Sorry to bother guys , but this reply is directed at everyone supporting the tickets system , though i respect every opinion that has been shared ,

    Here's the first ticket i sent regarding the CF games reporting that the entire team didn't get their ribbon and here's the answer i got , which to be honest i thumbed up for their help in it

    Thought the'll add it normally but they didn't so i asked again after a week ,

    a useful answer which i actually respected , even though it's their error and not mine , but they've been good with it
    Then i sent everything i wrote in the thread mentioned on the First post on this thread and that's what i got
    and i bet that everyone have seen the crystal clear screenshots proving my claim to the issue and they replied with that

    As if i'd lie to get a useless ribbon? in a VIDEO game ? Alright let's continue then

    This ticket sums everything wrong with the game , they could have said get lost in the first place if they could.

    I thought let's try asking again one more time for it ( Depending on the GM's words that they care about the tickets ), maybe they had a problem and it's fixed and here's my ticket

    and here's their answer:

    So if anyone is going to imply that we violate the rules , he should take a good look at those tickets before typing a random post supporting it , you may haven't encountered the problem we did , but sooner or later you'll be in our place and god knows what will happen then..

    Don't need to post the other 6 tickets which all of them having the same reply " our final reply has been stated " :s
    Don't blame me for bringing this up to the forums along with CyberTwerk's problem , This is not fair by a long shot
    Sorry for the long post..

    Smh sucks to see how many months you been trying... that's support for you.
  • stt33f wrote: »
    Thanks again for all the effort Alari, you’re the best.

    You are welcome i never let a friend get treated like u got treated by the support and i will do anything that i can do to help you to get unbanned by their fail system
    you ddint deserve such a ban for a reason that u never did. I hope that we bring the GMs back on the ground of the facts that their way to tread us is not right that we deserve more than
    you got your answer now stop to bother me with your useless tickets we have a right to know what exactly the ban was for and we deserve a prove that we really hacked or soemthing else like a screenshot or whatever
    from other games i know that if you got reported that the support comes up with a prove that you got busted by hacking or whatever but here they say you hacked end off now i dont care anymore about you this is the way we get treated
    and this have to change immediately! we aint your fools we aint the peoples you can treat in this way that you GMs want we have our rights! So do us all a favor and change the way u tread us and this immediately!
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    Smh sucks to see how many months you been trying... that's support for you.

    Thank you oSasuke , I want to let you know that i'm not QQing on the forum as some players accused me of up there in the posts , I've had a similar issue regarding this in another ribbon which is the honorable solider one , which disappeared when they removed their profile page on October 2014 and i sent tickets about it and here's everything i got regarding the issue

    This is the first ticket with their answer :

    Here's a second ticket stating that i got 1 hour random bans back when the game wasn't fully operable and i guess everyone knows about it or been familiar with what happened , and here's their answer :

    A third ticket :

    A fourth one after a year !

    And their automated answer :

    as if i didn't know what is this ribbon for already!

    People shouldn't blame us for being angry this is no way to treat your players at all.

    Isn't it ironic that all the answers are the same ? ;s
  • [SIZE=+2]
    Thank you oSasuke , I want to let you know that i'm not QQing on the forum as some players accused me of up there in the posts , I've had a similar issue regarding this in another ribbon which is the honorable solider one , which disappeared when they removed their profile page on October 2014 and i sent tickets about it and here's everything i got regarding the issue

    This is the first ticket with their answer :

    Here's a second ticket stating that i got 1 hour random bans back when the game wasn't fully operable and i guess everyone knows about it or been familiar with what happened , and here's their answer :

    A third ticket :

    A fourth one after a year !

    And their automated answer :

    as if i didn't know what is this ribbon for already!

    People shouldn't blame us for being angry this is no way to treat your players at all.

    Isn't it ironic that all the answers are the same ? ;s

    The answers are all the same because its just a simply computerized messaged that they just copy paste in and then they wont bother anymore to your issues and of course they wont tell you the reason why u lost it but in my opinion they should tell you the reason why u lost it but im sure they just dont care and do whatever they want and they doesnt even bother to give u a real answer so they just copy paste a message
  • My eyes hurt if i try to read these posts with blue color.
  • BigMB wrote: »
    My eyes hurt if i try to read these posts with blue color.

    same here lmao
  • BigMB wrote: »
    My eyes hurt if i try to read these posts with blue color.

    left click on your mouse and drag across the text all the blue will become white.Its magic!!! ;)
  • What about someone has all of his account info and can't recover it just because he had recovered it before more than 3 years ago?
  • BigMB wrote: »
    My eyes hurt if i try to read these posts with blue color.
    Moerwijk wrote: »
    same here lmao
    I'm sorry guys though i ignored others for saying the same since they haven't asked politely , though i like the blue color , but here's a reply without the blue one .[/size]
  • No hacker ban, no bug fix, no helpful support team and free infractions on the forums. But there are new ZP skin guns and ZP offers :cool:

    As Exiledking63 said '' slow death of a once great game ''
  • alsxk25 wrote: »
    No hacker ban, no bug fix, no helpful support team and free infractions on the forums. But there are new ZP skin guns and ZP offers :cool:

    As Exiledking63 said '' slow death of a once great game ''

    I agree to that it was once a great game now its slowly dies
  • sigh..

    I send yet another support ticket pleading my innocence. I'll keep you guys updated on the result (50K zp says i'm gonna get the same answer again)
    It's all I can do I guess....
  • stt33f wrote: »

    I send yet another support ticket pleading my innocence. I'll keep you guys updated on the result (50K zp says i'm gonna get the same answer again)
    It's all I can do I guess....

    Who knows maybe they will give some attention to our problems and start doing something about it , because this is really too much , i bet as well that this thread will just be closed or deleted and myself getting infracted but i don't even care , We may get the same answer as always but i have a little bit of hope that they could actually do something different ..[/size]
  • AtomAntz wrote: »
    left click on your mouse and drag across the text all the blue will become white.Its magic!!! ;)

    Thank you for your useless magic trick but that doesnt work if I use phone.
  • What is wrong with CrossFire? Uhhhh. Where should I start?

    Yeah, almost everything is wrong with this game.

    Take a look at this screenshot:

    14 players are laggers. 2 players are not. 1 of the low pingers was abusing the VIPER's kick. The AWM I am using was 100 bucks, all the others was 2700 EP (free). Throughout the match, I received Whispers in a language that I'll never understand in my life.

    Hackers, they only get banned after around 2 months (or wayyy more than that), support tickets have been giving random replies that have NOTHING to do with what we asked for, while our question is clear.

    Events have been failing a lot lately (this last winter one is nice, and seems like it's working just fine tho) and some requirements get added AFTER the event is done.

    And so on, really... This game is getting worse and worse... I saw a BR saying CFBR was dying... I laughed.
  • They didn't reply to my ticket yet. So that can mean 2 things.

    1) they're actually trying this time
    2) they just ignore me

    we'll see
  • stt33f wrote: »
    They didn't reply to my ticket yet. So that can mean 2 things.

    1) they're actually trying this time
    2) they just ignore me

    we'll see

    That means it was a weekend...
  • NeoDaPro wrote: »
    That means it was a weekend...

    Time it the only judge in this for now. [/size]
This discussion has been closed.