What's wrong with Crossfire ??


What's wrong with crossfire ? this game used to be one of the most played games back in its good old days , where we had a caring staff , GMs who respond to our issues. Doing everything they can to keep up the balance and the peace in the community , what happened to this game?

Is it too hard to ask for a good game? is it too annoying to ask for what's rightfully ours??

GameMasters keeps saying " We care about the tickets being sent to us and we value them " , Respected but those are only words, why don't we see this in real applications ? Swaying people with words is awesome of course , but actually proving them is cool as well ,

This game is supposed to be a place for all of us to have fun and enjoy playing it
Is it too much to ask for a good staff who cares about our tickets ?
What does it mean when my friend sends alot tickets and they get closed immediately without a useful answer ? at least stating why ? , you seriously guys could investigate in less than 2 minutes ?
We are people who have feelings too and deserve to know what is the problem , You limited us to the tickets system and keep saying that we MUST stick with the tickets but to what end?

This guy who had a clean record of being one of the most respected people on the game what did he do to deserve something like this?

He isn't brainless to get himself a permanent ban on his account where he spent a fortune on it and look how does the tickets gets immediately closed with a computerized message saying nothing useful and he gets at the end this quote " we won't be responding to further tickets !! " Meanwhile every haacker out there have his honorable solider ribbon and still active playing the game? is this fair? is destroying an entirely peaceful clan for a mistake by your systems fair?

Meanwhile this ticket is so ironic , first ticket he sent when he got the random ban:

Then why are you guys redirecting us to the tickets system if we'll be ignored and get no explanation ?
We are ignored on the forum and on the tickets , why is this going so far?
What will you guys gain from this ? would you wait until everyone quits the game ?
A game where you can play peacefully without having any errors or bugs

Or a game with bugged Events / Trackers?

Let's take CF games as an example . Started a thread for it and got no useful answer , I won't really say that everyone is ignoring since there's a decent mod who actually helped , sadly he have no powers in the matter so i don't blame him and here's the link to the thread which got ignored even after sending alot of tickets asking for assistance and all of them with the same answer like we don't deserve an explanation ?


Being ignored is no justice, I ain't attacking a specific person , I'm criticizing negativity all over the game , this isn't the crossfire we used to know about , Do something about it before you guys lose players day by day , We purchase and fund this game to enjoy it , not to be deceived and oppressed !!

Forgot to add this picture of me playing and being a noobie since i've lost my skills recently

Well my friend it seems like you're a hacker to them , it has been a pleasure playing with you all.



  • Yeah, another thread of this kind...

    I can give you a quick answer to your statement about the tickets, well, yes, they are able to give you a useful answer within minutes.

    Other than that, he may be your friend, but threads like these are not going to get anyone unbanned.
  • Danah wrote: »
    Yeah, another thread of this kind...

    I can give you a quick answer to your statement about the tickets, well, yes, they are able to give you a useful answer within minutes.

    Other than that, he may be your friend, but threads like these are not going to get anyone unbanned.

    A useful answers which are mostly with the same syntax , ignoring the main topic and the question? , Don't blame me Danah for starting this thread , There's no justice in the tickets and that's not my own opinion alone , you may have not encountered these problem before but who knows what time carries , Thank you for your reply anyway [/size]
  • [SIZE=+2]
    A useful answers which are mostly with the same syntax , ignoring the main topic and the question? , Don't blame me Danah for starting this thread , There's no justice in the tickets and that's not my own opinion alone , you may have not encountered these problem before but who knows what time carries , Thank you for your reply anyway

    As you can see, my ticket got answered one minute after I sent it (ticket ID). And trust me, random answers are definitely not what I get.
  • Danah wrote: »
    Yeah, another thread of this kind...

    I can give you a quick answer to your statement about the tickets, well, yes, they are able to give you a useful answer within minutes.

    Other than that, he may be your friend, but threads like these are not going to get anyone unbanned.

    By all respect Danah but this thread isnt a point of making the Friend unbanned or not the point of that is that the GMs doesnt give us attention we reporting hackers and they keep playing without getting banned
    and legit players get banned for any reasons and the game have always bugs that the players are abusing and actually no one cares about it the GMs doesnt fix the bugs or really helping by our issues like the Crossfire Summer games 2016 Team Russia got 2 gold medals and team Russia gpt the EP but we doesnt got the Ribbons while other players who farmed in the challanges and even got busted by farming the challanges recived the Ribbon and this proves to us that the GMs doesnt care about us we sent them enough of proves and wrote enough tickets and always got ignored or got the answer that we arre not in the database but now im askign you how we can be able to get the EP but not the ribbon if we wouldnt be in the database? If we wouldnt be in the database we wouldnt even get the EP but we got the EP players are even quitting the game because they see that they get treated liek fools no one cares about our issues we can send as much tickets as we want we wont get any helpful answer
  • Danah wrote: »

    As you can see, my ticket got answered one minute after I sent it (ticket ID). And trust me, random answers are definitely not what I get.

    Well that's impressive because the majority of the community here gets those random computerized messages and of course i'm not implying that , I myself sent over dozens of tickets with proves and i got totally nothing at the end , in your case you won't feel what we feel , but i am not here to be oppressed , i'm here to have fun and justice like any other one playing the game. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
  • If you want fun uninstall CF and start playing another games.

    It's a known problem about hackers being reported, but not getting banned. Al we can do is deal with it.
  • Danah wrote: »
    As you can see, my ticket got answered one minute after I sent it (ticket ID). And trust me, random answers are definitely not what I get.

    but than im asking why do the support dont really care. i mean this player has ofc still his HSR ! while he is ingame perm banned.
    why do the support dont investigate this? wheres here the customer support?
    seriously if theres an award for the world worst / unfriendly support center -> z8games win the gold medal.
    absolutely dissapointed this "heres my final answer - eat this" support team.

    in germany it says - The Customer is KING ! We do Everything for a Happy Customer.
    at z8games support it says - i already answered you. fck off now. leave me alone.

    proof of his HSR
  • Moerwijk wrote: »
    If you want fun uninstall CF and start playing another games.

    It's a known problem about hackers being reported, but not getting banned. Al we can do is deal with it.

    We shouldnt deal with it the GMs should do their work and ban the hackers instead of keeping them playing and smile while they are hacking without fearing to get banned
  • STunn4H wrote: »
    but than im asking why do the support dont really care. i mean this player has ofc still his HSR ! while he is ingame perm banned.
    why do the support dont investigate this? wheres here the customer support?
    seriously if theres an award for the world worst / unfriendly support center -> z8games win the gold medal.
    absolutely dissapointed this "heres my final answer - eat this" support team.

    in germany it says - The Customer is KING ! We do Everything for a Happy Customer.
    at z8games support it says - i already answered you. fck off now. leave me alone.

    proof of his HSR

    HSR don't always get removed.
    xD8Dx wrote: »
    We shouldnt deal with it the GMs should do their work and ban the hackers instead of keeping them playing and smile while they are hacking without fearing to get banned

    We shouldnt, true. But we have to and can't do anything about it.
  • xD8Dx wrote: »
    By all respect Danah but this thread isnt a point of making the Friend unbanned or not the point of that is that the GMs doesnt give us attention we reporting hackers and they keep playing without getting banned
    and legit players get banned for any reasons and the game have always bugs that the players are abusing and actually no one cares about it the GMs doesnt fix the bugs or really helping by our issues like the Crossfire Summer games 2016 Team Russia got 2 gold medals and team Russia gpt the EP but we doesnt got the Ribbons while other players who farmed in the challanges and even got busted by farming the challanges recived the Ribbon and this proves to us that the GMs doesnt care about us we sent them enough of proves and wrote enough tickets and always got ignored or got the answer that we arre not in the database but now im askign you how we can be able to get the EP but not the ribbon if we wouldnt be in the database? If we wouldnt be in the database we wouldnt even get the EP but we got the EP players are even quitting the game because they see that they get treated liek fools no one cares about our issues we can send as much tickets as we want we wont get any helpful answer

    Point is, it's not the first thread like that. There are many threads and complaints about above stated issues. It won't be the last either. We know this game is at its lowest point ever since 2009, but what do you want to do? Of course, a thread reminds everyone, inclouding staff, once more how annoyed the players are, but after all, do you really expect this to change anything? It's become pointless :)

    Altough, I cannot complain about the support I get from certain staff members.
    STunn4H wrote: »
    in germany it says - The Customer is KING ! We do Everything for a Happy Customer.
    at z8games support it says - i already answered you. fck off now. leave me alone.

    You'll be treated a king as long as you behave like one. Telling me the f word won't make anyone treat you well.

  • Moerwijk wrote: »
    If you want fun uninstall CF and start playing another games.

    It's a known problem about hackers being reported, but not getting banned. Al we can do is deal with it.

    Aha well , Deal with it , but when it comes to you one day , you'll deal with it too? put yourself in his place and you'll feel how much it hurts to get something totally undeserved , and when you ask why did it happen , you get simply no answer.. [/size]
  • [size=+2]
    Aha well , Deal with it , but when it comes to you one day , you'll deal with it too? put yourself in his place and you'll feel how much it hurts to get something totally undeserved , and when you ask why did it happen , you get simply no answer.. [/size]

    Too bad it happen to him, but what is your point in posting it here? It'll most likely get deleted and they will tell you to fix your problem through the support system? If it happends to me i've to deal with it aswell, yes.
  • STunn4H wrote: »

    in germany it says - The Customer is KING ! We do Everything for a Happy Customer.
    at z8games support it says - i already answered you. fck off now. leave me alone.

    Please explain your perspective without using unpleasant words you can always get your voice heard by choosing the right words and being nice , Also thank you for your addition [/size]
  • Moerwijk wrote: »
    Too bad it happen to him, but what is your point in posting it here? It'll most likely get deleted and they will tell you to fix your problem through the support system? If it happends to me i've to deal with it aswell, yes.

    You have a point , but being negative about something that's already negative won't lead anywhere but towards failure , Instead of non-caring and giving up you should improve and search for solutions if you want to succeed in any field of life , Listen to other opinions and deduce conclusions based on what suits everyone the best.[/size]
  • [size=+2]
    You have a point , but being negative about something that's already negative won't lead anywhere but towards failure , Instead of non-caring and giving up you should improve and research for solution if you want to succeed in any field of life [/size]

    Im not being negative about it. I'm just saying what will happen... We can't help you here. For some the support might be crap and so are the bugs and etc etc u mentiond but we can't do nothing about it. Threads like this have been here before already. All we can do is report and send tickets.
  • Moerwijk wrote: »
    Im not being negative about it. I'm just saying what will happen... We can't help you here. For some the support might be crap and so are the bugs and etc etc u mentiond but we can't do nothing about it. Threads like this have been here before already. All we can do is report and send tickets.

    Right , but we could at least make them attend to our problems and start to think about it instead of ignoring it 24/7 , I know humans mistake , people aren't robots , and there's always a place for human error but it's just too much , Thank you for your addition [/size]
  • Trust me even though it sucks they will close this thread and tell you to send a report. Even though you clearly just showed that reporting didn't do any good. I find it weird myself why someone would spend that much and risk losing it by hacking.(not seeing he actually cheated) But I feel you, people get banned when you don't report them but those real hackers that do get reported are still playing till this day. My clan m8 reported a vip player days back and guess what still no ban and he knows he won't get banned and doesn't even try to hide the blatant aimbot and walling. Sucks to see the game I once played in 2010 to come back to in 2013 has come to this now.
  • [size=+2]
    Right , but we could at least make them attend to our problems and start to think about it instead of ignoring it 24/7 , I know humans mistake , people aren't robots , and there's always a place for human error but it's just too much , Thank you for your addition [/size]

    Yes, let's make sure they're aware of our problems. Have you seen lately how many ppl made threads about event reward not distributed? Right, after 10 years we finally get an awnser. Don't expect too much from threads like this.
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    Trust me even though it sucks they will close this thread and tell you to send a report. Even though you clearly just showed that reporting didn't do any good. I find it weird myself why someone would spend that much and risk losing it by hacking.(not seeing he actually cheated) But I feel you, people get banned when you don't report them but those real hackers that do get reported are still playing till this day. My clan m8 reported a vip player days back and guess what still no ban and he knows he won't get banned and doesn't even try to hide the blatant aimbot and walling. Sucks to see the game I once played in 2010 to come back to in 2013 has come to this now.

    Then our voice must reach to them , keeping things as they are won't lead to anywhere but for the death of this game [/size]
    Moerwijk wrote: »
    Yes, let's make sure they're aware of our problems. Have you seen lately how many ppl made threads about event reward not distributed? Right, after 10 years we finally get an awnser. Don't expect too much from threads like this.

    Then what good is the forum ? If it's not to help reaching out to the GMs for our problems? expressing our feelings on the game? why is it made then in the first place? [/size]
  • bad support
    Moerwijk wrote: »
    HSR don't always get removed.
    first time that i hear that,

    i remember when i lost my HSR for the first time. did noticed it as we got the new profile page. and i thought so : hue what why.
    so i wrote a ticket and ask when and why i lost my HSR

    answer : when u hack. u lost it.
    as i did not know that after years in cf.

    i wrote a second ticket with the same question
    answer : u hacked in oktober.
    sure im above 70 zp weapons and use a hack on my account

    third ticket.ok and what was the reason?
    answer : we already answered you. /closed

    i remembered to have a 1 hour fail xtrap ban in oktober. so i raged in forums.
    till a forum mod (thanks c4) read that and ask direct the gm´s
    hey whats going on there. and the result is :
    first a forum mod has to go to the gm´s till i got my HSR back !

    thats our great support.

    to the cfgames ribbon for russia:

    remember the eventtracker fail on sunday in sniper week. where the tracker didnt worked for the most of the day.
    i wrote instant a ticket about that.
    on late sunday evening the tracker worked and showed me that i finished the 20 ffa sniper games.
    on monday the support replyed my : you are not in our database and dont finished the games.

    thats our great support / database.
  • [size=+2]

    What's wrong with crossfire ?what happened to this game?

    Is it too hard to ask for a good game? is it too annoying to ask for what's rightfully ours??

    Meanwhile this ticket is so ironic , first ticket he sent when he got the random ban:
    [Image of the ticket response on the 25th of November]

    this isn't the crossfire we used to know about , Do something about it before you guys lose players day by day , We purchase and fund this game to enjoy it , not to be deceived and oppressed !!


    Honestly, in hindsight from way back 2009-2010 the game has actually improved (not graphically obviously). There's less hackers than there were back then, but probably more bugs. A bit of a trade off.

    Not hard to ask, hard to deliver a "good game". "Rightfully ours"? Errrm no. What is rightfully yours in this game? lol Even Lilly knows this you should go ask her for advice.

    That whole thing about the first ticket thing was already answered by Kanadian. "What the more likely story is here, is that X-Trap banned your friend for using a program blocked by X-Trap, and the system to check that hadn't updated yet when he got the first ticket response. Afterwards, support staff would see the system updated, and tell him his punishment and why he got it." ---->Confusing Bans? thread.

    Mate. I don't know about the majority of people that you know, have left crossfire. The ones I know left because they were bored of it & they reached a point when trolling Egyptians was no longer funny.

    There was a point in time where support could take a week or two to answer your ticket. Now they're answering within 24 hours (on week days). Whether it's useful or not, is another question. You're not getting deceived though and certainly not oppressed. No one told you to buy ZP, that was your choice.

    Also what happened to Stef isn't fair, but they are fully within their rights to ban him if they believe he was hacking. Even if he wasn't.

    Side note: stop writing in blue it's cancer.
  • Honestly, in hindsight from way back 2009-2010 the game has actually improved (not graphically obviously). There's less hackers than there were back then, but probably more bugs. A bit of a trade off.

    Not hard to ask, hard to deliver a "good game". "Rightfully ours"? Errrm no. What is rightfully yours in this game? lol Even Lilly knows this you should go ask her for advice.

    That whole thing about the first ticket thing was already answered by Kanadian. "What the more likely story is here, is that X-Trap banned your friend for using a program blocked by X-Trap, and the system to check that hadn't updated yet when he got the first ticket response. Afterwards, support staff would see the system updated, and tell him his punishment and why he got it." ---->Confusing Bans? thread.

    Mate. I don't know about the majority of people that you know, have left crossfire. The ones I know left because they were bored of it & they reached a point when trolling Egyptians was no longer funny.

    There was a point in time where support could take a week or two to answer your ticket. Now they're answering within 24 hours (on week days). Whether it's useful or not, is another question. You're not getting deceived though and certainly not oppressed. No one told you to buy ZP, that was your choice.

    Also what happened to Stef isn't fair, but they are fully within their rights to ban him if they believe he was hacking. Even if he wasn't.

    Side note: stop writing in blue it's cancer.

    First of all , if you've read the entire thread you would've known why did i write " Rightfully ours " , Thanks for your addition but let's not forget that you wouldn't like it if you were in his place , words are easy to be said until you encounter the same fate then you'd wish that anyone would stand up for you. [/size]
  • Current staff has no clue what they are doing and thats it.
  • u went from what happened to crossfire to QQ real quick though
  • I wish I could say something unique to comfort us all and bring us NEW HOPE to this dying game.. after all these rough years we have been through. Unfortunately, it's near impossible to do so and it's pretty pointless too, because like some of you have already said, "countless threads have been made in the past like this one and with NO success." Though, despite what I/others have just said.. we humans have something called 'last hope' or 'stubbornness', and we don't give up easily without a fight/argument, even in the most hopeless of scenarios.


    Dear Z8,

    Brief Summary (for the hundredth time) of what most of us are NOT satisfied with around here!

    - Most Departments of our Forums, lack of constructive positivism/negativity engagements between Staff to Players. (Especially in the Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Sections, unless it's literally game-breaking).
    - Most Departments of our Support Centre. (Specifically in the Account Administration section and the Hacking Report section, despite having enough respectable evidence, it seems to never be enough in most cases).

    Which subsequently, the following complications arise, especially when Z8 also lack communications/demands with Smile-Gate for particular concerns of ours:

    - In-game old bugs and errors are still existent and lurking in our Servers and Modes, today.. despite years of complaining. (Abnormal room Crashes, FPS Spikes, Freezes, and random Server Kicks, Host/Load Issues ect).
    - Lack of in-game creativity/and game content variation. (Heavily repetitive tasked events, little to no tournament events and dozens of the same weapons released but with just different skins).
    - In-game cheaters, grieving normal players, weeks/months on end, some of which eventually get suspended eventually 'only for it to be a short period of time' and then they're off again with their cheats on the same/other accounts. (I.E; Rank Mode System's 'Top Players List' and 24/7 BOT; Rank Farmers, ect).
    - Players susceptible to losing their accounts permanently, after X-Trap failures of detecting non-related Game Program's in one's computer. (Retrieving one's account is slightly just above 0%, chance, despite lack of claim's against oneself after such problem has occurred, because apparently Z8's Policy is 'Final', whether they're wrong or not: In most cases). As happened to the recent victim: CyberTwerk.

    I might have forgotten a few more points but that's pretty much most of it (which is already a lot of issues, as it stands).

    Brief Summary of what most of us would WANT to see around here, to improve most Forum/In-game concerns:

    - Improved engagement from Staff to players, on popular concerning Forum threads, regardless of CF topic issues/demands. (I.E: Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Reports, ect). Even if it's just to give us 'disagreements with reason' to our wishes, at least we know what to expect and what not to, rather than always be in hopeless doubt(s). It's how life works, without communication, nothing would be possible.
    - Support Centre's: Customer Service Team, should be improved, drastically. (Especially when dealing with Account Administration issues and Hack Reports. Players deserve more chance for justice compared to what they have been getting all these years). We pay and play, we have human rights too, you know!

    That's pretty much it, (because one improvement, improves multiple others, subsequently).

    We know Z8 are very limited in powers without SG's approval in some/most concerns, but if Z8 could actually, at least try harder and also reply to us more often, in Forums (which is something you don't need SG's powers/permissions to do so). This luxury alone, would improve many issues significantly, especially if popular concerns would be passed on more frequently to Smile-Gate, to get actual in-game improvements, whilst satisfying the Forum community, simultaneously.. in-order to restore order and success, all around, before it's REALLY too late.

    Thanks for reading.


    Side Note: CyberTwerk/CyberCats you have my condolences, don't give up easily. Wish you the best of luck, what ever happens from here on.
  • OP Please change your font color. It's very painful to eyes to read. It causes damage to the eyes when trying to read text with such colors.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    I wish I could say something unique to comfort us all and bring us NEW HOPE to this dying game.. after all these rough years we have been through. Unfortunately, it's near impossible to do so and it's pretty pointless too, because like some of you have already said, "countless threads have been made in the past like this one and with NO success." Though, despite what I/others have just said.. we humans have something called 'last hope' or 'stubbornness', and we don't give up easily without a fight/argument, even in the most hopeless of scenarios.
    ________ Dear Z8,Brief Summary (for the hundredth time) of what most of us are NOT satisfied with around here!- Most Departments of our Forums, lack of constructive positivism/negativity engagements between Staff to Players. (Especially in the Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Sections, unless it's literally game-breaking).- Most Departments of our Support Centre. (Specifically in the Account Administration section and the Hacking Report section, despite having enough respectable evidence, it seems to never be enough in most cases).Which subsequently, the following complications arise, especially when Z8 also lack communications/demands with Smile-Gate for particular concerns of ours:- In-game old bugs and errors are still existent and lurking in our Servers and Modes, today.. despite years of complaining. (Abnormal room Crashes, FPS Spikes, Freezes, and random Server Kicks, Host/Load Issues ect).- Lack of in-game creativity/and game content variation. (Heavily repetitive tasked events, little to no tournament events and dozens of the same weapons released but with just different skins).- In-game cheaters, grieving normal players, weeks/months on end, some of which eventually get suspended eventually 'only for it to be a short period of time' and then they're off again with their cheats on the same/other accounts. (I.E; Rank Mode System's 'Top Players List' and 24/7 BOT; Rank Farmers, ect).- Players susceptible to losing their accounts permanently, after X-Trap failures of detecting non-related Game Program's in one's computer. (Retrieving one's account is slightly just above 0%, chance, despite lack of claim's against oneself after such problem has occurred, because apparently Z8's Policy is 'Final', whether they're wrong or not: In most cases). As happened to the recent victim: CyberTwerk.I might have forgotten a few more points but that's pretty much most of it (which is already a lot of issues, as it stands).
    Brief Summary of what most of us would WANT to see around here, to improve most Forum/In-game concerns:- Improved engagement from Staff to players, on popular concerning Forum threads, regardless of CF topic issues/demands. (I.E: Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Reports, ect). Even if it's just to give us 'disagreements with reason' to our wishes, at least we know what to expect and what not to, rather than always be in hopeless doubt(s). It's how life works, without communication, nothing would be possible.- Support Centre's: Customer Service Team, should be improved, drastically. (Especially when dealing with Account Administration issues and Hack Reports. Players deserve more chance for justice compared to what they have been getting all these years). We pay and play, we have human rights too, you know!That's pretty much it, (because one improvement, improves multiple others, subsequently). We know Z8 are very limited in powers without SG's approval in some/most concerns, but if Z8 could actually, at least try harder and also reply to us more often, in Forums (which is something you don't need SG's powers/permissions to do so). This luxury alone, would improve many issues significantly, especially if popular concerns would be passed on more frequently to Smile-Gate, to get actual in-game improvements, whilst satisfying the Forum community, simultaneously.. in-order to restore order and success, all around, before it's REALLY too late.Thanks for reading.
    ________Side Note: CyberTwerk/CyberCats you have my condolences, don't give up easily. Wish you the best of luck, what ever happens from here on.

    Absolutely what we need.

    Whats really annoying is..when we post such issues on forum why other players cry abt it? we get no "JUSTICE" through support ticket that's why we write on forum cuz..whn we send support tickets and get no adequate response or "JUSTICE" we post on forum in hopes of other Crossfire staff (GMs) to look through it, cuz what other way do we have other than forums after support center to contact them through? Yet we only get one response " contact the support center/send a ticket" for what? when we have alrdy sent many of them and its helpless..why should we even initiate a conversation with such disrespectful "support" center who does not even read our ticket, and just copy paste their response when they see the "subject" of the ticket *example posted down*
    why are we directed back to support center ..why are we not allowed to post support ticket responses here? forum is a place to discuss. and discuss abt anything as long as its related to c.f atleast. is it so hard to understand that we arnt getting "JUSTICE" thats why we post on forum so that GMs can see it and help us. Its goood if other players are getting proper response and its in your favor you wont cry about it, but when something goes against your way im quite sure u guys create threads and cry about it too for example: I heard some ppl had issues with crates being given out as daily mission rewards so they created threads and stuff and complained and it actually stopped..so just like that we place our opinions here in hope of some help cuz honestly support center is useless to be very frank. and I really hope they get replaced.

    Also I cant comprehend how the GMs can Easily ignore their mistakes and leave us hanging without any answer. please don't even start with " we don't ignore our players ...send a support ticket...we care abt our players..blah blah etc." and if in your perception you guys are rlly being helpful let me tell you..you're not in most of the cases. so u gotta change that and engage more with players and attend to their issues. we understand if utterly stupid issues are being complained about to you, but in many of the ticket's posted here..we can clearly see how "NICELY" they get answered. don't even get me started with the events.

    even a non commerce student would state to you how an entity works and flourishes. but clearly in your practice you seem to lack the adequate information on it. cuz the "support" center sucks. I miss how they used to be answered years back when [GM]juicebox was here. whats worse is even after complaining so much about how the support center is useless theres no change at all. its like the game speaks to me as "we don't care, as long as we are getting paid" or " we don't really care even if this game comes to an end, even we are tired of it"
    I don't know who sits behind the support center...but you gotta step up your game, cuz clearly many are not satisfied. and for those who are satisfied. good for you, we are happy for you. now pray that everyone gets treated the way you do.
    I have never addressed to a ticket in a rude manner no matter what. except for my very last ticket that i sent cuz you know " treat others the way you want to be treated." so for those who say "nobdy is gonna give you a useful response if you address it in that manner or that 'language' " That's the reaction to their pathetic reply, and not our first approach. unless some people really approach in an uncultured manner.

    Improve the support center and watch how the number of threads like these get decreased.
    Russia still didnt get their ribbon? why? its so illogical when they got their EP and a player on #1 in top ten players of CFgames from Russia , even he did not get his ribbon whilst Russia won gold medal in that particular event? why ? what is the logic behind that?

    I can't believe cybertwerk got banned. Every day ppl come and complain about ranked match hackers but you guys dont have time to go ban them, rather ban the innocent ones. nice. also its a really pathetic policy that you wont take the ban off when it was an unfair ban and YOU know that your system is not Fault free and has imperfections. so nice " we cant do anything" So thats your " customer support " thats your response to a loyal customer of yours who has been playing since 7 years. and yes you're right it was his choice to spend zp on this game. but atleast now people will have this in the back of their mind that its a really big risk you may just loose it all to a faulty system within a second.

    Also players who are gonna cry about opening such threads kindly ignore it. cuz we know very well how you cry when zp crates are given out as event rewards but you cant digest that since you spend on those. like wise, he spent alot on this game and on his account, so it hurts. if you don't have empathy to offer then atleast try with sympathy rather than reacting to this in a negative way.

    *example of issue stated above*

    I don't even need to explain whats wrong with this reply. even a blind person can say it.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    I wish I could say something unique to comfort us all and bring us NEW HOPE to this dying game.. after all these rough years we have been through. Unfortunately, it's near impossible to do so and it's pretty pointless too, because like some of you have already said, "countless threads have been made in the past like this one and with NO success." Though, despite what I/others have just said.. we humans have something called 'last hope' or 'stubbornness', and we don't give up easily without a fight/argument, even in the most hopeless of scenarios.


    Dear Z8,

    Brief Summary (for the hundredth time) of what most of us are NOT satisfied with around here!

    - Most Departments of our Forums, lack of constructive positivism/negativity engagements between Staff to Players. (Especially in the Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Sections, unless it's literally game-breaking).
    - Most Departments of our Support Centre. (Specifically in the Account Administration section and the Hacking Report section, despite having enough respectable evidence, it seems to never be enough in most cases).

    Which subsequently, the following complications arise, especially when Z8 also lack communications/demands with Smile-Gate for particular concerns of ours:

    - In-game old bugs and errors are still existent and lurking in our Servers and Modes, today.. despite years of complaining. (Abnormal room Crashes, FPS Spikes, Freezes, and random Server Kicks, Host/Load Issues ect).
    - Lack of in-game creativity/and game content variation. (Heavily repetitive tasked events, little to no tournament events and dozens of the same weapons released but with just different skins).
    - In-game cheaters, grieving normal players, weeks/months on end, some of which eventually get suspended eventually 'only for it to be a short period of time' and then they're off again with their cheats on the same/other accounts. (I.E; Rank Mode System's 'Top Players List' and 24/7 BOT; Rank Farmers, ect).
    - Players susceptible to losing their accounts permanently, after X-Trap failures of detecting non-related Game Program's in one's computer. (Retrieving one's account is slightly just above 0%, chance, despite lack of claim's against oneself after such problem has occurred, because apparently Z8's Policy is 'Final', whether they're wrong or not: In most cases). As happened to the recent victim: CyberTwerk.

    I might have forgotten a few more points but that's pretty much most of it (which is already a lot of issues, as it stands).

    Brief Summary of what most of us would WANT to see around here, to improve most Forum/In-game concerns:

    - Improved engagement from Staff to players, on popular concerning Forum threads, regardless of CF topic issues/demands. (I.E: Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Reports, ect). Even if it's just to give us 'disagreements with reason' to our wishes, at least we know what to expect and what not to, rather than always be in hopeless doubt(s). It's how life works, without communication, nothing would be possible.
    - Support Centre's: Customer Service Team, should be improved, drastically. (Especially when dealing with Account Administration issues and Hack Reports. Players deserve more chance for justice compared to what they have been getting all these years). We pay and play, we have human rights too, you know!

    That's pretty much it, (because one improvement, improves multiple others, subsequently).

    We know Z8 are very limited in powers without SG's approval in some/most concerns, but if Z8 could actually, at least try harder and also reply to us more often, in Forums (which is something you don't need SG's powers/permissions to do so). This luxury alone, would improve many issues significantly, especially if popular concerns would be passed on more frequently to Smile-Gate, to get actual in-game improvements, whilst satisfying the Forum community, simultaneously.. in-order to restore order and success, all around, before it's REALLY too late.

    Thanks for reading.


    Side Note: CyberTwerk/CyberCats you have my condolences, don't give up easily. Wish you the best of luck, what ever happens from here on.

    Well for me this is the perfect post and you have covered just about everything.One more thing. I would like to see more from support in the feedback given out by them.It is too short and it seems like they really do not care ( feels like " you have had 3 answers from us now go away because we are not answering you anymore " ). Some people have put their heart and soul (and wallets) into this game and i truly believe that they deserve a lot more. Some specific answers on why some have been banned or lost stuff like ribbons rather than the standard replies that really do feel like they are written by automatons. What can we do? We CAN complain and hope in the end that someone does open their eyes and reflect on what is going on in this game.
    .These are sad times for us and we have lost a great friend, Someone who is friendly. fun and epitomises what an Lieutenant in a clan should represent. 7 years we have been together and it feels like a large chunk has been ripped away from our clan and hearts and all because of an ERROR in game.
    Great post Tuga1991 and Thank you for your wishes to our clan.
    CyberAntz Lieutenant of clan CyberCats.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    I wish I could say something unique to comfort us all and bring us NEW HOPE to this dying game.. after all these rough years we have been through. Unfortunately, it's near impossible to do so and it's pretty pointless too, because like some of you have already said, "countless threads have been made in the past like this one and with NO success." Though, despite what I/others have just said.. we humans have something called 'last hope' or 'stubbornness', and we don't give up easily without a fight/argument, even in the most hopeless of scenarios.


    Dear Z8,

    Brief Summary (for the hundredth time) of what most of us are NOT satisfied with around here!

    - Most Departments of our Forums, lack of constructive positivism/negativity engagements between Staff to Players. (Especially in the Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Sections, unless it's literally game-breaking).
    - Most Departments of our Support Centre. (Specifically in the Account Administration section and the Hacking Report section, despite having enough respectable evidence, it seems to never be enough in most cases).

    Which subsequently, the following complications arise, especially when Z8 also lack communications/demands with Smile-Gate for particular concerns of ours:

    - In-game old bugs and errors are still existent and lurking in our Servers and Modes, today.. despite years of complaining. (Abnormal room Crashes, FPS Spikes, Freezes, and random Server Kicks, Host/Load Issues ect).
    - Lack of in-game creativity/and game content variation. (Heavily repetitive tasked events, little to no tournament events and dozens of the same weapons released but with just different skins).
    - In-game cheaters, grieving normal players, weeks/months on end, some of which eventually get suspended eventually 'only for it to be a short period of time' and then they're off again with their cheats on the same/other accounts. (I.E; Rank Mode System's 'Top Players List' and 24/7 BOT; Rank Farmers, ect).
    - Players susceptible to losing their accounts permanently, after X-Trap failures of detecting non-related Game Program's in one's computer. (Retrieving one's account is slightly just above 0%, chance, despite lack of claim's against oneself after such problem has occurred, because apparently Z8's Policy is 'Final', whether they're wrong or not: In most cases). As happened to the recent victim: CyberTwerk.

    I might have forgotten a few more points but that's pretty much most of it (which is already a lot of issues, as it stands).

    Brief Summary of what most of us would WANT to see around here, to improve most Forum/In-game concerns:

    - Improved engagement from Staff to players, on popular concerning Forum threads, regardless of CF topic issues/demands. (I.E: Barracks, Suggestions and Bug Reports, ect). Even if it's just to give us 'disagreements with reason' to our wishes, at least we know what to expect and what not to, rather than always be in hopeless doubt(s). It's how life works, without communication, nothing would be possible.
    - Support Centre's: Customer Service Team, should be improved, drastically. (Especially when dealing with Account Administration issues and Hack Reports. Players deserve more chance for justice compared to what they have been getting all these years). We pay and play, we have human rights too, you know!

    That's pretty much it, (because one improvement, improves multiple others, subsequently).

    We know Z8 are very limited in powers without SG's approval in some/most concerns, but if Z8 could actually, at least try harder and also reply to us more often, in Forums (which is something you don't need SG's powers/permissions to do so). This luxury alone, would improve many issues significantly, especially if popular concerns would be passed on more frequently to Smile-Gate, to get actual in-game improvements, whilst satisfying the Forum community, simultaneously.. in-order to restore order and success, all around, before it's REALLY too late.

    Thanks for reading.


    Side Note: CyberTwerk/CyberCats you have my condolences, don't give up easily. Wish you the best of luck, what ever happens from here on.

    You just summed up everything that needs to be said Well done! , Hope that they won't just close the thread like they ALWAYS do ,, This injustice is a cancer that needs to be stopped , We are not asking for something which is impossible , this is our right to have a good game , childhood memories , we are not kids to be treated like this. [/size]
  • Don't break the Terms & Conditions. Surprise, you won't have any problems.

    I assure you I never had any problems with the Support, au contraire I even friended with some of them. I'm not getting random answers and I usually get responded fast.

    Try being as accurate as possible, bringing tons of proofs and any other materials (other than tears) USEFULL for them to investigate. They're humans, not magicians. They can't read in peoples' minds.

    As for the Mods, they're doing their job aswell. Again, don't break the Terms & Conditions. Your problems will then disappear.

This discussion has been closed.