Found bugs/issues? Post them here!



  • Guys i need ur help...
    i done 10 extra mission's and all time got double ''R'' dog tag.... its bug or what?
    so i got 20 ''R'' -_-
  • PITYwara wrote: »
    Guys i need ur help...
    i done 10 extra mission's and all time got double ''R'' dog tag.... its bug or what?
    so i got 20 ''R'' -_-

    I don't know if it's bugged for you....but I do know that it took me like 10 extra missions to get my last dog tag. Kept getting the same duplicate letters over and over.

    Anyways I just submitted a bug report ticket concerning Bombing Mode. I'm sure with it being one of the Daily Missions others have noticed this bug as well, I know the first time I saw it was awhile back but I always forgot to save the replay to use as evidence to this bug....but now I have saved it.
    So the bug is simple. Pretty much when planting the GPS sometimes the game gives the credit for the win to the wrong team. From my experience today it seems to only happen when GR plants the GPS at their target B site. It also doesn't always happen but it's occurred to me at least 4 times today, twice being in the same match. I gave them some ideas as to where to look for where the issue lies based on what I noticed from the matches I played. However, keep an eye out for this an report it as well!
  • Ixith wrote: »
    I don't know if it's bugged for you....but I do know that it took me like 10 extra missions to get my last dog tag. Kept getting the same duplicate letters over and over.

    Anyways I just submitted a bug report ticket concerning Bombing Mode. I'm sure with it being one of the Daily Missions others have noticed this bug as well, I know the first time I saw it was awhile back but I always forgot to save the replay to use as evidence to this bug....but now I have saved it.
    So the bug is simple. Pretty much when planting the GPS sometimes the game gives the credit for the win to the wrong team. From my experience today it seems to only happen when GR plants the GPS at their target B site. It also doesn't always happen but it's occurred to me at least 4 times today, twice being in the same match. I gave them some ideas as to where to look for where the issue lies based on what I noticed from the matches I played. However, keep an eye out for this an report it as well!

    the bug u said about bomb mode never happened to me, or im the 1 who didnt notice the win go for the other team, or the guys of random i play with sometimes dont see the wins go for the other team, still a recording of this bug will help u to make sure, try save every game u play with bombing mode, and hope u get 1 of ur games with this bug, so u can get prove that bugs is still here already
    its hard for sure to record and save every game of bomb mode, but u sure will not lose anything and u have storage memory already, so why not right?
  • Any 1 else did have problem with the start of speical mission yesterday? i know its all time start with the daily mission start of the monday and end in next sundey=1 week, or it was only me, the time left for the ex special mission for me in the game stopped at 0 min left, so i think its bugged, so is that mean no more special missions? or what?
  • Mabohoho wrote: »
    Any 1 else did have problem with the start of speical mission yesterday? i know its all time start with the daily mission start of the monday and end in next sundey=1 week, or it was only me, the time left for the ex special mission for me in the game stopped at 0 min left, so i think its bugged, so is that mean no more special missions? or what?

    it happened the same to me
  • 'A wrote:
    Monteiro;4444844']it happened the same to me

    here screen shoot of the problem now, i took screen shoot like 1 hour ago here its
    as u can see guys we are in second day of sm as u can see from the ss, so 1.4 days to complete all the 5 missions? i dont think so, so rip doing this if its not fixed
  • PITYwara wrote: »
    4 wave mode in quick join)

    well it seems they fix the bug of that already in old times when i got it, then it backs again, so im not sure about it, for me its not worth to report this here, good luck anyway, hope it dont let u go to wave and then the wave at end of game crashed, and maybe the reason was this quick join already, so its better if im right, maybe its better if u avoid quick join on wave
  • I was stuck on this page, no way to return to the previous menu.

  • NanoCooper wrote: »
    I was stuck on this page, no way to return to the previous menu.

    got almost like that bug before, when i go to black market and switch to item shop and like that, and i cant leave, i remember some 1 said the answer, for now u can only force close cf to fix it, sure its sad and boring long way to do and log in again to the game, but i sadly forgot who did said some solution about this, good luck
  • 8 anniversary gold spray is not working ingame. if you spray it nothing will pop up

    edit: forgot to mention its the permanent one.
  • Moerwijk wrote: »
    8 anniversary gold spray is not working ingame. if you spray it nothing will pop up

    edit: forgot to mention its the permanent one.

    i will try mine and tell u, to back u up
  • Well for now, i did spray in 2 games, and i put both my both name card and spray and i did spray cool, but both games, i get hack tool dc, then kicked to lobby, then to desktop for the first try, the second game i spray on ground got only dc hack tool and kicked to servers, and not to desktop this time, i will try now play another 3rd game, and will not spray, lets see if i get 3rd hack tool dc or not, brb
  • i try a hero mode now after 2 fails of 1 sd and second was bombing mode, and both was error, the hero mode with spray on ground after i join seems fine, and got no error, so i think spray in normal modes with spray card, is the reason, but seems work fine in mutant modes, still not sure
  • AK47 Scope Red Dragon is missing in "Permanent guns" section of my profile.


    Therefore it's not counted for the Red Dragon collection.


    However, it is "detected" in my bags, so the gun does exist in the database.

  • Crossfire20170316_0000.jpg

    from wave 25 till last this light are all random and its pretty annoying
  • Everytime I turn on my PC and open CF, I freeze whenever I'm joining a channel (freeze occurs on the pop-up saying joining channel) or when I'm joining a server. Wth is up with these screen freezes? i7 processor and this stuff happens on a game like CF. Please fix. (doesn't happen rarely, more like frequently...) (Windows 7)
  • So, we entered like this
    We couldn't do anything but plant the C4. When the C4 exploded we just got respawned in base normally, but the score was still 0. This kept happening.
    Until someone finally entered. Then we were automatically respawned in base, and it was back to normal.
    I like that we are getting new collections <3
    By the way,

  • [GGamer] wrote: »

    Ah my favourite weapon, the AWM 2010138201.
  • since 10 minutes...
    some ppl did bug in clan match '' changed score'' when they found them selves will lose so they did it, i'll try to explain more with screenshots :)
    1- we were in GR team in first-half and we beat them 7-2 (it was for my clan) ''first half''

    2- then host did something like bug and made room stuck for 3~5minutes before joining 2nd half

    3- although we were GR team in first half but also we became GR again in 2nd half !!

    4- we played and beat them 3 rounds and so it should be 10 rounds win so room must end! right ?!

    5- nope, we didn't win although we beat them 10 rounds! because score first half moved to enemies :) wins became 7/2 for them not for my team! because of this bug which host did it !!

    6- Finally, they won 3 rounds only in 2nd half
    if calculated this, they should be 5 rounds win only not 10 but because of this bug they took our score and they became 7 wins from first half so they needed 3 wins only on 2nd half to win clan match :)
    we lost because of this bug. ^_^
  • this appear when i login the game
    then the game exit
  • ***killsss wrote: »
    this appear when i login the game
    then the game exit
    [Login Incorrect Image Error

    Yes same here, I was playing in match decided to change servers and this message popped up "Incorrect Login Info" Oh really Didn't know I was playing with incorrect login :D xD
  • ***killsss wrote: »
    this appear when i login the game
    then the game exit

    Just got done submitting a ticket concerning this issue and came here to see if anyone has posted about it yet and if not to give a heads up. Seems we're not alone. Must be an issue with the Log In server not communicating correctly with the Game Servers or something.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    Just got done submitting a ticket concerning this issue and came here to see if anyone has posted about it yet and if not to give a heads up. Seems we're not alone. Must be an issue with the Log In server not communicating correctly with the Game Servers or something.

    I've got the same issue :( these server problems are so annoying
  • hegazy741 wrote: »
    since 10 minutes...
    some ppl did bug in clan match '' changed score'' when they found them selves will lose so they did it, i'll try to explain more with screenshots :)
    1- we were in GR team in first-half and we beat them 7-2 (it was for my clan) ''first half''

    2- then host did something like bug and made room stuck for 3~5minutes before joining 2nd half

    3- although we were GR team in first half but also we became GR again in 2nd half !!

    4- we played and beat them 3 rounds and so it should be 10 rounds win so room must end! right ?!

    5- nope, we didn't win although we beat them 10 rounds! because score first half moved to enemies :) wins became 7/2 for them not for my team! because of this bug which host did it !!

    6- Finally, they won 3 rounds only in 2nd half
    if calculated this, they should be 5 rounds win only not 10 but because of this bug they took our score and they became 7 wins from first half so they needed 3 wins only on 2nd half to win clan match :)
    we lost because of this bug. ^_^

    i feel ya bro, thanks to playing 2 matches of same thing as gr, it makes looks like u play the first half as bl :D lel so thats why, some bugs make sence on the ex thing u do, which the brain of clan match still thinking that u guys in half was bl's :D but what ever, i hope this bug dont show up again, it will be pain for sure, well its 1 lose not that bad btw :D but if this bug is here all time, all will wish to lose in first half haahaha :D
  • Perm 8 year gold spray not working - Can hear the spray sound in game, but nothing appears.
  • Perm 8 year gold spray not working - Can hear the spray sound in game, but nothing appears.
    Will update with screenshot/video when I get home from work.

    This!^^ (noticed it a few days ago was hoping it'd be fixed with the new update)

    But for me....when this happens during like the last 10 seconds of a 12 minutes match that you're doing because you need lots of games for an event....well....lets just say it makes you sad....
  • Map rooftops never had glitchers before, but now it's full. You can get in almost every box in the map.


    They also glitch and jump to where I am aiming.

  • The Gp which I won from the black market doesn't appear only if I rejoin the server it appears ...
  • claire9822 wrote: »
    Barrett - Obsidian Beast Broader view setting doesn't save when I turn it off. It will show it's off in storage, but it will be on when I'm using it in game.. - -

    This is still the same.