Found bugs/issues? Post them here!



  • I've recently noticed my KD having jumped up from 1.85 to 1.92 in the span of a week.

    While I'm not certain what caused it, I'd like to think that the most likely perpetrator is ZM3, like it was the case once with ZM1.
  • the loading screens of nightmare still chinese.
    1 loading screen of coin mode says that max is 600, but actually u cant put it 600
  • New Patch Glitches (read)

    Whispers are messed up, can't whisper friends.

    Profile is messed up, when you click to view their profile on the clan part it doesn't show the Clan Logo, only shows the Clan Name.

    When you are waiting for a Clan Application to be accepted it shows you are in the clan on your mini profile.

    Thats all i have found so far.
  • Im having these were text issues say if I joined a random room come back out, I get this totally different text font, which is strange. Also for some reason when I join rooms and come back to the lobby I can see the people I was in the room with clan logos like there transparent in the lobby background.
  • Aparently you can open zm3 boss/crystal crates from Final arena hard crates but it doesn't work to open.
  • wwasdas wrote: »
    Yeah i got tje exact same problem.the only thing i can tell you is that the replays that dont work ate the ones you saved before the 2.0 update.thats why the newly saved replays work.additionally if you saved a replay before the 2.0 update but you have watched it already,it will work aswell.i posted the issue aswell i dont got a solution for you

    Not really,after a certain update (i can look into it since it happend after a forumer room) replays on certain maps stopped working and they take forever to load. Reported this multiple times during the time but it wont be fixed. Some Replays which worked before that update stopped working after it...
  • It seems the GM's cant fix alot problems, only few i think they did, is the game getting out of control? or whats going on guys? i cant see any1 who comment about zm rally error bug i mention before, anyway its ok, but there are worse problems i hope they do more soon
  • this is happening too much for me always no beserk gorilla crate


    this guy joins 4 times in a row in a zm room
  • 'A wrote:
    Monteiro;4428664']this is happening too much for me always no beserk gorilla crate

    this guy joins 4 times in a row in a zm room

    That already happened to me once, I didn't get a crate for that boss.
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    That already happened to me once, I didn't get a crate for that boss.

    4th Boss on Nightmare doesn't have a 100% drop rate. The 5th & 6th Boss however will reward a box 100% of the time on Nightmare
  • 4th Boss on Nightmare doesn't have a 100% drop rate. The 5th & 6th Boss however will reward a box 100% of the time on Nightmare
    Ohhh, I didn't even know that. Thanks for letting us know!
  • Client/Game

    After the Deadly Defiance Patch Notes! i have some issues with the game that i had in the past but fixed for a while. Also some others have these issues too so i will post them. Game login screen crashes:
    • The login box doesn't appear, only the background photo. We have to kill the game from task manager.
    • After the above error usually i can login but when i double click to join in a server the game hangs on, so again i have to kill it from task manager.
    • Then there are two possibilities:
    1. I can login and then join in server but the game will stuck at channel selection.
    2. I can login and then join in server and play normal.
    If this login bug happens then i have to try 3-4 times to re-open the game and play.

    Fixed - The chat is bugged. You can't whisper someone who is in different server. (Probably you already know that.)

    Zombie Mode

    On Shipyard map (ZM2) in the last round the boss can't take damage from the AA-12 Buster/AA-12 Buster Infection
    charged busters (right click).
    Also about ZM, some times i reload my weapon but the bullets are 0 so i have to reload again the weapon.
  • nickxab1 wrote: »
    After the Deadly Defiance Patch Notes! i have some issues with the game that i had in the past but fixed for a while. Also some others have these issues too so i will post them.
    Game login screen crashes:
    • The login box doesn't appear, only the background photo. We have to kill the game from task manager.
    • After the above error usually i can login but when i double click to join in a server the game gangs on, so again i have to kill it from task manager.
    • Then there are two possibilities:
    1. I can login and then join in server but the game will stuck at channel selection.
    2. I can login and then join in server and play normal.

    If this login bug happens then i have to try 3-4 times to re-open the game and play.

    I run into that issue from time to time myself. When I pull up the Task Manager it says CF is not responding. It gets annoying and seems to happen in spurts. As in it'll happen one day multiple times in a row but the next day it'll be fine. It's also been happening to me since even before this latest patch.

    Something I have been hitting frequently within the last week or so is towards the end of the night like between 7PM-10PM EST I get hit with ping spikes. Normally I sit around 40-45 but during these spikes I sit no lower than 120 and will hit as high as 280 and will last for couple hours. Nothing else is pulling on my internet connection, no downloads or other devices...just ping decides to go crazy...and only on CF. I've left the game annoyed and went to other ones to see if it's a problem there and nothing. I SUPPOSE it could be the pathway my connection is taking to get to the CF server...but meh and seems strange that a pathway issue would be that consistent? =/
  • I had a strange shipyard game earlier, a boss without a body and an error that didn't kicked me from the game.


  • Glitch on Eagle Eye

    Yesterday i saw on EE,after Black List get out of base,turning left,two of them can jump on house roof.After roof can go only to A site till stairs(see whole map) thats it,no screenshot :)

    (trying to get Good Samartian+Honorable soldier+7 years veteran) :D
  • So i have this Problem now like the 4th Time Today, I shoot through the Ceiling on A Laboratory and get Client error if i hit a Ghost, Normally i dont get Error but Today its Kinda Broken.
  • From the recent server changes, I been getting a lot of "Fail to connect to the server" errors. My ping is normal in game (25/26 Ping), yet the game stops at a random time and takes me back to the lobby, followed by this error.

    For example, out of the 5 games that I play, it happens 2-3 times. I check my internet and restarted my router, I still receive the same error and it normally happens in UK1 & UK2.

    When it does happen, it lasts up to 15 minutes before I am able to play again.

  • I believe in the fact that it should be "Anaconda-A Crates" instead of this :

  • abel95 wrote: »
    I made a updated list. The ones which I know are reported to Support are in green.
    [[COLOR=lawngreen]o[/COLOR]] M4A1-Crystal not displaying properly in 3rd person view. 
    [[COLOR=lawngreen]o[/COLOR]] Pixels missing from the AK47-Noble Beast kill icon. 
    [[COLOR=lawngreen]o[/COLOR]] Soccer Grenade from certain crates don't stack. 
    [[COLOR=lawngreen]o[/COLOR]] The VIP logo on top of the third digit in the status / ping section in King Mode.
    [[COLOR=lawngreen]o[/COLOR]] Players getting stuck on objects around the base in Shattered Station (ZM).
    [[COLOR=lawngreen]o[/COLOR]] Random instant death anywhere on Crater (ZM).
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] Lack of shine on both the AK-47 Gold and Silver skin variants.
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] Dead Body appears in the middle of Prague map (Spy Mode).
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] Random FPS drops in Prague map (Spy Mode).
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] Unable to send whispers in Spy Mode.
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] A area in Merida map which lets you drop outside of the map. 
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] Death Zone in the middle of Shattered Station (ZM). [IMG][/IMG]
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] The BC Axe-Beast's slash effect doesn't show. [IMG][/IMG]
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] Slaughter Tickets not working as intended. [IMG][/IMG]
    [[COLOR=#ece5c6]-[/COLOR]] Temporary PSG-1 Red Dragon from ZM reward boxes don't stack.

    Please confirm if they have been fixed or not!
  • [size=+2]

    Hello there,

    I've sent a ticket about it since over a month and it is't fixed yet, So here it's again maybe it gets some attention.




    So how many bullets exactly does this Anaconda supposed to have?
  • After last patch:



    Also I never really realised the background smoke effect which looks really nice.

  • Daily mission in UK Servers not same missions in NA Servers!
    ''yesterday daily-mission''
  • hegazy741 wrote: »
    Daily mission in UK Servers not same missions in NA Servers! ''yesterday daily-mission'' Crossfire20170125_0017.jpgCrossfire20170125_0018.jpg
    Most probably you changed servers when the daily reset. :p
  • nickxab1 wrote: »
    Most probably you changed servers when the daily reset. :p

    nope :3 i took these screenshots before 10hrs of new daily-mission then slept :D when woke up i put them here
    it was bug yesterday and the day before yesterday :3 check -DMG]MasTer SS
  • 1) Connection has been Delayed Error

    It happens to everyone in the same room and it normally happens when you start a game. It takes you back to the lobby before the loading screen comes on. Happens at random times in random games.


    2) Bombing Mode Loading screen is a bit off. Happens at random times.


    3) Getting a normal kill counts as a Assist while headshots count as a kill. Was it always like this? 0.o

  • abel95 wrote: »
    3) Getting a normal kill counts as a Assist while headshots count as a kill. Was it always like this? 0.o


    You have to headshot him. I think only headshot can do the kill there because if you shoot him to death with no headshot he can be revived by a team mate. In your case there is no one to help him get up so the round end.
  • abel95 wrote: »
    1) Connection has been Delayed Error

    It happens to everyone in the same room and it normally happens when you start a game. It takes you back to the lobby before the loading screen comes on. Happens at random times in random games.


    2) Bombing Mode Loading screen is a bit off. Happens at random times.


    3) Getting a normal kill counts as a Assist while headshots count as a kill. Was it always like this? 0.o


    1) It's been happening whole day today
    2) I don't think this happened to me
    3) Getting a non headshot kill counts as an assist because even if helped by a teammate, one will have only 30 hp left.
  • In bombing mode, occasionally when you plant the GPS and the match ends. It gives the score to the wrong side. I planted as a GR and BL got the round point. =/ hard to get a picture of it and forgot to save the replay but will try to remember next time I see it happen. This is the 2nd time I've seen it happen since Bombing Mode was introduced though.