Found bugs/issues? Post them here!



  • Rqp3Vny.png
    new weapon in MG section and its rifle!

    that is the Lewis Gun Xmas ingame
    they are mixed up in the storage
  • that is the Lewis Gun Xmas ingame
    they are mixed up in the storage

    They're aware of this issue, it'll get fixed during the next patch. Until then, CM901 will be Lewis Gun in game, and the other way around.
  • The B.C. Axe-Beast doesn't have the slash effect anymore...

    And melees get "+ammo" when the Barrett-Iron Shark is equipped.
  • Got a "failed to connect to host server" error joining a ranked FFA match.. and still getting this even after some hours and i can't join FFA any help ?
  • i didn't reveive the rewards from event why
  • 3bassy wrote: »
    Got a "failed to connect to host server" error joining a ranked FFA match.. and still getting this even after some hours and i can't join FFA any help ?

    the channels in UK are full. Try NA :)
  • Pretty much everything to do with starting ranked matches with a couple ingame.

    Go into uk4, clicked Ranked, get thrown to UK2 against your will, click start, get error: Failed to join group 9002 (sometimes 30 times in a row) or get error: Failed to join group 1000 (Which boots you out of ranked mode and the server).

    Provided you can somehow avoid these errors and actually manage to view the "Joining..." screen, the "Estimated waiting time remains at "Checking..." and you will most likely witness every community function appear simultaneously (Message notification, Friend 1:1 chat etc) whilst remaining inoperable and unclosable unless you close ranked mode entirely.

    On the offchance you manage to get past these errors and popup glitches and perform a miracle by joining a group, you then get the luxury of seeing a screen telling you "Players are being gathered" with a counter noting the number of participants in the group. And here comes the fun part, now you get to watch this number go from Participants 2/10 up to 9/10 then back down to 2/10 sometimes five to six times over a span of 5-15 minutes before you finally give up and hit cancel to start the whole hideous process all over again,

    Not the most enticing experience I must say, especially when once you manage to get into a room, you find yourself paired with a bunch of steyr/thompson/m12s toting medos/bedos/kokopops etc that either stay a.f.k. or do everything in their power to annoy you into dropping your gun for them. That's not a bug with a game though, that's just crossfire life.

    There's also the issue of ping spikes. In public, it happens occasionally but thats on the players end. In ranked, spikes are frequent, they happen to nearly everyone, regardless of locale/ISP and they are utterly devastating to the total KD/win ratio of players that are genuinely skilled and trying their best to win only to find they suddenly cant change weapons or have have half the enemy team suddenly teleport two feet in front of them.

    Aaaaand you made participation essential if players want to partake in the current event. GG WP
  • The0N3 wrote: »
    Pretty much everything to do with starting ranked matches with a couple ingame.

    Go into uk4, clicked Ranked, get thrown to UK2 against your will, click start, get error: Failed to join group 9002 (sometimes 30 times in a row) or get error: Failed to join group 1000 (Which boots you out of ranked mode and the server).

    Provided you can somehow avoid these errors and actually manage to view the "Joining..." screen, the "Estimated waiting time remains at "Checking..." and you will most likely witness every community function appear simultaneously (Message notification, Friend 1:1 chat etc) whilst remaining inoperable and unclosable unless you close ranked mode entirely.

    On the offchance you manage to get past these errors and popup glitches and perform a miracle by joining a group, you then get the luxury of seeing a screen telling you "Players are being gathered" with a counter noting the number of participants in the group. And here comes the fun part, now you get to watch this number go from Participants 2/10 up to 9/10 then back down to 2/10 sometimes five to six times over a span of 5-15 minutes before you finally give up and hit cancel to start the whole hideous process all over again,

    Not the most enticing experience I must say, especially when once you manage to get into a room, you find yourself paired with a bunch of steyr/thompson/m12s toting medos/bedos/kokopops etc that either stay a.f.k. or do everything in their power to annoy you into dropping your gun for them. That's not a bug with a game though, that's just crossfire life.

    There's also the issue of ping spikes. In public, it happens occasionally but thats on the players end. In ranked, spikes are frequent, they happen to nearly everyone, regardless of locale/ISP and they are utterly devastating to the total KD/win ratio of players that are genuinely skilled and trying their best to win only to find they suddenly cant change weapons or have have half the enemy team suddenly teleport two feet in front of them.

    Aaaaand you made participation essential if players want to partake in the current event. GG WP

    The channels are full thats why u get the error. They should move the ranked games from UK5 channel 8 cus its always full (competitive channel) to an empty channel. Same with UK3.
    Try the NA servers they will work.
  • Lewis Gun Xmas is considered a rifle while the original is an MG.

    After you buy zp, it still says "G4Box" instead if SmileGate West
  • Y0ungAngie wrote: »
    Lewis Gun Xmas is considered a rifle while the original is an MG.

    After you buy zp, it still says "G4Box" instead if SmileGate West

    Lewis Gun / CM901 bug is known, they'll fix it during the next maintenance.
  • Got some error 3 times now while playing FFA ranked. Lost 1 class. Played all day lost it all in f**ing 3 games. I was not the only one who got the error that game.
    Please fix it so u wont lose so much of ur exp in ranked if u leave the game. No one even leaves a FFA ranked match if not forced
  • swesub1 wrote: »
    Got some error 3 times now while playing FFA ranked. Lost 1 class. Played all day lost it all in f**ing 3 games. I was not the only one who got the error that game.
    Please fix it so u wont lose so much of ur exp in ranked if u leave the game. No one even leaves a FFA ranked match if not forced

    Bro I wish you specified a bit more in 'how' it happened, so others can avoid it, IF they can. xD
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    Bro I wish you specified a bit more in 'how' it happened, so others can avoid it, IF they can. xD

    Everything froze, was in the middle of the map no where speical and got a error. Did not manage to take a ss :(

    I just want them to reduce the exp loss in ranked in case this happens.
  • swesub1 wrote: »
    Everything froze, was in the middle of the map no where speical and got a error. Did not manage to take a ss :(I just want them to reduce the exp loss in ranked in case this happens.
    Oh I see. Yea these inevitable errors shouldn't make us lose any EXP, but that would be challenging for Z8 to do. We will see. In the meantime, just play Ranked during the day, when it's early hours of Egypt time. More youngsters Online > KDR > More EXP Gains. xD
  • swesub1 wrote: »
    The channels are full thats why u get the error. They should move the ranked games from UK5 channel 8 cus its always full (competitive channel) to an empty channel. Same with UK3.
    Try the NA servers they will work.

    Thanks for the suggestion, NA server did reduce the 9002 errors but now I'm dealing with 150 ping instead of 30 which makes it nigh on impossible to kill anyone. Emptied an entire clip into one guy at almost point blank range... got 52 dmg before he killed me in the half a second it took him to realise I was there, with two or three shots. (For once, not a ping spike)

    And I still had to contend with the other nonsense like sudden lag, notification popups etc.

    Guess I'll suffer through the event then wave a grateful goodbye to ranked mode for ever more :)

    Appreciate the feedback though.

    Edit: More bugs and stupidity from ranked mode

    Can't whisper when Ranked window is open
    Can't invite more than one person to a team
    When I do make a team, it is often disbanded for no reason at all. Sometimes, without telling the host so the game starts and he finds him/herself alone.

    One MAJOR bug that annoyed the hell out of me and sent me from Gold 1st class firmly back to Silver 6th out of sheer stupidity....

    Castle SnD, carry my GR team to victory through four rounds of the game with an 11-2 KD. 3K PING SPIKE out of nowhere for no reason. Happens to another player on the opposing team too exactly same time. Kicks us both from the game on the last round. Manage to intrude back in and find myself on BL with the other ping spike victim on my team in my place. The game had SWITCHED our PLACES...

    And all I could do was sit and watch 3rd person as "My team" destroyed the BL team and sailed to victory with a 5-0 win that I had given them, whilst I received a hefty loss added to my record.

    Just another example of this failed mode, screwing over decent, dedicated players. Thanks
  • In the winter crates, the savage frost is glitched as it says +5 which means it should be 15/30 but it is 10/30 just like the regular one, please fix this
  • Pile of shat, FFA kills ain't counting towards Today's mission. these guys get anything right?MzoTG0D.png
  • Ranked Matches is unplayable. I have been getting this error message all day today.


  • abel95 wrote: »
    Ranked Matches is unplayable. I have been getting this error message all day today.


    Only in uk too. In NA its working fine =/
  • Was in this map just doing nothing with other people for playtime, jumped on the boxed, got stuck on the wall and basically fell down...
  • Roof spawn at s&d blackwidow.
    joint a playing room 15/16(full)
    spawn at the roof at the middle did take a little damage.
    2nd round i did not move (i could) and did get client error.
    sorry dont have a screen shot.
  • Spy mode is laggy. First of all some of my friends said they get FPS drops and a lot of people complain about it ingame. Also, there are random lag spikes even for those who aren't lagging. I average to ~30-40 ping but I had issues where people with similar pings just teleport in front of me or when I get killed I get thrown around the floor.
  • I keep finding more bugs in Spy Mode. lol

    1) The lag in Spy Mode is really out of control. I am player who normally gets 100+ FPS in all modes expect from Spy Mode. Why? I have no idea but it's definitely not on my end because my laptop is pretty brand new and it handle games which have a higher requirement settings than CrossFire. So I don't understand why Spy Mode is exception.

    Not only that but I have asked other players in-game and they have also told me that they experienced the same. So I know I am not the only person who experiences lag in Spy Mode.

    2) You can't whisper other players in the same room. It just said unable to send whisper. I believe this is a bug since you were allowed to whisper before.

    3) Dead Body still appears in the middle of the map.


    4) Unable to start/move. Stuck in Camera view. The game says that I'm alive yet, I am stuck in Camera View. I personally think this bug might be linked with the dead body bug.


    5) Round not ending even after all players are dead. You have to wait until the time runs out until you can start the next round.

  • fix this broken game already. I'm getting damage on necks in HS mode and it's really annoying. It's been around since HS mode was released...
  • Just wondering, am I the only one who cannot use the CF website shop on their phone? None of the buy buttons seem to work. (Android 4.4.4, using Chrome)
  • Jefe963 wrote: »
    Just wondering, am I the only one who cannot use the CF website shop on their phone? None of the buy buttons seem to work. (Android 4.4.4, using Chrome)

    I've noticed that too when I'm on my phone
  • Jefe963 wrote: »
    Just wondering, am I the only one who cannot use the CF website shop on their phone? None of the buy buttons seem to work. (Android 4.4.4, using Chrome)

    Works on iPhone. Android issue.