Found bugs/issues? Post them here!
But the worst bug of all is the clan war results . we losing so many points.because the games are showing 2 first halves and zero points.Also showing players all quit when they did NOT quit so zero points again.This is getting so bloody stupid .You could play 10 clan wars and only see real results for 2 of them! Sort it out pleaseeee!!!!!!!
You still here Simrock? I got some more bugs to report for this fail-ass game.
Well, aside from the hackers that were in this match, note the "tower" on the minimap. I believe that's a player but their icon is bugged and he looks like a tower. He might have been one of the hackers so it's possibly a bug related to using the hack, I dunno.
The tower in this picture is dead. Only it appears to be alive except the turret part is hanging off the side and was spinning around the tower as if it was active.
I like a good exercise in futility so I thought I'd add one more bug to the vast list of things that will never be fixed.
Guns firing without actually left clicking. Happens multiple times per match and I've asked several people if they get the same issue and the answer is a resounding "YES". It's not my mouse, it's not my computer, it's, as usual, a problem host side. You spawn in any mode and your gun is just firing for no reason. -
Another bug I've noticed is that the Hang 1000 achievement that gives you a faster cooldown doesn't seem to be giving me a faster cooldown anymore. My Demolition +10 has a base cooldown of 11 seconds. Once I discovered that the achievement had to be equipped in order to work I set it as my main achievement and voila! My cooldown went from 11 secs to 8 secs. Well, now it's back to 11 secs whether I have Hang 1000 set as my main achievement or not.
Yet another bug for you guys to not fix... -
Lol, does look like changing a player but still it looks messed up (people will need a lot of imagination to see that) & at least Dev's could have made that clearer if one arm was different to another rather than the same. Anyway this bug is minor & this mode is only temporary, so I doubt they will fix it.
you rly think its a bug? highfive to change the player.
When i first saw it,i thought it is some kind of trick,after screen shoot i got it.But it is very annoying when they do it and it happens too fast with respwan condition(red color) and he cant move to left and right for 1-2 sec,it seems like a bug but it is not.
Ty -
BUGS INCOMINGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! Found some new bugs :rolleyes:
BUG #1.
The gun Ruger MINI-14 is glitched. It wont allow you to switch after you start reloading. Im pretty sure this is a glitch. FIX IT. I LOVE DIS GUN. ( NEW INFO: For some reason the glitch isnt working now XD) I guess it fixed itself.
BUG #2:How to recreate: Just join the tutorial. Do not follow the directions of the first room. Just start running to the end of the tutorial. Pull out your knife and grenade. Then go to the part where there is water. Aim your mouse at the water and water bullets fly out.
What happens: If you do not completely follow to directions the game gives you, switch to your knife and grenade, your hands are messed up when you pull out your grenade or knife. Then when you get to the water part of the course. aim your mouse at the water and the water should act as if you are shooting it EVEN if you are holding out your grenade or knife.
Here are some pics:BUG #3: Heres just an extra glitch i found.
Im pretty sure it has been reported, but meh. It happens when you try to join a game. And after like 10 seconds of just waiting for the game to say "joining game" that pops up and you cannot close it, forcing me to restart cf. T-T
WELP. Dere u go. +1 for [MOD]Mari? ?
Oh and when is z8 gonna fix the sorting options. Getting SO annoying to keep pressing it everytime i join a lobby. -
1st and most annoying is "Disconnected due to Incorrect player Info.2_5
I have recieved this many many times and usually just before the wave mode match is completed (18-21 minutes) VERY Aggrivating i am able to complete maybe 1 out of 10 wave mode matches.
After the patch today i am now getting a 2nd error "CF Client Error Code Number : 18_0
Note * I only receive these errors in wave mode all other modes are working fine.
tech support ticket sent in on the player info error and advised to
1) Shut off anivirus and re- download the game
2) Remove and reinstall CF (did that 2x) on Tower and Laptop
3) Load CF folder into exempt list (whichas been in there for 2 years) but removed and did it again just incase
4) Try playing CF with anivirus disabled
anyone have any other suggestions? Running Windows 8.1
I also run 8 I always run CF in admin mode. Learned with vista to always run CF in admin tried that? -
0z0mulsion wrote: »This has happened to me on numerous occasions and it is incredibly annoying. The framerate tends to glitch out for me and become choppy right on the first respawn, and when I hit the ground my character loses a 3rd of it's HP. Only happens on your first respawn.
Respawn damage happened to me on a match of Alsaka EM recently and I believe it also happened to me once on Downtown SnD, both times losing 20 HP on the first spawn. It seems to be an extremely rare glitch outside of Orbital Station
If that problem is still around, I would love some screenshots, I simply can't reproduce it, :PI can not switch my weapons in TDM Egypt since today:
If the problem persist, I will gladly add it to the list.The Shadow Mode KD is bugged again. T_T
I think the last patch might have fixed it. Correct me if I'm wrong or if it ever occurs again after a future update.liumang007 wrote: »mode: S&D
after plant C4,i hide behind the box with that male char player......
this is not glitch and hacking.but i dont know how him can push me into the
i have not got client error,please check and fix this bug!thanks.
Noted, but I'll have to remove that picture from the post.Mine is Castle.Plant bomb on ground behind hay bales at B site.Then get stuck to the ground,cant go anywhere can only turn on the spot. 2nd one is this eagle eye from A site go up stairs to house on left. Get stuck halfway up stairs.
I don't recall getting stuck on any of these particular spots ever and I still can't manage to do that.liumang007 wrote: »are you kidding me? he is already in my friend list......
Lol, that's a first, I'll leave a note about this.note the "tower" on the minimap. I believe that's a player but their icon is bugged and he looks like a tower. He might have been one of the hackers so it's possibly a bug related to using the hack, I dunno.
The tower in this picture is dead. Only it appears to be alive except the turret part is hanging off the side and was spinning around the tower as if it was active.
I can't quite tell, but I'll keep these screenshots and leave a note!Guns firing without actually left clicking. Happens multiple times per match and I've asked several people if they get the same issue and the answer is a resounding "YES". It's not my mouse, it's not my computer, it's, as usual, a problem host side. You spawn in any mode and your gun is just firing for no reason.
I never experienced this, but one of my friend did on rare occasions, so I'll keep that in mind."Mental difficulty" level is back on Dinner Theater ZM
Back in full force! One could think it's the hard difficulty, lol. Anyway, I'll report it!Another bug I've noticed is that the Hang 1000 achievement that gives you a faster cooldown doesn't seem to be giving me a faster cooldown anymore. My Demolition +10 has a base cooldown of 11 seconds. Once I discovered that the achievement had to be equipped in order to work I set it as my main achievement and voila! My cooldown went from 11 secs to 8 secs. Well, now it's back to 11 secs whether I have Hang 1000 set as my main achievement or not.
Noted.Bug or not ?yes, it's definitely a funny 'bug' his arms are messed up. Looks like something one see's from 'exorcism experience' lol.Lol, does look like changing a player but still it looks messed up (people will need a lot of imagination to see that) & at least Dev's could have made that clearer if one arm was different to another rather than the same. Anyway this bug is minor & this mode is only temporary, so I doubt they will fix it.When i first saw it,i thought it is some kind of trick,after screen shoot i got it.But it is very annoying when they do it and it happens too fast with respwan condition(red color) and he cant move to left and right for 1-2 sec,it seems like a bug but it is not.
Seems rather minor, but does look weird, so I'll report it as well.<Tutorial Bug>[/B]
Noted.DeftFalcon wrote: »Sometimes the weapons are blinking and they disappear. I don't know what it triggers them to do that.
I wish I knew, lol. But I'll take these screenshots and report it. -
random soccer mode Error , from nowhere -.-
I'll add that to the list.liumang007 wrote: »dinner bugged again
Should be fixed as of today's hotfix.i played on the 7,the 8 and the 9tth of june 2014 and didnt get the XP and the GP.I did get the EXTRA MISSION.Could someoane help me with that?I dont know who to ask!THANK YOU
It might have been tied to the soccer map, from what I see in the patch notes anyway. But if the problem persist, make sure to let us know!Important , Fix this.
Mmm... wasn't the 1920x1080 option always only available if we change some numbers in the option.dat file? That 0 option is weird though, I could add this one at least. Edit: It's the first number in system.dat actually (6 is 1920x1080).Framedrop on Compound and Spain SnD
Also Crater ZM laggs without reason
I'll check that out later.<Tutorial Bug>
Well, it's now fixed! -
[MOD]Simrock wrote: »Mmm... wasn't the 1920x1080 option always only available if we change some numbers in the option.dat file? Anyway, that 0 option is indeed weird, I guess I should add this one at least.
dude, wednesday and the years before was all fine, like always.
logged in yesterday and the 1920reso was gone. and i never had the CFTool before to have 1920x1080.
and when im starting cf now , i have 800x600reso.
this never happend before , and I did not change anything , anywhere. was just sleeping ^^
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