From the Ashes!
WootzGaming wrote: »Nice
We need new BP items/weapons tho
like 100k bp item idk something thats worth buying.
I would definitely appreciate that. Also if they generally updated the Mall at least once every year, that would be nice.
Also, why not get some FP permanent guns? Make them cost high enough where people still need to save up for awhile. Gives players who on a tight budget something to shoot for. -
One more thing GM um can u make your Mods play crossfire so they can see how many Dammed hackers other are or just 50random players a kick or banned command BC cf is starting to suck bad I did not was my money am a hackers game don't want to be racist but wen are u IP ban Egypt? BC they are the ones that hack and make hacks
It's money in there pocket's for old ROPE
It's not like there spending where the customer want's
no server upgrades , uk server's are the old WON servers for cs beta 1999 . z8 wont and cant change a god dam thing.
no new gp content/crates "So obviously pay to play now ?"
Z8&Co begg but not in <---this word` there grafty arshenloch's
Mod's are just well underaged diabolical looser's that close thread's when there's a VALID point . Game Manager is there one ? without the lie's
It's up to the individual to stop deposit's - why waist your cash/money on a game thats ill managed and the most unreliable game on the face of this earth z8&co dont give a monkey's, aslong as there get fund's for what we will never no then the game has come to a halt and the hack waist of space need's a ip ban . so ban all them cafe's quick lol
We go to Brazil for the world cup and theres mention that there cafe's will be smashed up -
dsdagdfbgegbqerafhqerathSometimes I wonder... if all of Crossfire NA boycotted buying ZP or spending any ZP for 1 week, if that would change anything...or if it doesn't change anything, if it would at least be significant enough for Z8 to notice.
adsvfsdgasdgae -
thank youSometimes I wonder... if all of Crossfire NA boycotted buying ZP or spending any ZP for 1 week, if that would change anything...or if it doesn't change anything, if it would at least be significant enough for Z8 to notice.
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