Aversion Recruitment Thread
FrozenPizza wrote: »but can you do it against the 14-15 oreo trio?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd1ACLNKtLw did it here several times -
dominatorGT wrote: »https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd1ACLNKtLw did it here several times
o wait you didn't go thru we rekt you that match -
Dang destroy gets around more than a h**** on a holiday, RIPFrozenPizza wrote: »we cw'd fallen on exertus and lost and he had enough of being in the losing clan. aversion = victory clan
lmao, nah nah nah, Ima stay in Exertus, Nelson is bae m8 -
FrozenPizza wrote: »we cw'd fallen on exertus and lost and he had enough of being in the losing clan. aversion = victory clan
Wow a cw that BrozenPizza lost? I didn't think ego allowed for such blasphemy to be admitted.
destroy5050 wrote: »lmao, nah nah nah, Ima stay in Exertus, Nelson is bae m8
Ok ok ok, kicked from clen -
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