How are the SL and the M4 equal?
I saw that they said that the SL only really has a faster reload and was like wtf. So I played with it for awhile and came to the conclusion that it's much easier than the m4 lol. Then I tested it and found out how different they are:
PS: ignore the first spray pattern part. they are similar, i didnt realize how much farther away I was with the m4 until i put it in SV and didnt feel like redoing it. The rest of the vid is the important part anyways. When tapping or bursting with the SL, it's SO MUCH easier than the M4. The rest period on the SL is much shorter.
PS: ignore the first spray pattern part. they are similar, i didnt realize how much farther away I was with the m4 until i put it in SV and didnt feel like redoing it. The rest of the vid is the important part anyways. When tapping or bursting with the SL, it's SO MUCH easier than the M4. The rest period on the SL is much shorter.
Im guessing this is referring to the LAN rules eh?
The rules are not my problem to deal with.
I'm not necessarily bashing them or anything. I just don't understand the reasoning. It's like allowing the m12s and saying: It's fair because anyone can use it. NO, it's not. Just because everyone can use it doesn't make it a gun you should allow. It allows players who aren't very good to just get automatic frags by holding down the button. -
I'm not necessarily bashing them or anything. I just don't understand the reasoning. It's like allowing the m12s and saying: It's fair because anyone can use it. NO, it's not. Just because everyone can use it doesn't make it a gun you should allow. It allows players who aren't very good to just get automatic frags by holding down the button.
I think the m12 is allowed :O no point bothering with the rules. -
Got an auto click timer? Why are the 2 weapons being fired from different (drastically so for testing purposes) places?
Where's the recoil while moving footage? Where's the individual 1 shot recovery, 2 shot recovery, 3 shot recovery, 4 shot recovery, etc? Where's that recovery, but while moving? Where's the 5 shot, recover for .X of a second, into a 4 shot? While moving? And for every other combination, or at least enough to develop a plottable pattern?
Fact is that there is no proven baseline for the competitive community, besides what the popular vote has been. And since it's all GP, I can just dismiss any argument with a "It's availability balanced." But hopefully now you have some idea of just why it is that a 27 second clip of two guns (and a poorly done one at that) has little worth.
It wouldn't even matter if any of the legal guns were OP (especially considering that some of them ARE (hint hint, QBZ)), because again, there is no baseline. **** it, lets run no 1-shot HS guns, every other one is OP.
Hopefully someone gets my point. -
Got an auto click timer? Why are the 2 weapons being fired from different (drastically so for testing purposes) places?
Where's the recoil while moving footage? Where's the individual 1 shot recovery, 2 shot recovery, 3 shot recovery, 4 shot recovery, etc? Where's that recovery, but while moving? Where's the 5 shot, recover for .X of a second, into a 4 shot? While moving? And for every other combination, or at least enough to develop a plottable pattern?
Fact is that there is no proven baseline for the competitive community, besides what the popular vote has been. And since it's all GP, I can just dismiss any argument with a "It's availability balanced." But hopefully now you have some idea of just why it is that a 27 second clip of two guns (and a poorly done one at that) has little worth.
It wouldn't even matter if any of the legal guns were OP (especially considering that some of them ARE (hint hint, QBZ)), because again, there is no baseline. **** it, lets run no 1-shot HS guns, every other one is OP.
Hopefully someone gets my point.
I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. I know I'm right and I've seen how hard you are to talk to. I was just bringing up a point. I went into a room for maybe 2 min, did some simple tests and noticed that. There is a reason why a ton of people fell off after those weapons were taken off.
Edit: Might as well mention this. Why the hell would i get an auto c****** to do it with? They're two different guns that fire at two different rates. I'm going to burst them as fast as it will let me. You can OBVIOUSLY see how easy the SL is to tap and burst. 90% of the good competitive players try not to constantly move and shoot. They tap and burst for the most part and strafe stop which is the reason i did it from a standstill.
With saying that though, I'm done arguing already.
And one more thing: The availability balance is bs. Giving everyone an easy gun makes the skill cap even lower than it already is lol. Don't use that argument. -
How are the SL and the M4 equal?
for some thoughtless reason, a few unintelligent players, --that think they're intelligent-- think that because the scarl and m4 have the same spray pattern, that they are in the same league. while not taking into account ANY other aspects of the guns.
for example: you can run and spray with the scarl and it still doesn't have recoil. if you run and spray with the m4, your bullets will go far up. There are a handful of other advantages the scarl has over the m4.
but if you ban the scarl, a new gun will come to power. where is the line? There will always be a top gun.
except if you did bull pup rifles and non-magnum pistols. -
Peter_North wrote: »for some thoughtless reason, a few unintelligent players, --that think they're intelligent-- think that because the scarl and m4 have the same spray pattern, that they are in the same league. while not taking into account ANY other aspects of the guns.
for example: you can run and spray with the scarl and it still doesn't have recoil. if you run and spray with the m4, your bullets will go far up. There are a handful of other advantages the scarl has over the m4.
but if you ban the scarl, a new gun will come to power. where is the line? There will always be a top gun.
except if you did bull pup rifles and non-magnum pistols.
Ikr! it's like they want to give bad players a chance or something. No offense to anyone, I'm not meaning anything by it, I'm just trying to make a point lol.. Like i said, it makes the skill cap lower even more for cf if you do this...... -
If nothing at all, I wanna at least hear the reasoning to this exact specific rule set after we've been using a different one for so many years.
denxi allowed m12s is this real life
He apparently also had a rule that he wanted to put in ESG that you cant use a deagle if you awm...... LOL -
There is a reason why a ton of people fell off after those weapons were taken off.
They tap and burst for the most part and strafe stop which is the reason i did it from a standstill.
Take WOGL-P S1 for example. The players from the teams that went far in playoffs compose a majority of the "top players" today.
Also, you don't need to strafe stop in cf. Simply letting go of the key instantly brings your acceleration to 0. -
WePlayHard wrote: »recoil is exactly the same, except with the standing 2-burst with the sl.
the standing 2-burst with the scar light goes perfectly straight, and it deals 1-2 points more of damage. thats the only difference.
Mindtrump are you f'ing blind. Look at the tapping....... -
Also, you don't need to strafe stop in cf. Simply letting go of the key instantly brings your acceleration to 0.
No it doesnt lol. if you shoot as SOON as you let go of your button it has recoil like you're moving. Either that or my CF is f'd. That's the reason i strafe stop. If you just let go, you slide to a stop. -
No it doesnt lol. if you shoot as SOON as you let go of your button it has recoil like you're moving. Either that or my CF is f'd. That's the reason i strafe stop
Also in your previous post you mentioned that the SL and m4 have different fire rates which isn't true. -
Nobody noteworthy fell off. The people who were good in 2009 are the same ones who were good in 2010/2011. Less of those people played in 2012, but the ones that did were still good.
Take WOGL-P S1 for example. The players from the teams that went far in playoffs compose a majority of the "top players" today.
Also, you don't need to strafe stop in cf. Simply letting go of the key instantly brings your acceleration to 0.Most likely your cf is ****ed.
Also in your previous post you mentioned that the SL and m4 have different fire rates which isn't true.
M4 shoots faster from what I noticed.
Everyone I've asked so far says that you slide to a stop. I don't think my CF is messed up.
Edit: You're right. I'm thinking of your movement, not the accuracy of the shot. I see what you're talking about now. You're still sliding to a stop, but you have an accurate shot when you release the button. What i meant is that you have to strafe stop in order to stand stock-still. -
Its as if they want to tell good players who use anything but M4 and AK as a rifler to go fck themselves. The g36k has full wall bang, but has average damage, fast fire rate, crazy recoil, and sporadic recoil pattern, why don't they allow it? I've been playing with it for 4 years. Competition banned a vanilla gun just for wall bang, yet the m4 with its predictable spray and relatively low recoil gets to toil on, the AK is easier to control long range than a g36k -_-*.
another thing, g4box tiered weapons, for a while AK-47 and M4 were the top tier rifles performance wise, their advanced versions are a tier higher. The scar L goes in the tier with the advanced versions of the M4 and AK. so allowing scar L in competition makes no sense if you look at it as a tiered performance system where its equals are not allowed.
people started getting mad butt hurt about there m4 and AKs being knocked off their pedestal though, why should I have to switch a gun Ive been using for 4 years, just to be in a competitive game, when my guns stats are balanced but give me an advantage in CQB?
I can see plain and simple when Denxi Said:
"Fact is that there is no proven baseline for the competitive community, besides what the popular vote has been."
so this tells me that the competitive community said "oh, wall bang guns are OP" so they banned them.
end of rant. -
calvinkleinn wrote: »For once I agree with famous, and i know for a fact many people that are actually good in this game(no not good two years ago) good now will agree with me.
All the top players from 2-3 years ago are the same players who are good now.
LifeLine SNSD Carbon Standby LPK Devious were the top teams in 2010
If you look at those teams and look at the players who went to WCG for canada/usa they share a majority. -
get on your main please.
this is my main, I barely ever use forums, because they are usually a waste of time, but this topic seemed like a good opportunity to show what I've seen in-game. my IGN is Bear[SK] if that's what you are looking for. -
I don't see why
A) Why their changing the rules that have been in place for 3 years.
Why their doing it a month before the lan
C) Why Denxi is the one making the rules. He's been here for years but has never made a name for himself as a competitive player.
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