[MEGA EVENT] Mutant Free Day Event!



First of all, welcome to our newest event! The "Mutant Free Day Event"! We have fantastic events where you can participate in, both in-game and forum-wise! I will be explaining here all the rules and such for each event. So, get your MGs or Bikini ready and come and fight or relax with us!
For more information look here : http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?t=237528


You are a good photographer and like to take some photos of your friends while they're chilling in our newest resort?
This is the right job for you then! Get your camera and provide us the best unedited relaxed photo of your friends in the resort! We will be reviewing all entries and announcing the winners during the next week.

How to post a screenshot:
  • Upload your picture at imageshack
  • click on the picture
  • click right-click
  • select "copy graphiclink" (something like this)
  • write insert URL link here in this thread

Prize: 10.000 ZP + Gift Ribbon!

bldSaint & Veracity is the sponsor for this event, we'd like to thank them very much for this.


A free mutant day? That means we have to teach the Havoc how to behave! We want to see videos which show how you tame the Havoc and show to him how to behave correctly towards soldiers in a resort on a free day! We'd like to see the videos being uploaded at Youtube. Be a real director and show us some real good stuff! We will be looking at all videos and announcing the winners during the next week.

Prize: 10.000 ZP + Gift Ribbon!

bldSaint & Veracity is the sponsor for this event, we'd like to thank them very much for this.


You are ready for some cool event rooms to play in? You want to get some cool stuff? This is your chance! Take the chance to play with known forumers, MODs, and maybe even GMs!

Name of the rooms:

Resort Free Day Event Room

Time we will be holding the rooms:

19 Jan, 5PM GMT+1

Server/Channel we will be in:

UK Server 5, Channel 5
Delta Sever, Channel 5

Password of the rooms:


People who will be opening up rooms: (JOIN ROOMS OF THE FOLLOWING PERSONS, even if they aren't MODs.)

ChickenWrap, Mr_Vu, Simrock007, Seashore, Nonnen[Wolle, **Altair**


Just relax, don't shoot, just chill out.

Codes will be giving to:

Random people in the room.


You are ready for some cool event rooms to play in? You want to get some cool stuff? This is your chance! Take the chance to play with known forumers, MODs, and maybe even GMs!

Name of the rooms:

Killstreak HMX Event Room

Time we will be holding the rooms:

19 Jan, 5PM GMT+1

Server/Channel we will be in:

UK Server 5, Channel 5
Delta Server , Channel 5

Password of the rooms:


People who will be opening up rooms: (JOIN ROOMS OF THE FOLLOWING PERSONS, even if they aren't MODs.)

ChickenWrap, Mr_Vu, Simrock007, Seashore, Nonnen[Wolle, **Altair**


Kill, shoot, be a warrior!!

Codes will be giving to:

Highest killstreak / Highest score in the room.


Yes, obviously we're giving away prizes. Please do not beg for them. We will give some out, don't worry. Please follow the rules. If you join in a room where you aren't allowed to shoot, and you still do it, you will be kicked and it will lead to being barred from all rooms held. It's not like we're not able to start a kick vote immediately.

I hope you enjoy this event and I will see ya on saturday! The ZP will be gifted though GoCash. Thanks again to bldSaint for providing us these codes for the ZP. You're great man!



This discussion has been closed.