Is the competitive scene still strong for Crossfire?

I've been gone for about half a year, and out of date with what's going on.
I knew that in late 2011, teams fought to go WCG but that's just about it.
Also that there's a ghost touney coming up.
Hows scrimming going on in echo 8? Is it dead or what?


  • The only time CrossFire competitive scene could be considered strongis when WOGL was still around.
  • delNee wrote: »
    The only time CrossFire competitive scene could be considered strongis when WOGL was still around.


    Early WOGL maybe, but the spring/summer 2009 era is a contender.
  • ixneD wrote: »

    Early WOGL maybe, but the spring/summer 2009 era is a contender.

    either that but strong?
  • greggor24 wrote: »
    either that but strong?

    Maybe who's are toast.
  • It died out a long time ago, but now that KlutchKilleR is back we may have a chance to recover. Without KlutchKilleR the competitive scene would be so bad that no one would want to play.
  • Anyone that says the competitive scene is dying or has died has no idea what they are talking about.
  • mickeyes wrote: »
    Anyone that says the competitive scene is dying or has died has no idea what they are talking about.

    crossfire has done nothing but grow, as well as the competitive scene
  • IAmHotter wrote: »
    It died out a long time ago, but now that KlutchKilleR is back we may have a chance to recover. Without KlutchKilleR the competitive scene would be so bad that no one would want to play.
    you have downs..
  • mickeyes wrote: »
    Anyone that says the competitive scene is dying or has died has no idea what they are talking about.

    i give this game a year or so, if nothing significant changes then it's over from there.
  • Liqz wrote: »
    crossfire has done nothing but grow, as well as the competitive scene

    unfortunately it has only grown in (users zp sales, and mexicans to run around with spops, and kinky cute guns/nades)

    the community for competitive isnt big enough.

    leagues need lots of support/backing from the community, if the community doesnt 1. like the league ( which is easy in this game ) 2. Cant put numbers up for the league to support us O_O
  • fallout51 wrote: »
    i give this game a year or so, if nothing significant changes then it's over from there.


    Never give up!!! Never surrender!!!

  • The game has never facilitated anything. It really is just a pub game. Always has been.
    The only one who has ever really wanted it to become something more was Saidin. Just to much to change and fix. That, and all free games have terrible communities... unless they are MMORPGs.
  • come out with with a good anticheat and lans anually and this game will survive.

    aka hand this game over to me and limes to run.
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    The game has never facilitated anything. It really is just a pub game. Always has been.
    The only one who has ever really wanted it to become something more was Saidin. Just to much to change and fix. That, and all free games have terrible communities... unless they are MMORPGs.
    Quake Live, Urban Terror and Team Fortress 2 have horrible communities?
    Good to know you spastic ignorant
  • greggor24 wrote: »

    the community for competitive isnt big enough.

    well just the lpk cup got 32 teams signed, and it was only announced on the competitive forum.
    when esg or another league/cup comes out and its announced on the crossfire news and others places. Pub teams would actually make a couple of teams and join it like it happened with wogl.
  • deLPKnee wrote: »
    Quake Live, Urban Terror and Team Fortress 2 have horrible communities?
    Good to know you spastic ignorant

    hmm quake lives communitity is ever diminishin, lol way back to 2000s? cmon fatal1ty? UT = lol wut? TF2 = only considerable very rarely, i think esea could barely feild a decent amount of teams, nd those were just 1.6ers/css'ers who played it for fun on the side

    tropphic wrote: »
    well just the lpk cup got 32 teams signed, and it was only announced on the competitive forum.
    when esg or another league/cup comes out and its announced on the crossfire news and others places. Pub teams would actually make a couple of teams and join it like it happened with wogl.

    32 teams are decent, you have to remember these leagues need to come with support and moral backing to in order to pay out prize fees etc. no ones gonna stay around leagues where theyres no point.

    but tbh 32 teams is childs play in a league yes it would be whatever, but half the teams would die by mid season in a good league etc. all these things you havent taken into account

    remember good leagues ( consist of a couple divisions to work with as well, so that way pro arent against new teams trying to build etc.) so 32 teams would diminish quickily

    also forgot to add a must A SOLID ANTICHEAT PROGRAM THAT Updates alots to avoid b1tches as i call them
  • Z8 makes SO MUCH ****ing money, I can't understand why they can't organize a lan.
  • deLPKnee wrote: »
    Quake Live, Urban Terror and Team Fortress 2 have horrible communities?
    Good to know you spastic ignorant

    All three of those are either games that were P2P or were based off a P2P game that most new teen gamers didn't play. (read: both for Quake and its engine/gameplay)

    Also, the combination of 'spastic' and 'ignorant' do not mix at all. You come off looking like the trash you are. Quit being ignorant of grammar.

    Now, why don't we list the absolute trash communities of games that were intended to be F2P?

    -League of Legends
    -S4 League used to be good
    -BF Heroes
    -War rock
    -APB (wasn't intended to be F2P at first though)

    Okay. Go away now you arrogant bad.
  • war rock had a decent community. what killed the game is the increasing rate of cheaters which basically made the game unplayable
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    All three of those are either games that were P2P or were based off a P2P game that most new teen gamers didn't play. (read: both for Quake and its engine/gameplay)

    Also, the combination of 'spastic' and 'ignorant' do not mix at all. You come off looking like the trash you are. Quit being ignorant of grammar.

    Now, why don't we list the absolute trash communities of games that were intended to be F2P?

    -League of Legends
    -S4 League used to be good
    -BF Heroes
    -War rock
    -APB (wasn't intended to be F2P at first though)

    Okay. Go away now you arrogant bad.
    SF had a half decent community when I played. At least 30 documented active channel 10 teams isn't too shabby, and the forums were actually an enjoyable place to post on for a while .
  • war rock had a decent community. what killed the game is the increasing rate of cheaters which basically made the game unplayable

    Yeah, decent community when it first came out.

    On a side note, ToR's community is trash too. It is a wanna-be WoW community (which is also bad) that is full of SW fanboys that can't recognize how bad the game is... even when it copied so much from WoW and still did it wrong.

    Christ, even Tera's first closed beta was full of trolls and bads. Second still had a few, and the third was actually really fun. The trash on those forums has dropped down since the first CB aswell.

    There are always good people in the communities, but they are surrounded by young, obnoxious kids.
    ixneD wrote: »
    SF had a half decent community when I played. At least 30 documented active channel 10 teams isn't too shabby, and the forums were actually an enjoyable place to post on for a while .

    Most start out good. M.A.T was a bad game, but it had a decent community... all 300 of us. SF and WR were the same. Hell, even CF was okay for a while even during open beta.
  • From a professional standpoint, sitting back and WATCHING the figures in the competitive crowd from now until back when we first launched in Cross Fire [as that's as far back as I can go being as I was an admin] I'll give my HONEST opinion;

    Point #1

    Competitive Cross Fire is NOWHERE near the number it once was. There's roughly 35 Teams at this time. Safe to say? At one point I had 86 Teams under my watchful eye while with WOGL. 86 is an exact number; 35 is an approximate figure. That's a significant drop in numbers. I want people to argue that... It's definitely died off. The competitive community is shattered because there's no value.

    Point #2

    In order for this community to NOW grow all parties must work outside of this community. This community has been milked dry. We had a good number of new teams from other games come in when I [in company with Kayne] was marketing WOGL Season 1 in other communities; With plugs and segments on various podcasts including DJ WHEATS, gotFrag and more. All parties involved in the competitive community need to start working together, tackling angles outside of this pub based community. If Frank & G4Box [excluding Christian, because he's got the idea something MAJOR needs to be done] don't get their heads out of their a%%es and start investing in PROPER marketing techniques for this SPECIFIC aspect of their community it will remain stagnant; It's not dead at the moment, but it's motionless. Up to this point, that whole office has approached this avenue of their game with such buffoonery. The competitive side isn't hugely lucrative in today's market, but it's a selling point on expanding the brand and possibly holding the community longer. People WILL NOT stick around a F2P of this caliber forever. There's no benefit and the F2P games now are stepping up and building models to mimic top selling paid games. Only time will tell HOW SERIOUS that office [G4Box Inc.] is when it comes to competitive gaming. And if they don't comply, NeoWiz and SmileGate have some GREAT people that are always willing to listen how they can help in benefiting their game; Especially in markets outside of Asia. Sometimes you have to step over people in life to get somewhere...

    I've been speaking with Kris, aiding in ideas how he and the ESG team can better go about the marketing side of this upcoming league. And they've got a good grasp on all sides. They've got GREAT tools and even better resources. Now it's about putting them all together for the sake of Cross Fire NA. It's not implausible to see Cross Fire at a much higher level. It just needs the qualified hands and constructive minds to lead it there. There's already an established crowd. It's now up to G4Box Inc. & ESG to see where THEY take it. Do they leave it to grow internally? Or do they hit the wave of eSport communities and bringing in further talent and teams? I guess that's on them and we'll all just see.
  • 86 teams? the fk. i don't recall that amount lol
  • BOBBY wrote: »
    From a professional standpoint, sitting back and WATCHING the figures in the competitive crowd from now until back when we first launched in Cross Fire [as that's as far back as I can go being as I was an admin] I'll give my HONEST opinion;

    Point #1

    Competitive Cross Fire is NOWHERE near the number it once was. There's roughly 35 Teams at this time. Safe to say? At one point I had 86 Teams under my watchful eye while with WOGL. 86 is an exact number; 35 is an approximate figure. That's a significant drop in numbers. I want people to argue that... It's definitely died off. The competitive community is shattered because there's no value.

    Point #2

    In order for this community to NOW grow all parties must work outside of this community. This community has been milked dry. We had a good number of new teams from other games come in when I [in company with Kayne] was marketing WOGL Season 1 in other communities; With plugs and segments on various podcasts including DJ WHEATS, gotFrag and more. All parties involved in the competitive community need to start working together, tackling angles outside of this pub based community. If Frank & G4Box [excluding Christian, because he's got the idea something MAJOR needs to be done] don't get their heads out of their a%%es and start investing in PROPER marketing techniques for this SPECIFIC aspect of their community it will remain stagnant; It's not dead at the moment, but it's motionless. Up to this point, that whole office has approached this avenue of their game with such buffoonery. The competitive side isn't hugely lucrative in today's market, but it's a selling point on expanding the brand and possibly holding the community longer. People WILL NOT stick around a F2P of this caliber forever. There's no benefit and the F2P games now are stepping up and building models to mimic top selling paid games. Only time will tell HOW SERIOUS that office [G4Box Inc.] is when it comes to competitive gaming. And if they don't comply, NeoWiz and SmileGate have some GREAT people that are always willing to listen how they can help in benefiting their game; Especially in markets outside of Asia. Sometimes you have to step over people in life to get somewhere...

    I've been speaking with Kris, aiding in ideas how he and the ESG team can better go about the marketing side of this upcoming league. And they've got a good grasp on all sides. They've got GREAT tools and even better resources. Now it's about putting them all together for the sake of Cross Fire NA. It's not implausible to see Cross Fire at a much higher level. It just needs the qualified hands and constructive minds to lead it there. There's already an established crowd. It's now up to G4Box Inc. & ESG to see where THEY take it. Do they leave it to grow internally? Or do they hit the wave of eSport communities and bringing in further talent and teams? I guess that's on them and we'll all just see.

    Competitive client plz.
  • 86 teams? the fk. i don't recall that amount lol

    WOGL-O: 54 - Alpha > India : 6 teams per. Division
    WOGL-P: 12 - Alpha & Bravo : 6 Teams per. Division
    WOGL-EU: 20 - Alpha > Delta : 5 Teams per. Divison
  • ixneD wrote: »
    Competitive client plz.

    I think the competitive community needs more than the client itself, haha. It would be GLORIOUS though!
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    Also, the combination of 'spastic' and 'ignorant' do not mix at all. You come off looking like the trash you are. Quit being ignorant of grammar.
    They do mix quite well. In a slow and circular fashion.
    Now all the points you mentioned are rather idiotic and irrelevant to prove your point right so I didn't bother to quote them.
    TF2 was P2P at first, it was a major factor why the community was so much better than ours, I'd have to agree. But there are still 2 games left. It does NOT matter if those 2 games were based off P2P games at all. You said ALL F2P games.
    All means all, you're still ignorant.
    (oh and I am trash)
  • BOBBY wrote: »
    WOGL-O: 54 - Alpha > India : 6 teams per. Division
    WOGL-P: 12 - Alpha & Bravo : 6 Teams per. Division
    WOGL-EU: 20 - Alpha > Delta : 5 Teams per. Divison

    damn i expected like 1/3 of that lol
    didn't take eu teams into account

    i'm honestly surprised though. most of these "teams" never scrim. it's like the majority of the teams are made before a league and they try their luck in a match or two before splitting apart again hah
  • BOBBY wrote: »
    I think the competitive community needs more than the client itself, haha. It would be GLORIOUS though!

    Yea, but that could also lead into something for them to brag about.

    "Our F2P FPS is better than the next cause we actually have provided an environment for competition to flourish."
  • it's like the majority of the teams are made before a league and they try their luck in a match or two before splitting apart again hah

    This is generally the issue with the continuity of teams in this community. No sense of commitment. They lose a few games and decide that's it, might as well quit. There goes another team. That's something that needs to change either by way of an attitude adjustment or new players/teams. Teams form together and decide if they don't win right away, obviously they aren't a good team. That's pretty unfortunate.