


  • I don't get why you guy's are complaining about over powered guns since both teams can use them.
  • Just a fun fact to anyone raging at Denxi about him trying to push the all GP guns ruleset through ESG due to his hard headedness. He wasn't the person who suggested it.
  • A lot of people were looking forward to this league, but now I'm not so sure.

    If WCG didn't allow these guns, WOGL didn't allow these guns and ESL took them out, why don't you think to yourself why they did this?

    I know you're trying to be fair but less people would care if you didn't allow the Scar Light and M12 than if you left them. Also from the new poll the majority are saying no scar light and m12 at the least.

    If not you will just be hindering player performance because they will want to win matches by using these guns and there skill will go down by how easy these guns are to use. I also think a lot of teams will not be playing if this is the case.
  • I don't understand, how something can go fine for roughly 2years. (rule set)
    You make a new league and think there is something wrong with it?
    Don't you think if there was something wrong with it, in the first place, it would of been dealt with in the other leagues?

    It blows my mind, how you want to allow things that have been banned for quite some time. It doesn't take someone that's played this game since beta to know why certain weapons should be banned and certain weapons shouldn't be.

    You can come to this game, and after you pub once. Know what guns are "op".

    It seems as if you don't care what we(the community have to say).
    We make our valid points, and you say prove it.
    If we have to prove it before the tournament?
    How about this, you PROVE to us, that they should be allowed. (before the tournament)
  • You guys are making some valid points. And that is what we are looking for.

    To clear up a couple things. NESL allowed silenced weapons and some of the "OP" guns during the cups we ran. Scar light was removed from WOGL due to players complaining about it. K2 wasnt allowed in WOGL but eventually was.

    Dont get me wrong, Im not saying that the m12 should be allowed forever. What I am looking at is that when you know that everyone is playing legit you wont see people with wallbang guns being blatant. It does change things on a certain level.

    In NESL, when we allowed m4 silver, ak silver, ak camo and some other guns there was no problems with it. We only changed to the weapon set WOGL used because thats what everyone was used to. Add in the fact that most of this community does not do well with change. No offense intended.

    Keep up the discussion gentlemen.....I like the feed back thus far. Stay classy.
  • There's no need to talk about this anymore iceman.. Look at the "votes"

    UNLESS.. You really don't care about the votes.. And do as you please..

    So go ahead and allow all GP guns.. If people were smart they wouldn't use the SL or xm8 or even the m12 until "beta" is over.

    And when the "real" season starts then EVERYONE may use it..

    But remember you can't change the rules mid way in the season..

    Well you can BUT you're going to have a lot of ****ed off people that has already lost.
  • leapy1 wrote: »

    So go ahead and allow all GP guns.. If people were smart they wouldn't use the SL or xm8 or even the m12 until "beta" is over.

    And when the "real" season starts then EVERYONE may use it..
    That's also a really good point. Big +1
  • It all comes down to the organizations decision. They don't have to be dependable on the communties thoughts as 50%+ of this community don't even give their own broad opinion. Either-way, it's fair and unfair.
  • dEVIZ_e wrote: »
    A lot of people were looking forward to this league, but now I'm not so sure.

    If WCG didn't allow these guns, WOGL didn't allow these guns and ESL took them out, why don't you think to yourself why they did this?

    I know you're trying to be fair but less people would care if you didn't allow the Scar Light and M12 than if you left them. Also from the new poll the majority are saying no scar light and m12 at the least.

    If not you will just be hindering player performance because they will want to win matches by using these guns and there skill will go down by how easy these guns are to use. I also think a lot of teams will not be playing if this is the case.

    WOGL allowed a ton of guns all the way to season 3. WOGL took the guns out because people wanted WEM rules.

    Explain this to me, why are we the only version who chooses to restrict what guns we use? In nearly every other version, in leagues you can use whatever you want. In the almighty cf china, you can use SPOP and m4silver (OH MY GOSHHHHHHHH).
  • there shouldnt bge any m12 or scar-l but everything else seems ok
  • True doop.. And that is because the Chinese spend all their money on ZP, and not on their families.

    But silver/como should not be used..

    WOGL S3 rules should be at play here.

    No need to talk about it anymore.
  • It'd be nice if they brought back the m4 silver/adv.
  • Why? So people like you "who can't aim" can get random ass headshots running around?

    No that's a stupid idea.
  • leapy1 wrote: »
    Why? So people like you "who can't aim" can get random ass headshots running around?

    No that's a stupid idea.

    if you can aim why did you need to cheat in wcg qualifiers?
  • leapy1 wrote: »
    Why? So people like you "who can't aim" can get random ass headshots running around?

    No that's a stupid idea.

    The SL movement fire pattern is incredibly similar to the M4. If anything, the M4 is better at bursting while moving than the SL is.

    The SL only really excels when you stand still and fire.

    EDIT: Whoops, saw you were referring to Silver etc. weapons, my mistake.
  • Thanks for the info on the SL Denxi 8-)

    And doop, do you believe everything you read?

    I'm guessing you do.. You probly think tasty does have millions and is really fit huh..
  • m12 does to much damage long range for being a smg - its like a k1a but does way more dmg at long ranges.... that is why i believe it is OP... you can do extremely similar things as the ak cept the m12 will probably give you more movement speed..

    scarlight's cooldown time between shots is way way to low for the damage it does, that is why i think its over powered... it's like a buffed up version of the k2. faster firing rate, low cd, 1 shot hs... the burst on the m4a1 is way way better then the scar light so whoever compared the two shouldn't be comparing the guns.

    M4a1 and ak47 are very very reliable guns, that is why so many people use them. If by reliable that makes them OP then sure, m4a1, ak47 and awm are overpowered guns. So whoever compared ak47 m4 and awm with the other guns that the community is calling OP, I dont believe you are understanding the complaints of the people who don't want all gp guns.

    If a gun is reliable, i dont believe that makes it OP ( everything is perspective )
    If a gun is annoying, i believe that makes it op
  • m4a1
    Hand/Arm: 28, 28.
    Foot/Leg: 19, 20.
    Back/Chest: 34, 34.
    Headshot: 100.

    Hand/Arm: 28, 28.
    Foot/Leg: 20, 20.
    Back/Chest: 34, 34, 34.
    Headshot: 100.

    so which one should we ban?
  • dooplpk wrote: »
    Hand/Arm: 28, 28.
    Foot/Leg: 19, 20.
    Back/Chest: 34, 34.
    Headshot: 100.

    Hand/Arm: 28, 28.
    Foot/Leg: 20, 20.
    Back/Chest: 34, 34, 34.
    Headshot: 100.

    please explain how a player with an sl can absolutely shyt on a player with m4 with the same skill level? what is right in theory doesn't aplly to practise
  • JorgeBrito wrote: »
    please explain how a player with an sl can absolutely shyt on a player with m4 with the same skill level? what is right in theory doesn't aplly to practise

    How can you prove they were the same skill level? Still perspective.
  • JorgeBrito wrote: »
    please explain how a player with an sl can absolutely shyt on a player with m4 with the same skill level? what is right in theory doesn't aplly to practise

    They can't.

    The only time the SL does better than the M4 is when you compare both fire patterns while standing still. After the movement penalty applied, they're practically equal.
  • How can you prove they were the same skill level? Still perspective.

    I'm gonna use a flawed and stupid point then

    My skill level is 100 points. I'm using m4

    My opponent's skill level is 95. He's using m12 , spop . armor everything else shyts on me

    Tough this is a stupid point it's 100% correct
  • JorgeBrito wrote: »
    please explain how a player with an sl can absolutely shyt on a player with m4 with the same skill level? what is right in theory doesn't aplly to practise

    kinda like when lifeline (m4's/ak's) played airwalk (scarlight) and destroyed them
  • JorgeBrito wrote: »
    I'm gonna use a flawed and stupid point then

    My skill level is 100 points. I'm using m4

    My opponent's skill level is 95. He's using m12 , spop . armor everything else shyts on me

    Tough this is a stupid point it's 100% correct

    maybe your skill level isn't actually 100

    i rarely ever die to a m12
  • JorgeBrito wrote: »
    I'm gonna use a flawed and stupid point then

    My skill level is 100 points. I'm using m4

    My opponent's skill level is 95. He's using m12 , spop . armor everything else shyts on me

    Tough this is a stupid point it's 100% correct

    See below.
    dooplpk wrote: »
    kinda like when lifeline (m4's/ak's) played airwalk (scarlight) and destroyed them
  • See below.

    easy point

    lifeline's skill:300

    airwalk skill:50

    no matter who zp wh0re you are (airwalk) you can't beat them(LifeLine)

    doop told me LifeLine tied china, think in this situation LifeLine used every single zp advantage item and broken gun they could.They probably would've win
  • JorgeBrito wrote: »
    easy point

    lifeline's skill:300

    airwalk skill:50

    no matter who zp wh0re you are (airwalk) you can't beat them(LifeLine)

    doop told me LifeLine tied china, think in this situation LifeLine used every single zp advantage item and broken gun they could.They probably would've win

    Where are you getting this information? If both teams used all ZP weapons, it would be a FAIR playing ground and would probably be a good game. You're just not making sense now.
  • JorgeBrito wrote: »
    easy point

    lifeline's skill:300

    airwalk skill:50

    no matter who zp wh0re you are (airwalk) you can't beat them(LifeLine)

    doop told me LifeLine tied china, think in this situation LifeLine used every single zp advantage item and broken gun they could.They probably would've win

    airwalk was the top ranked ESL team from europe. they used spop and scarlights in ESL.

    LifeLine vs China both teams were using the same guns.... One side wasn't using zp guns lol