Like I said, wait until the first matches are played. I'd be very surprised if other weapons prove as popular.
If everyone does use the same weapons, surely that will go a long way towards proving they are unbalanced rather than being a great level playing field?
Who isn't going to want a rifle with a great RoF, low recoil (even if just equalling it to M4, for arguement's sake) and a faster reload?
On another note, full wallbang weapons will be allowed too? Nobody can say they aren't bugged. All bullets should lose the same percentage in damage travelling through the same objects.
"but they would enforce a different type of gameplay blah blah"
Well so would making everyone bunny-hop every match. Hopefully that won't happen but with Denxi seemingly involved with rulesets...
If any weapons are banned, it needs to be with reason. It needs to be based off of comparing them with every other gun, and finding a baseline of OPness. That or availability reasons.
There are 3 options, excluding testing for all the guns:
1. M16 M700 only.
2. All GP guns only.
3. Convince Z8 games to provide every competitor with free WCG guns for both on and off season. I've been told this will not happen, so that leaves the other two. -
Why ?
By allowing ALL GP guns you ruin the competitiveness instead of supporting it and making it bigger/better. Do I have to mention it's already god damn dead? NEW doesn't always mean GOOD. Being revolutionist about previously prepared gunset, which has been followed by many before (including LAN events which ESG can't even compare to), isn't cool at all. Why are you asking the community for opinion if you don't want to provide what community wants anyway? Looks like North Korea trying to be democratic. Or maybe I've missed the point, perhaps you aren't asking US at all. I haven't read all the threads and posts, sorry.[MOD]Polleus wrote: »People will still use the AK, M4, etc. If EVERYONE uses it, then it's fair ground is it not?
"It will be the weapon of choice"
It's STILL preference. We don't have a baseline on our anti-cheat that says, "this weapon is still broken and overpowered even when no one is cheating". When that happens, THEN we can remove it and have a reason to do it. We don't have that right now. We'd be removing a weapon based on opinionated and flawed logic that's existed since the end of Open beta. Seems hard-headed to me.Prove it. -
THEY don't need to prove anything. It's already been proved before and the proves from a year ago or two are still valid. Guns like M12S, ScarLight are simply too 'good' (AKA overpowered) to be considered as guns that require any skill, time or effort to master. NO AMIGO?
If it's been proven then you should have no problem finding me the data relevant.
Ill wait. -
Common sense can't be a reason?
Okay can't be proven, I get where you're coming from.
But think about it, there must be a reason why teams will be running 4 Scar Lights/M12 and 1 AWM, right?
The funny thing is, I don't even care.
I do feel bad for the people who have waited for this for whatever reason and will end up being sprayed to death by those guns. -
If it's been proven then you should have no problem finding me the data relevant.
Ill wait. -
I honestly can't be arsed to go through dozens and dozens of CrossFire videos on youtube. Not only I don't have the time, I don't want to do that because I know that YOU know that I am right. But for unknown to me reason you decide to act as if you're absolutely new to this game, and trying to prove ScarLight isn't an overpowered gun at all. The question of the day isn't why can't we allow all GP guns, the question is WHY do you and Polleus choose to act like absolute spastics, aye?
I'm trying, and succeeding with the huge lack of evidence, to prove that we have no proof to base what is OP and what is not OP off of, besides popular opinion.
There is no baseline for what is underpowered and what is overpowered, besides the baseless assumption that the M4 and AK are right on the fair and balanced line. Why shouldn't we run M16 and M700s only? -
We'll have to see at release.
It's been seen in ESL.
But whatever, you've got your reasons since no guns have been tested. You've been harping on about it since WOGL restricted the weapons though and now you've finally gotten your wish. That's what seems hard-headed to me.
And why were there all those polls for community wishes/discussions if they're not going to be listened to anyway?
Surely making the game/league enjoyable and making people want to play is more of a priority than having an all encompassing ruleset because the numbers haven't been crunched. -
Common sense can't be a reason?
Okay can't be proven, I get where you're coming from.
But think about it, there must be a reason why teams will be running 4 Scar Lights/M12 and 1 AWM, right?
The funny thing is, I don't even care.
I do feel bad for the people who have waited for this for whatever reason and will end up being sprayed to death by those guns.
If common sense is the reason --- you say everyone uses the scar light in majority because of it being overpowered. Anyone can pick it up and do well right? Why do a lot of people then claim they can't use it? You'll argue, "then they must not be very good". That brings into account skill, not the weapon.
All I'm saying is, open your mind a little to give us the opportunity to evaluate this weapons on our anti-cheat JUST for the Beta Tournament. I'm not saying it's permanent. We have NO basis to say what should be taken out and what shouldn't until you play on our anti-cheat. When the guns turn out the same way, then we'll have a basis to ban weapons. Until then, we have NOTHING factual. Only "opinion" on past experiences. Why let other league events dictate what we do? We need to be able to be confident in what is banned and what is not on OUR platform, not past leagues.
Clearly everything has worked up until now right? Where are all the Leagues then and their great successes? You say the all GP didn't work in ESL. It's now pretty inactive. WOGL tried restricting, it's now M.I.A. MAYBE it's not so much the rule set? You're not looking at the big picture. -
Alot of people claim they cannot use the Scar Light? Where are they? Where was the poll or "discussion" made on that?
I'm not sure how your anti-cheat is going to compare weapons for you.
Other leagues didn't fail because they banned the Scar Light.
Again, the majority of the community's wishes should be taken into consideration. But hey, if they will that strongly about it they should boycott it. -
[MOD]Polleus wrote: »Where is the majority? If I see EVERY team planning on being in ESG come on here and protest what only a FEW have said anything about ---- then that is the majority. Until then, where are you getting the majority opinion from? I surely don't see it.
id say majority as well. none of them are posting because there is no point of arguing since you guys only see one way
and yeah what kind of joke is that where the ac says weapons are broken? -
You just mentioned ESL, they withdrew Scar Light from their ruleset after the majority of players complained (BEGGING ESL Admins.) about it for what, 6 months?
As to ESL being inactive, yeah it's got nothing to do with no anti-cheat or running nothing but ladders, removing the Scar Light was to blame. -
id say majority as well. none of them are posting because there is no point of arguing since you guys only see one way
And you're not only seeing it one way?tastylime_2g wrote: »if it wasn't you wouldn't be trying to deny it everytime i said it
Incorrect. It's just not worth my time and energy to argue with you. -
bottom line is: these guns shouldnt even be considered. if you had half a brain you would understand why these guns shouldnt be used
Also something with the beta tournament, so if nobody uses or abuses these OP guns in the tournament, does that mean they will be allowed in the league? -
Also, EVERY team planning on playing ESG isn't going to cause a fuss/boycott over the SL.
If they've remained during the wilderness that is "competitive CrossFire", if they've played CCCC/other monstrosities then they're going to play whatever you throw together be it good or bad. -
Also something with the beta tournament, so if nobody uses or abuses these OP guns in the tournament, does that mean they will be allowed in the league?
If they are overpowered and abused, then they will be overpowered and abused in the Beta tournament. Simple logic. You don't need half a brain to realize that. If they aren't, clearly there was another reason. -
[MOD]Polleus wrote: »If they are overpowered and abused, then they will be overpowered and abused in the Beta tournament. Simple logic. You don't need half a brain to realize that. If they aren't, clearly there was another reason.
But if they arent being used how would you know? what im understanding is that if they are being used and abused in this tournament, they will not be allowed. but if we dont use it then itll be allowed? -
All this talk about the SL is making me go crazy. Every gun could be considered OP, so i guess we should ban them all and not have a league b/c all these little pre-teens like to make a fuss about ONE damn gun, come on lets grow up a little bit and SDFU!
I'm trying, and succeeding with the huge lack of evidence, to prove that we have no proof to base what is OP and what is not OP off of, besides popular opinion.There is no baseline for what is underpowered and what is overpowered, besides the baseless assumption that the M4 and AK are right on the fair and balanced line. Why shouldn't we run M16 and M700s only?
Now, where's the joy, the satisfaction of being a decent or good player when you haven't put any effort into it?Did you know there's a religious group where they actually banned logic from their debates? They said that logic thinking could lead to disbelief and a lack of faith. -
But if they arent being used how would you know? what im understanding is that if they are being used and abused in this tournament, they will not be allowed. but if we dont use it then itll be allowed?
No. That's something we will take into consideration. The weapons that are widely thought to be abused will be monitored. If no one uses them, then no one will miss them if we take them out. Makes sense? Point is that we need to have our own basis on which to ban weapons, not someone else. Can you at least meet me halfway and be a little bit open about it? Haha. -
The evidence is long time gone, or it's in the deepest part of youtube lying somewhere next to videos like this [and just as old]: ; or this:
There was a baseline previously. I would understand your neverending arguments about lack of proof on how Scarlight or M12s is overpowered if Z8 stated that the gun stats have been changed in latest patches. But they never were changed, they're still the same. Therefore we can base what is OP and what isn't off the 'popular opinion' as you call it. You've called M16A2 being OP without absolutely no proof whatsoever. I still remember it, it was some random scrim on DownTown, can't remember against who though. By that, you've already shown that you don't need to run tests, check every single gun and compare them to each other. You know something is OP when it's simply TOO EASY to use and play with. As I said previously, it's something that takes no effort and time to be good with.
Now, where's the joy, the satisfaction of being a decent or good player when you haven't put any effort into it?
There has never been a baseline for what is fair based off of hard data. It has all been opinion based. Footage of scrims is not proof and data, it is proof of popular opinion.
Yes, I am a person, and can jump to conclusions without any evidence besides my own flawed observations hence why EVERYONE calls **** OP without evidence.Islam?
Not a religion, specifically a small group within a religion. -
There has never been a baseline for what is fair based off of hard data. It has all been opinion based. Footage of scrims is not proof and data, it is proof of popular opinion.
Yes, I am a person, and can jump to conclusions without any evidence besides my own flawed observations hence why EVERYONE calls **** OP without evidence.
Nothing else to add, hahaha.
On a serious note though,
It's really late for me now, I'll come back when I wake up, pinky promise. -
Why doesn't esg make a poll and seee if the people want all gp guns or stick to last season of wogls guns? Or would u guys rather be hard headed lol.
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