Incompetence or just stupidity?

This isn't a thread about a thread, and so it cannot be closed on those grounds; neither is it a thread insulting or calling out a specific person, so it cannot be closed on those grounds. Please don't close just because you don't like/understand it. Note for the weirdos: The title is referring to the system as a whole, not to an individual person, so don't take it as such.

Why is it that people are allowed to get away with insulting something personal, such as looks, on any typical member of the community, and yet when the topic of the divorce of a prominent community figure is brought up, it becomes modded almost immediately? Although I don't agree with any personal attacks of any subject, the system seems skewed. I have read claims that "mods can't see everything." Considering that all a MOD needs to do is read a thread to see if there's anything wrong with it, one has to wonder;

Why is it that the section of the forum which contains the largest amount of ego is modded so infrequently? Countless insults are bandied back an forth, but it seems that moderation is more aimed towards the other areas. I willl admit that OT contains the most ignorance and stupidity, but even sections like the Barracks seem to have more moderation than Competitive.

If this ISN'T the case, then you are just under-staffed and need to take on more moderators, otherwise you're purpose is pretty much redundant with the system you have now.

Or am I wrong on both counts, and you're just telling me that a small personal attack is ok, but a large scale one isn't? If that's the case, where is the line drawn? I don't recal any rule section telling me that it's ok to make fun of someone for having bad hair, but that it's not ok to make fun of someone for having cancer.

Hell, why is ANY personal insult being tolerated in the first place?
