Official suggest new Ribbons Thread
I have some ideas as well
Faceless Warrior - you own at least 3 different ZP characters
Very Important Player - you have a VIP item
Medieval Weaponry - you own 5 different permanent melee weapons
Look at This Weapon - You won at least 1 of the crate guns involving a winning weapon skin (AWM ivictus, D.E. Canada, M14EBR prime)
Gambler - You bought more than 200 ZP crates
Weapon Fanatic - You own more than 20 permanent crate weapons
Furthermore, I feel like the 30 ribbon milestone should have a better eward than just some GP...
Let me know what you gusy think! -
I like his idea
- "Veteran Scribe" : Have been a forumer since over a year.
- "CrossFire is My reason to be" : Have played in atleast 10 000games
- "zp for my clan" : Have deposited zp to your clan bank
- "High placed" : Be LT or Leadder of your clan
- "Deserter" : have atleast 1000desertions.
- "Lucky at GP crates" : Have won the best prize in a gp crate
- "Lucky at zp crates" : Have won the best prize in a zp crate
- "Millionaire" : Have won 1 million gp in a single crate
- "CrossFire Elder" : Have created your account over 2years ago
- "Dog Tag Collecter" : Have trade your Dog Tags atleast once
- "Easy Kills" : Possess an M12S or a Scar Light. -
FRANCISpwnz wrote: »I have some ideas as well
Faceless Warrior - you own at least 3 different ZP characters
Very Important Player - you have a VIP item
Medieval Weaponry - you own 5 different permanent melee weapons
Look at This Weapon - You won at least 1 of the crate guns involving a winning weapon skin (AWM ivictus, D.E. Canada, M14EBR prime)
Gambler - You bought more than 200 ZP crates
Weapon Fanatic - You own more than 20 permanent crate weapons
Furthermore, I feel like the 30 ribbon milestone should have a better eward than just some GP...
Let me know what you gusy think!
1-I don't see anything wrong with one that's based on owning multiple ZP characters. so +1 on that one.
2-a ribbon for owning VIP wouldn't be too bad albeit a bit easy. I'd advise making it more than one especially since Ribbons have a tendency to count temporary weapons and it should be for owning not 'renting' one.
4-Another maybe from me...
5-Hrmm perhaps though i'd increase the number to probably 500 (maybe even 1000) as 200 can be achieved in one update with 100k ZP purchase if you hit the bonus sale up and if they do a crate promotional that reduces the price of the crate.
6-Sure I think we already have one or two ribbons similar but for smaller numbers.I like his idea
- "Veteran Scribe" : Have been a forumer since over a year.
- "CrossFire is My reason to be" : Have played in atleast 10 000games
- "zp for my clan" : Have deposited zp to your clan bank
- "High placed" : Be LT or Leadder of your clan
- "Deserter" : have atleast 1000desertions.
- "Lucky at GP crates" : Have won the best prize in a gp crate
- "Lucky at zp crates" : Have won the best prize in a zp crate
- "Millionaire" : Have won 1 million gp in a single crate
- "CrossFire Elder" : Have created your account over 2years ago
- "Dog Tag Collecter" : Have trade your Dog Tags atleast once
- "Easy Kills" : Possess an M12S or a Scar Light.
1-Maybe, a Forumer one would be nice something that isn't like the Good Samaritan but doesn't promote spam
2-One for lots of games...sure why not. This made me think of another one that i'll list later.**
4-I think this would promote people into creating lots of little clans just to have that special ribbon. And if the ribbon can be obtained and then you keep it if you disband your clan then it's simply too easy of a ribbon for no real accomplishment. So i'm going to say no/-1 on that one.
5-I don't think we should promote people deserting games. -1 there
6-I think a single win is a little low especially when there's other ribbons that require low amount of crate wins (like Crate Buster, or the Good ol' Days ribbons). Maybe a GP Gun Collector in which you must win all of the GP crates to get and when a new one is released you need to win the new one in order to keep it. (Show Your Skin guns not included in that list of course)
7-Similarly, I think this should be changed a bit. Not sure how exactly with a ZP Crate. maybe just a higher level of the crate buster ribbon could be implemented.
8-Maybe, it's relatively rare but at the same time it's not a big ordeal either....
9-We already have a ribbon for having an account that is at least 2 years old. It's called Grizzled Veteran. we also already have ribbons for 1 year, 5 years, and 8 years now.
10-I'm going to say no to this one simply because Dog Tags are no longer a part of the game. Had you suggested this a year ago...I might have given it a maybe (a maybe due to it being relatively easy to do...)
11-Gonna disagree with this one. Simply owning an M12S or a Scar Light isn't worthy enough to dish out a ribbon for.
**My Suggested Ribbon:
'Jack of All Trades'
Has completed 100 or 200 games of all game modes. So 100 S&D, 100 TDM, 100 Ghost mode, 100 escape mode, 100 ZM, 100 ZM2, 100 ZM3, 100 Wave, 100 Suppression, etc etc. I'd leave out 'event' modes like King and Sheep though. And maybe not include all of the Mutation type modes as well since there's so many of those. -
here is the 'wave mode patriots' ribbon design
hope u like it
designed by CamelTbag
if you want to know more about this ribbon heck the 'wave mode patriots' event i created and here is its link:
hope u like it -
VIP Player : own at least 1 VIP Weapon
A True Winner: Win 1000 Clan matches
Their Nightmare: Win 100 ZM games at nightmare difficulty
Elite Soldier: Achieve Elite badge A3
Through the skull: Achieve 50000 headshots
More Than a veteran: Reach Marshall rank
Market Master: Own 5 ZP crate weapons
U Can't C me: Own 5 Camo weapons
Legendary Clutcher : Have a KD of 3.0+
Who needs a Gun: Get 5000 melee kills
Halloween comes but once a year: Own a pernament halloween Weapon
Great Achiever: Get 50 Achievements
Death from afar:Get 50000 Sniper kills -
***New****Here is my Ribbon Design for 60th Ribbon
You have collected 60 Ribbons and Still Cranky, So we have rewarded you with GOD MODE:D:
Okay God Mode is just a Joke but rewards are still debatedanything is fine!-EP!-New-Ribbon-Event!-1
Crossfire Goals! Ribbon Plus Event suggested
Just some Updates to some of my designed Ribbons, if you have an idea and want me to work on it, PM me. -
CamelSoldier wrote: »Just some Updates to some of my designed Ribbons, if you have an idea and want me to work on it, PM me.
Those are actually really great tbh. I would like to see them added and thanks for making the time to make this designs and ideas! -
thesuper850 wrote: »I suggest adding a new ribbon called NOBLE LOYALITY and its for completing a collection of 60 ribbons and its reward is M4A1 S NOBLE BEAST hope you like this suggestionHere is my Ribbon Design for "60th and Cranky" Ribbon
You have collected 60 Ribbons and Still Cranky, So we have rewarded you with GOD MODE:D:
Okay God Mode is just a Joke but rewards are still debatedanything is fine
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