I'm Quitting Crossfire.

To many this will be good news, however i thought i'd let everyone know, especially my clan.

To be fair on Crossfire, the game is doing well in my opinion, however my life has changed a bit over the last month or so.. and i don't have any motivation to play Crossfire.

The only motivation i had was the clan i made; but to be honest i'm bored of that too. People leaving for no reason, etc.. I'm tired of it. Makes the game no longer fun. Maybe in few months, a year, .. etc .. I may change my mind and play some, but for now.. I'm going to enjoy life ;)

@ Clan : Sorry about this! You're welcome to stay in ChaosTheory - and if an LT is interested in taking over.. PM me on here in the next few days.

Peace all.
