Mountain Mist - New ZM Map

Since the map is called mountain mist, there will be some fog on the mountaineous areas. The massive red area is a mountaineous area where all the on foot zombies spawn. Unlike any other ZM maps, there are no single ZM spawn areas, one massive one. The green splodges are where the sniper zombies spawn, two at one splodge and there is cover near the metal shelter, there are rocks to crouch behind.
The bosses will spawn on the main area. The mountaineous area cannot be entered as it's a spawn area. The red squares represent grenade crate spawn areas and the white squares represent the hypomed crate spawn area. The grenades spawn during rounds 10, 15 and 25
and the hypomeds spawn at round 20.

It's a perfect ZM map for people that like to use their snipers!
