Mountain Mist - New ZM Map
CaLL2DeAtH wrote: »I don't have any 3d moddeling programs and they cost hundreds of pounds.
Well, you don't really NEED a 3D modeling program to design a map...there are free ones.
Blender (Don't bother...REALLY hard to learn, even if it IS free...)
Google Sketchup (Easier to learn, free with some limits)
Or you can use some other game engine's mapping system
Cube2 Engine (Open Source FPS Engine: Mapping is SUPER EASY until you need to make really intricate objects, but that can be learned. Has a lot of textures built in that you can use while you get the hang of the mapping system. You can add more or some you make yourself with some simple scripting)
(And these are some old and now lost maps I was working on in Cube2)
And on another note: It's better to pencil out map designs on grid can get a much clearer image of what you want to do or convey then with the clunkiness of MS Paint.
And if you have a scanner and Photoshop you can pop that in PS and edit it even further.
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