ZP Only Server

Basically, it would be a server that people who have purchased ZP can access exclusively. However, players that have earned ZP through surveys would be denied access.

I find this would be a great addition to the game because it's sort of a perk to players that have spent money on the game. How would this benefit the faithful players of Crossfire? Well, this server would have an incredibly smaller amount of hackers. Most hackers tend to make another account which they obviously wouldn't bother to waste money on (unless they're goddamn rich).

And in the case that there does happen to be an extremely dedicated hacker in the server, players in the server would be much more likely to kick/report the player knowing that it would be much more of a punishment to a hacker, if said hacker lost his money. Thus, the punishment on the hacker would be felt that many times more and the chances of him buying ZP again to return to the server are rather slim.

What if someone doesn't buy ZP? Well, like ZP itself, this server isn't meant to be freely available to all players. It's a perk and benefit to those that have donated to Crossfire via buying ZP.

Feedback is, unfortunately, permitted.

Because I wrote a massive text, I saved you guys the pain of reading my normal attractive yellow font. ;)
