Official suggest new Ribbons Thread
Just suggestions,maybe aren't great ideas,but who knows? These are suitable for badges also. I'm in doubt for the Match Type ribs,so i put partecipate or win.
Alone in the Crossfire
Partecipate in 200 FFA Matches/Win 50 FFA Matches
Who needs respawn?
Partecipate in 300 E.M. Matches/Win 100 E.M. Matches
The Silent War
Partecipate in 300 GM Matches/Win 100 GM Matches
We're good teammates
Partecipate in 400 TDM Matches/Win 150 TDM Matches
Through the light
Partecipate in 200 Escape Matches/Win 75 Escape Matches
Slain those pests
Partecipate in 100 MM Matches
The one who stands alone
Be the Hero for 150 times
Demolish 100 sites in S&D Matches (Reward: Permanent Plant/Defuse Kit and Kaboom spray)
I'm the engineer
Defuse 100 bombs (Reward: permanent Plant/Defuse Kit (5000GP if already gain C4Ever) and No C4 Here spray)
Into the breach
Escape 100 times
You've got bad eyes
Kill 1000 players as a Ghost (Permanent Ghost Namecard)
Electric Eye
Kill 1000 players as a Global Risk (Permanent Police namecard [to create])
Storage Cap
Reach 100 coupons and then win another one [Bad for you!]
Master aim
Obtain 20K Headshots (Reward: Permanent Mag of your choice)
Master Spammer
Obtain 2500 Grenades kills
Dragon Spire
Obtain a Red Dragon gun
Dual wield is the way!
Kill 100 players with a dual gun (Dual desperados/colt/uzi)[Reward: permanent Dual Colts]
Jack the Knife
Kill an enemy with a knife while falling down [I SAID KNIFE]
Staff Stealer
Kill a member of the Crossfire Staff
CF Cleaner
Succesfully took 25 Hackers to the ban (Reward: Hack Hunter permanent Spray&Namecard)
Operation N.E.R.D
Obtain an Elite A Badge
Virtual Voices
Obtain 30 Ribbons [Reward: 10K Zp or a cool gun that must exit]
Turn on the light
Obtain a golden Headshot with a sniper rifle while flashed. [Reward: permanent Flash Guard]
Private Armory
You owns 35 Permanent Guns
No One Left Behind
You have an Honor of Average or more (If put,please reset the honor to everyone)
Obviously the numbers can be higher. What do you think? -
FrostyWaffle wrote: »Alright so if you have a suggestion for ribbon ideas, post them here. Just remember to be logical!
King Midas- Own atleast 1 golden weapon.
Raging Soldier- have more than 500 desertions
Halloween- like the Christmas one, you own a permanent halloween gun
BlindRob's revenge- you own a permanet Winchester
Look at all the silver!- you own both the ak silver and silver m4a1
Pride Warrior- Never have reset KDR or Win/Loss
My name, don't wear it out- Never have change your in game name.
hopefully the gm's see this and get some ideas. Also post your ideas as well! -
I think there should be a 1000 grenade kill ribbon.It is quite and achievement.
if you see,there's a ribbon like it in my suggestions. I put 2500 because maybe some people (like me) have already 1000 kills or more (personally i have 1300) -
Originally Posted by FrostyWaffle View Post
Alright so if you have a suggestion for ribbon ideas, post them here. Just remember to be logical!
King Midas- Own atleast 1 golden weapon.
Raging Soldier- have more than 500 desertions
Halloween- like the Christmas one, you own a permanent halloween gun
BlindRob's revenge- you own a permanet Winchester
Look at all the silver!- you own both the ak silver and silver m4a1
hopefully the gm's see this and get some ideas. Also post your ideas as well!
true true true.,,................ -
[MOD]Giggletron wrote: »The first one wouldnt work since everyone with an ingame account also has a crossfire account and the fact the forums are bugged so most people apparently registered 41 years ago.
Well they could just do something like : have atleast one post a year old.
Any suggestions giggle?
Jeez, already 1am. Got to sleep, cya in 5-6hours when I'll wake up. -
I have noticed people really like the Ribbon system and many of you have great ideas for new ribbons. In this thread you can suggest and discuss about suggested ribbons.
As Saidin said we wil get ALOT of ribbons.
This thread will help our staff to keep an eye on Ribbons suggested and wanted by the community.
Ok so here are mine:
- "Veteran Scribe" : Have been a forumer since over a year.
- "CrossFire is My reason to be" : Have played in atleast 10 000games
- "zp for my clan" : Have deposited zp to your clan bank
- "High placed" : Be LT or Leadder of your clan
- "Deserter" : have atleast 1000desertions.
- "Lucky at GP crates" : Have won the best prize in a gp crate
- "Lucky at zp crates" : Have won the best prize in a zp crate
- "Millionaire" : Have won 1 million gp in a single crate
- "CrossFire Elder" : Have created your account over 2years ago
- "Dog Tag Collecter" : Have trade your Dog Tags atleast once
- "Fire in the hole!" : Have atleast 1000grenade kills
I'll not give all my ideas otherwise you won't have anything to suggest.
"Fire In The Hole!" Was my idea lol You saw my thread, oh well. -
- "Fire in the hole!" and "Deserter" is a great idea, but i change to 500 desertions, as a way of discouraging
And please, I have a question:
If I donate to my clam ZP, i get The Ribbon "ZP For Everyone"?
IDK, but i think that will not count for the ribbon, maybe the person below can help.
BTW, I was thinking something like - The master of Handguns - Have all Headguns in the game (Including the USP)(and when completed, win some kind of Special handgun, even best than the gold) -
"Fire In The Hole!" Was my idea lol You saw my thread, oh well.
o_O I remember having seen a knife one which inspired me this one because of the neverending fire in the hole in TDs...
I didn't intend to leech something already posted. Sorry for that. Was your idea the exact same thing? I'll get it removed then.
Ok so I found you thread and o_O I even had posted on it.
Post the two other suggestions and "fire in the hole" they were your ideas so you get to post them.
Why "noob knifer" ? Maybe you could find another name for that one. -
- The Mutants Slayer: You played X match of Mutation Mode.
- Sneaky: You played X match of Ghost Mode.
- That blue light: You played X match of Escape Mode.
- Mutants lover: You bought each mutants atleast once.
- Black List are my brothers: Black List has succeded a Rival Factions mission (previous one don't count and can be only earned once).
- Long Life Global Risk: Global Risk has succeded a Rival Factions mission (previous one don't count and can be only earned once).
- Coupon saver: You exchanged your coupons for 1 permanent item.
- Mission accomplished: You did ALL your daily missions of 1 month (can only be earned once).
- Personal armory: You have X permanent weapons.
- Fire of the Dragon: You own 1 permanent Red Dragon weapon.
- Camouflaged!: You own 1 permanent Camo weapon.
- The man with the Golden Gun: You own 1 permanent Golden weapon.
- Silver > Gold: You own 1 permanent Silver weapon.
Unless they dispand, --'
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