The best weapon



  • THE SCAR LIGHT SUCKS!!!! i dont know why its so expensive/high rank req because its SUCKS BALLZ!!! decent accuracy, poor damage (for an assualt rifle) recoil is ok but the pattern is really unpredictable, its reload speed is sh*t, its rof is too slow to be any good in CQC, and to burst at long range, i would know i used it for a couple weeks, and play noobs with it all the time. idk why people think its so great.

    RoFL, you must be a rookie. Tell me, is it your 1st or second week of playing CF? Really now, get out. Flamewar needs to end here. I'm done wasting my time with a kid who doesn't get the point of gaming. Also, if you want to keep this up, don't forget answering to this:
    EmoMunzta wrote: »
    I WILL call you a noob without skill for the following reasons:

    1. You can NOT actually aim. M12 does NOT requires any aiming nor skill. What I do myself, your gun does it for you. Basically, without M12/SL/Thompson/Kriss you would go 0 kills - 912893712984619236129837612945129387612894761283761286187561827935289736189561289362816189754287361289736123671879461287936289736147512036129361293761203612036203612036213879471523 deaths.

    2. M12s is a cheat. I am an old gamer, I began gaming with System Shock and Doom. I NEVER cheated against other players. Fair play is the key of gaming. Cheating, is the key of being a noob.

    3. When M12s finally gets nerfed, you will quit CF because you won't be able to get a single kill anymore.

    4. We, ZP buyers, are the reason for wich CF is free to you. We, pay money to Z8Games for hosting this game. We, pay money to Z8Games for making new content available. We, pay money for CF to keep living, and moving on. We, pay money, for CF to stay free to play for morons like you. I'm thus having a right calling you a noob. I am one of those people who make this game available to you.

    Any questions?
  • m12s isn't even that good it has low damage compared to assault rifle and it sucks at range. I never really find m12s a problem unless some nob jumps round a corner spraying mid-air.