I can't take it anymore.



  • All i see is a QQing thread. There's a million of these and you're not even quitting. wtf is the point of this? Another bad player ranting about Br's.

    How long have you played CF?
  • How long have you played CF?

    somewhere between get off my balls to none of your business. stop being a post count wh.ore.
  • MrSpongy wrote: »
    You still get horrible ping their so the reg is still complete trash even though the coding is better. So what is the point of bringing up another version of CF relative to my comment on his thread?

    Your an idiot
  • somewhere between get off my balls to none of your business. stop being a post count wh.ore.

    You will soon have more posts than him, you've got a lot of trolling ahead of you.
  • BlindEagle wrote: »
    I have played this game for over a year and a half, I feel like if I play more I'll suicide. Seriously this game gets on your nerves so much that you just want to punch someone in the face. There's a couple main reasons why I am leaving this hell.

    -(OBVIOUS) Brazillians. I am a person who owns a decent IQ, I can't stand stupid people. BRs are the kind of people in this game that kick you, insult you, always trying to burst your bubble. Not to mention that all of them know how to glitch into a box.

    -Ping advantage. If you really want to know what ping is you gotta play CrossFire. To be one of the top players in the game ping is the most important thing. 14 ping vs a 80 ping. The 80 ping guy takes a shot, then the 14 ping guy takes a shot and his bullets hit first because he has lower ping. Not to mention that your always getting shot behind the wall. Cause it doesn't matter whats on your screen it only matters whats on their screen.

    -FPS. I own a 2008 computer. I get 30 fps. Some people are happy with 20, not me. I need smooth game play to get somewhere.

    -Z8. Second worst company in the world next to Wal-Mart. I know they are trying their best, but their best is their worst. Their main goal is to get most publicity, whatever it takes. Even putting the risk of all their North American players stop playing the game. Also they mess things up. Putting the gun for ZP when it must be GP, puttinG a gun which belongs under a different type of crates. I hope it they start listening to their customers.

    This does not mean I am completely stop playing crossfire. I will get on maybe couple times a week for fun, check out new patches and everytime I need some anger pumped in me.

    I would currently love to thank the following people for being such good friends :)'

    My whole IzGangster clan.

    lulzwut itwasluck 15 sS_iced deadeye(the mod) blindrob giggletron ddott dot bloodyfire killgod freehat20 [L]ife BlindMonkey CrackingDomes Mr. Kirby BlindKitty Kobly108 ShadowKill kwevli LolliRoger TastyLime >:O Bruce1nr LeadStriker and others who I've been too lazy to remember because its fffing 12 am.

    .......well ping and fps, isnt really any ones fault but your own
  • somewhere between get off my balls to none of your business. stop being a post count wh.ore.

    so.....not long i take it?
  • so.....not long i take it?

    If people in your clan spent as much time in game as they do on the forums, they might actually be good.
  • Just because your computer is from 2008 doesn't mean it has a good graphics card.
  • They don`t care about us. All they want to do is gives more useless content we DON`T need. They could of given us a server update to fix some bugs but no they didn`t.
  • iSnipsGuns wrote: »
    They don`t care about us. All they want to do is gives more useless content we DON`T need. They could of given us a server update to fix some bugs but no they didn`t.

    Yet they are giving us a whole new server to help compensate for the Southern US and other players who would benefit from a closer server. Stop whining. If you don't like what they offer here, go somewhere else. It's that simple.
  • polleus wrote: »
    except for the small fact that z8games has nothing to do with in-game content, issues, patches, fixes, server placement, anti-cheat solutions, etc. Just pointing that out.

    ^^ ;)
  • iSnipsGuns wrote: »
    They don`t care about us. All they want to do is gives more useless content we DON`T need. They could of given us a server update to fix some bugs but no they didn`t.
    You really think that? The players happiness is what they want most, unhappy players > quit the game > less people buy zp > Company doesn't bring in money
  • daniel8u wrote: »
    You really think that? The players happiness is what they want most, unhappy players > quit the game > less people buy zp > Company doesn't bring in money

    So when was the last time they did a server maintainence? Tell me because I can`t remember. :\
    And more people HAVE been leaving the game AND forums.
  • If people in your clan spent as much time in game as they do on the forums, they might actually be good.

    Where can i get some Troll Spray?:mad:
  • iSnipsGuns wrote: »
    So when was the last time they did a server maintainence? Tell me because I can`t remember. :\
    And more people HAVE been leaving the game AND forums.

    It's a lot harder to do server maintenance than you think for one. It's not like they can just switch them off and turn them back on. Two, they are giving us a whole new server and you say they don't have our interests in mind? Stop being narrow minded.
  • Where can i get some Troll Spray?:mad:

    Troll spray doesn't work on me anymore. i developed an immunity.
  • iSnipsGuns wrote: »
    So when was the last time they did a server maintainence? Tell me because I can`t remember. :\
    And more people HAVE been leaving the game AND forums.
    Are you stupid? They are adding a whole new server soon.
    And you think that is because they don't care what us players think? k
    There's nothing wrong with the servers, if you keep crashing it's your computers problem.
  • If people in your clan spent as much time in game as they do on the forums, they might actually be good.

    better then you
    1363197 minutes in game, how much have you played?
  • better then you
    1363197 minutes in game, how much have you played?

    I played 33,900 minutes ;o
  • daKenzz wrote: »
    It's only a game bro, Don't take it so seriously .

    Aren't you the dude who made up the story of being a girl? Rofl.
  • better then you
    1363197 minutes in game, how much have you played?
    MINUTES PLAYED 1369382
  • Z8Games don't choose where the guns go unfortunatly...


    And if you're not enjoying the game, then you shouldn't be playing the game.

    When I first started playing I used to rage in pubs a lot and I could pub 24/7 with no problem for the first couple months.

    After that I just started pubbing CF when I was REALLY bored, otherwise I'd play a real game until my team got on to scrim.
  • BlindEagle wrote: »
    I have played this game for over a year and a half, I feel like if I play more I'll suicide. Seriously this game gets on your nerves so much that you just want to punch someone in the face. There's a couple main reasons why I am leaving this hell.

    -(OBVIOUS) Brazillians. I am a person who owns a decent IQ, I can't stand stupid people. BRs are the kind of people in this game that kick you, insult you, always trying to burst your bubble. Not to mention that all of them know how to glitch into a box.

    -Ping advantage. If you really want to know what ping is you gotta play CrossFire. To be one of the top players in the game ping is the most important thing. 14 ping vs a 80 ping. The 80 ping guy takes a shot, then the 14 ping guy takes a shot and his bullets hit first because he has lower ping. Not to mention that your always getting shot behind the wall. Cause it doesn't matter whats on your screen it only matters whats on their screen.

    -FPS. I own a 2008 computer. I get 30 fps. Some people are happy with 20, not me. I need smooth game play to get somewhere.

    -Z8. Second worst company in the world next to Wal-Mart. I know they are trying their best, but their best is their worst. Their main goal is to get most publicity, whatever it takes. Even putting the risk of all their North American players stop playing the game. Also they mess things up. Putting the gun for ZP when it must be GP, puttinG a gun which belongs under a different type of crates. I hope it they start listening to their customers.

    This does not mean I am completely stop playing crossfire. I will get on maybe couple times a week for fun, check out new patches and everytime I need some anger pumped in me.

    I would currently love to thank the following people for being such good friends :)'

    My whole IzGangster clan.

    lulzwut itwasluck 15 sS_iced deadeye(the mod) blindrob giggletron ddott dot bloodyfire killgod freehat20 [L]ife BlindMonkey CrackingDomes Mr. Kirby BlindKitty Kobly108 ShadowKill kwevli LolliRoger TastyLime >:O Bruce1nr LeadStriker and others who I've been too lazy to remember because its fffing 12 am.


    glad i quit back in may of last year
  • Monopolyyy wrote: »
    Aren't you the dude who made up the story of being a girl? Rofl.

    Nope. Was a fake thread about me.

  • i agree on all the points except one
    the one being z8 one of the worst company
    i know a company that where if you buy a lots of ingame items, you cant be banned, even if you have being recorded doing so, ( my clan leader was a mod and he couldn't even ban the guy lol( he din't have ban power but obviously direct contact do admins)), the game, was also a pay to win game, the guy ( the same one who bought his way to not getting banned), was 2 time stronger then me on evre stats, ( it was a rpg) where the damages calculation was (attack-defense) x multiplier - absorb, so ye, i would do 0 damage to the guy, i was a dps and he was a mage.( only one other player in the whole server had a chance against him.) ( well, he bought hes stuff for over 1000$ so i guess it make sense)
    so no, z8games is not the worst company's, its actually not that bad to be honest, i can name multiple game company's who does far worst. although some improvements could obviously be made, no one is perfect.
    and for your info, wall mart is awesome! (if you only plan to buy cheap stuff)
  • Brs are getting a florida server :) Thats a little help in pubs.
    Its .Baker
  • used__C wrote: »
    i suggest you pub in alpha 7 or echo 8
    no QQing brs

    BR are over taking Alpha-7, soon its gonna be like any other server/channel.

    Not alot of people make pubs in Echo-8, if someone does someone with armour or spop comes in and starts destorying everyone, not to mention some BR kids go to Echo-8 too.
  • bmbnation wrote: »
    Brs are getting a florida server :) Thats a little help in pubs.
    Its .Baker

    obvious name is obvious?