Internet Addiction

Yeah, I'm facing it. It's not easy to stop either, it's like a drug, it pulls you in. Yeah, you enjoy the time while it last but then, bam, it's over, and you're like "Damn! Why was I wasting my time foruming, when I had 2 essay due tomorrow!?"
How do I stop using the computer too much?

It's GONNA effect my grade if I don't stop this. My adult life is more important than the forums. Because forums don't do sht. :p If I seriously keep this up, my grade will drop down. Especially, when you get 3-4 homeworks daily.

Once I see a computer/laptop laying there, I just wanna grab it and start foruming. Even tho, when nothing is really up..

I know many consequences of using the internet for useless reason. I'm mainly concerned about my eye and my education. It will impair my eye vision. I don't wanna be a hobo when I grow up like Phillybear either, I wanna succeed in life. Have a wife and kids and a decent house. :D
Foruming rarely helps with my education, I mean, you rarely get anything out of foruming. I not saying it's useless either, I can come in handy somethings. Because of CF I've learned some language from BRs, know a lil about editing files. But that's about it >_<

So, how do I stop? What are some tips I can do to pull myself away from the internet. It's hooking me :(
I love the internet like a stripper loves the pole, BUT I MUST STOP IT THO!


tl;dr : Tips to stop mah self from using the internet too much
