In the hopes of making our Beloved Crossfire better.

Hello Z8games staff and fellow Crossfire Players

In this post I will be mentioning and discussing some of the recent community requests, some of my recent ideas and some previously mentioned suggestions The purpose of this collective post is to highlight what we need as a community in a more collected and clear listing to help our Staff with keeping track of our requests.

Per our beloved community's request we wish to have:

- A Rifles only or Headshot only FFA mode to reduce of the frustration of having to deal with Snipers, SMGs etc. in a casual FFA match while trying to practice or warm up.

- For Festival map to be available as an FFA map since New Greece is the most played FFA map Festival would offer the same experience with a different look for the sake of variety.

- Increased ZM4 weekly cards limit since most players hit the limit pretty fast on the first 2 days of the week.

- Infinity Glove turn on/off option for infinity guns.

- Black knife and Elite knife to be added as GP crates.

- We need new ribbons and new ribbon rewards.

- More EP events.

- Certain weapon sounds and models to be reverted to how they originally were in Crossfire west a few years back
( M14 EBR gun sound, non VIP Gatling gun sound) ( non VIP kukri models, Older AK 47 models to be reverted ) Regarding the AK 47 model I am aware that some players requested for it to be changed to the current 1.0 version since it makes the gun more accurate but I believe applying this change to all the old AK 47 models ( Gold, Christmas, Halloween etc. ) and not Just the AK CFS was not necessary, I suggest to only keep the CFS AK 47s with the 1.0 model and to revert the others.

 I may have forgotten some mentioned ideas or added a bit of my take to this tho i appreciate if everyone who reads my post adds anything I am missing in the comments.


Some of my recent Ideas and conclusions:

- I think we need more cosmetic Items in our zp and gp shop since we've only had the same cosmetic items for years now, people used to buy them in the past because it was cool but now it's considered as a waste of zp since everyone got too used to them, I think adding new cosmetic items in the zp shop will return that spark to our player base wanting to show off their different looks and combination of items.

- We also need more GP shop guns, I believe there are many guns that were available in the GP shops of other crossfire versions we merged with that we never added, it would be nice to feature new GP shop guns with every update and to add an event featuring that gun.

-I   previously posted about how we've had a very steady and frustrating weapons meta for a while that is devaluing most of our other weapons and making certain game modes unplayable and I was told that the weapons meta is debatable which it is indeed so I have suggestion for that, We need to add a weapon banning system and a mutant banning system for Room hosting or for players to vote for every few rounds in different game modes kinda similar to Ranked match weapon banning since I personally believe we would see the same weapons and the same mutant types being banned every time, this would help our community to filter the unfun part of every game mode they wanna play and would also help the Staff see what weapons everyone is avoiding and maybe consider a nerf for the future.

- We need an auto kick system for macro users that just simply detects when a button is spammed faster than humanly possible or when a button is clicked rapidly with the same delay value in between multiple times.

- Kick voting can be frustrating when multiple players are AFK since their votes are automatically registered as F12
I suggested Implementing a system where players who have been afk for 30 seconds are not counted into the new vote, for example if there are 12 players in the match and 4 have been afk for 30 seconds+ the kick vote pop up would only show up for the 8 active players and only considers their votes to make a decision.

- I think we need a VIP dismantle option where players can break down old VIPs to get ZP or swap them to other old VIPs since I personally know many players who aren't big spenders and wish to play with newer VIPs but Just can't get themselves to buy more VIPs since they are worried their older VIPs would Just be sitting in storage for nothing, if these players were able to get rid of their older VIPs with some satisfactory compensation a lot more players would buy new VIPs.

- We need to have ammo gadgets that don't replace our wearable cosmetics, lately we've been getting some really nice cosmetic sets from our Ingame passes and probably will get more in the future, we already have an invisible smoke helmet and an invisible flash guard, we need a similar item to add ammo for weapons individually without having to interrupt our cosmetic set since we only have the current mags to purchase from the GP shop and the ZP Radio item that only adds ammo to pistols and rifles, we need unwearable items that add ammo to the rest of the weapons.

- Most if not all our player base seem to only Join one server till it's full causing channels to over fill and servers to possibly lag, I've come to notice that it became a culture for players to use specific channels for specific modes like for example Channel 1 is mostly for ZM rooms so I have a very nice idea to spread the players across the servers, we need to have weekly server bonuses that shift, for example this week we can have bonus Mutation honor points in Delta server, Bonus XP or Bonus Card drop rate for ZM in Alpha, No death recorded for FFA in Bravo, Etc.  that we can spread the commonly played modes across the different servers we have reducing channel traffic.

- A lobby player specific block chat function would be very nice since there are many Bot spammers in the lobbies recently and sometimes I wouldn't wanna turn of my whole public chat to deal with that.

Please scroll down to the comments for the remaining section of the post  o:)


  • - The recent Weapon Battle 101 event was something me and many of my fellow players found to be really fun, being able to use older weapons and see others use them was really needed I can confidently say from what I saw the event was actually played in public rooms rather than being farmed and wasted in locked rooms by the majority.
    We wish to have more of that event featuring more old guns tho I have a nice suggestion that would make these events alot more fun, if we can be able to host event specific rooms for events that require certain weapons where you can only use the event guns in the room throughout the period of the event I believe even more players would be doing these events since the only negative point I heard regarding this event was that some people Just didn't wanna use these guns in rooms were people were spraying meta guns.

    - Lastly I wanted to give my opinion regarding the winrate of the newer crates we have been getting lately, me and everyone I know that purchases crates couldn't be more happy that we finally got what we asked for in terms of a more fair winrate to make the value of ZP black market more reasonable compared to buying guaranteed VIPs, I am seeing more and more players having the courage to buy crates unlike before which is of course a win win for both sides tho I wanted to mentioned that as everyone wishes to keep this winrate a thing for new crates, we hope to keep older ZP crates with older guns with their usual rates and rare chances of obtaining to preserve their value as I believe if the older hardly obtained ZP Blackmarket guns became very easy to obtain all the collectors and big spenders will be too frustrated to spend more, Newer players are happy winning the new guns with the new winrate, Older guns are valuable kept in their current position as for example the latest citrine event was Christmas for everyone who didn't own the Rising dragon, Aureate dragon and abyssal dragon collections but if for the future other rare ZP Crate collections were featured the same way it would severely hurt the value of the weapons and cause the collectors to be extremely discouraged from spending more, Citrine can always feature many new and upcoming weapons we never had.

    Referencing my older suggestion post-> 

    Chapter 1
      Chapter 2
      Chapter 3
      Chapter 4

    I took into consideration the input of every player I discussed the above matters with while writing this post tho if I did miss anything please do comment and share your thoughts, Thank you all very much  <3

  • - Increased ZM4 weekly cards limit since most players hit the limit pretty fast on the first 2 days of the week.

    This will change with God Zone release being 500/50/15 and 6 Star cards not having a limit as they are crafted inside ZM.

    - I think we need a VIP dismantle option where players can break down old VIPs to get ZP or swap them to other old VIPs since I personally know many players who aren't big spenders and wish to play with newer VIPs but Just can't get themselves to buy more VIPs since they are worried their older VIPs would Just be sitting in storage for nothing, if these players were able to get rid of their older VIPs with some satisfactory compensation a lot more players would buy new VIPs.

    Exchange events lets you break down multiple of the same one aslong as its a set such as Avian, Glorious, Carnelian you get the point. as for other vips wont happen i mean there are alot of people who would sit on the farmable VIP from ZM back when you could that would just get rid of it and swap for something else..

    And no weapon has any value in CF collections are just collections im ALL FOR that people should be able to finish collections they could not finish before im not a fan of holding back players from getting older skins and collections and gatekeeping that to me is just not it.. just know when you play games NOTHING remains rare forever. time will come when a similar skin or the skin it self will return
  • - Increased ZM4 weekly cards limit since most players hit the limit pretty fast on the first 2 days of the week.

    This will change with God Zone release being 500/50/15 and 6 Star cards not having a limit as they are crafted inside ZM.

    - I think we need a VIP dismantle option where players can break down old VIPs to get ZP or swap them to other old VIPs since I personally know many players who aren't big spenders and wish to play with newer VIPs but Just can't get themselves to buy more VIPs since they are worried their older VIPs would Just be sitting in storage for nothing, if these players were able to get rid of their older VIPs with some satisfactory compensation a lot more players would buy new VIPs.

    Exchange events lets you break down multiple of the same one aslong as its a set such as Avian, Glorious, Carnelian you get the point. as for other vips wont happen i mean there are alot of people who would sit on the farmable VIP from ZM back when you could that would just get rid of it and swap for something else..

    And no weapon has any value in CF collections are just collections im ALL FOR that people should be able to finish collections they could not finish before im not a fan of holding back players from getting older skins and collections and gatekeeping that to me is just not it.. just know when you play games NOTHING remains rare forever. time will come when a similar skin or the skin it self will return
    Regarding the card limit I did see something regarding that but until we get the new update I was hoping we could get the ZM cards limit increased for the current available ZM4 modes 

    Regarding the VIP dismantling option I am aware of the weapon exchange event but I specifically mentioned casual spenders since they do not have multiple of each vip collection and still 3 for 1 VIP will be bit too much for them

    as for the weapon values I didn't mean that old skins should never be featured again what I meant was they should keep getting featured but with the same win rate they always have had and to only keep the high winrate for the newer things so it wouldn't be unfair for players who had to endure the old winrate and spend so much to obtain them, by all means keep featuring these skins in web offers and black friday, I was Just discussing the winrate ^^ 

    Thank you very much for your input  <3
  • tl;dr please, nobody is going to read all that
  • Golden173 said:
    tl;dr please, nobody is going to read all that
    That's okay if you don't feel like reading it, it's only for whoever is interested ^^

    The whole point of the post is to be collective and include as many points as possible so naturally it's bit long.

    Thank you for your input  <3
  • I'm reading it  <3
    Thank you so much for taking the time  :) 
  • Issue is before during ZM4 at the very first you could spend i think it was 1-3k zp for a collection that would result in a free vip pretty much then another one came with a ak and i personally know people who have plenty of dupes of them ( AN 94 Transformer, AK knife steampunk ) now it would feel really weird to have people with 30+ dupes of each to just dismantle them into other vips while others who have spent 150k zp on a single or 150k during black friday for 3 vips or so on and prehaps limit to just have if you dismantle 3 primary weapons you can only choose a primary due to black friday now having seperated melee / pistol / nades.

    Card limit you could sort of increase a little now as card bug was fixed (was A LOT of people who used card bug also wanting a higher increase of card limit) but tbh i dont see much of a reason to honestly.