Making Crossfire Great again (Chapter 2)

edited September 2024 in Suggestions

Event Improvements:

The problem:
  Events are a very useful strategy to boost the popularity of neglected content, Introduce new content or Just boost the player base at times However many players started caring less for new events some choose to not do them and the majority Just cheese them as in farming them by a way or another which defeats the initial purpose of these events while it's indeed the goal to attain the reward from the event it became the only thing most players have on mind while doing events, I believe events were always about experiencing something different and getting rewarded meanwhile.
 The change of how players view events nowadays is I believe due to the rewards being mostly a small quantity of ZP crates, Some players already have the weapons in the crates, Some think they'll Just wait to be able to buy the crates since they aren't likely to win much from a small amount and some others Just get upset since they paid a lot to obtain those weapons when they were first released and now others Just get the chance to get them for free hurting their rarity and value. 

The proposed solution:

  I suggest having event rewards Offer guns or items that are not and were never attainable by either ZP or GP or anywhere else but from events, exclusive event rewards will bring so much more attention to events and and so much more excitement, Both categories of the player base ones that spend money and ones that don't will be motivated to do the event regardless since that's the only way of getting that reward especially if it's an item that was never introduced to the game before, Not every event has to be like that but we need more of them.

Black Market Improvements:

The problem:
  Most players are frustrated at the idea that they have to spend so much more ZP than they would on VIPs Just to win regular skins that look nice or have a nostalgic value, Even when someone has a very strong desire to a certain weapon from the Black Market on average they'd have to spend so much ZP to win it to the point where after they won the gun it feels like it wasn't worth it, I understand that it's a System of luck and it should always remain that way but it needs to have some boundaries, you get many players who'd have to open 300+, 600+ or sometimes a 1000 ZP crates to win a specific item, Even if someone is the unluckiest person on earth I think they'd deserve a bit more :D not to mention getting duplicates very often tho I think the problem with duplicates isn't just the fact that they exist, the problem is duplicates being a thing combined with a low winrate.

The proposed solution:
We currently have a system for most new crates in which you get a random weapon you haven't yet obtained after opening 300 crates I suggest making that a standard function for all available crates in game and dropping the amount to 150-200 crates for the reward to make it a reasonable value compared to VIPs, I also suggest making the weapon Exchange events more often or having an "Exclusive weapon exchange function" for newly released crates that should be available while their offers last kinda like their own mini weapon exchange event for a couple of weeks. 

I understand the reasons behind the current implemented strategies but it has been a double edged sword doing more damage on the wrong side for a while now and I do believe that with my suggestion the game will be more profitable since you'd get many more players motivated to spend ZP on Black Market crates of course with such solutions a few big spenders will spend a bit less but it was also lead to many smaller spenders spending consistent amounts very often which in the end will add up to more for the game.
