Making Crossfire Great again (Chapter 1)

edited September 2024 in Suggestions
Greetings Z8Games Staff and users!

          I have been wanting to put all my ideas and suggestions in one post for everyone in the hopes that I would inspire a positive change and help our beloved Crossfire. I invite you all to share your opinions regarding every point that I will mention below tho I ask of you to keep an open mind while reading and not be biased  <3

             "This thread will be split into 4 posts due to character limit"
                   "Please read through all of them before commenting"

     To me Crossfire is a variety fps game and I believe that this has been and will always be the main competing advantage it has, Having that many modes that are very different and that amount of maps is unique. I and many others got interested in crossfire because of the different and unique game modes that weren't available anywhere else which provided a variety experience that kept me and many others playing the game for years however... sadly the variety of modes and maps started to become more restricted causing many old players to quit the game.

Importance of the encouraging the older players to return:

   I would dare say that the "older players of Crossfire are the foundation of our community" since most people who are still playing the game or ever played the game were Just players that got invited by older players into the game, older players that were passionate about certain game modes used to be looked at as little idols in the game which inspired many to play their game modes, Crossfire is at a point where with the correct changes and decisions the amount of players that would return to the game would very much surpass the amount of new players we could ever gain and it would be a domino effect as once some older players take notice that certain things they loved so much in the game started to re-appear they would start bringing back others friends who may have also gone inactive for a long and so and so... which brings us to the first point to discuss.

Lobby and Roster Improvements:

The problem:
  For the past few years many players got used to hosting every mode in it's default map due to new players at the time not being aware of the map changing option or Just some players being too lazy, for example Most Free for all rooms if not all are Just ( New Greece ) HMX ( Rooftops ) HM ( Merida ) etc. and now it's become a very negative habit for hosting, players Just got used to not trying out different maps, Crossfire west has a beautiful collection of maps for every mode that are sadly not being played which leads to the older players becoming frustrated and playing less since they Just can't find any rooms hosting their favorite maps and modes anymore newer players getting bored quickly.

The proposed solution:
  I suggest a lil tweak to the room hosting system in which every time a room is hosted the set default map is different, This will help introduce different maps to the more simple minded player base that never changes the map upon hosting. 

I suggest having "Special Weekend maps" that would be different for every weekend giving bonus GP/XP and a bit of EP

It would also be beneficial to have our GMs hosting the weekly streams again in separate rooms hosting old time favorite modes and maps since players are guaranteed to Join these rooms and that would help with the idea of introducing different things to newer players.
We already get Events very often that bring certain maps and game modes to the spotlights momentarily however the selection of maps and modes in the events needs to feature more of what used to be very popular instead of what was never played much And that is not due to the lack of importance of introducing those maps/modes that were never played but for the time being it is to prioritize reviving certain groups of the player base first.

Also addressing the problem of players leaving the room as soon as the match is over I suggest adding a map change voting system that appears to every player in game a couple of minutes before the match is over, having the majority of the players in the match choose their next desired map would result in most of the people staying in the same rooms for longer and possibly trying a different map every match since the voting system would only give a choice of 5 random maps from all the available maps every time. 

-One final note regarding the Kick voting system, Lately it has been very difficult to vote kick anyone in any room due to some players being AFK and some others Just being too clueless to vote, we need to implement a system where only players that have been active in the room with certain battle stats can vote.

Chapter 2: