[NC] Glory to Palestine (IG)
svergnyty said:1) which country support?
2) taking into account the fact that some people are indifferent to the attitude towards other players and the weapons with which they play and ultimately kick the player out of the room for weapons from “this” country, despite the fact that they themselves play with other weapons from “this” country (mentioning any countries, clans and oth)er things is prohibited on the forum, so everything is veiled)
3) at the moment there are 3 clans actively kicking out players for weapons, in my understanding this can be counted as nationalism towards the country of the manufacturer of these weapons, and why this is not being fought in any way is not clear
I shared this suggestion only inspired by 'Support the children of Ukraine,' and my purpose here is just to share a suggestion.
To access the 'Support the children of Ukraine' event; https://forum.z8games.com/discussion/6952977/support-the-children-of-ukraine-apr-6-may-9