retrieve old account from 10+ years ago - useful help/ GM needed

I want to retrieve my old account and only have login id and username ingame, passswort not working smh.
my ticket gets insta closed by the same useless GM whiteout him even trying to help and just copy pasting some irrelevant text.
e.g insist me on saying creation date of account , like literally who knows that after 10+ years
i was asking for the email i used to register, since it would help me to get access back since i obviously dont know the email i used 10+years ago when i was 13. Of course he is not allowed to say me the full email due to personal security reason or smthin but they sure are allowed to make the email look like this e.g abcd****** so it would give me a hint of which of the 100 emails i created as a kid was used by me to register my z8 games account.
same goes with security question, i dont know exactly which security question i used back then, since every website you create an account for ask for a security question which obviously adds to a good amount of different security questions on different websites in a lifespan, but if he would provide me the question i used i am sure i will be able to think of the answer i put there when i was 13.
Like is he thinking I am an impersonator ? who wants a crappy crossfire account after beeing unused 10 years ? obviously I am not
Any help from anyone with a clue how to solve this problem is appreciated.
GM´s appreciated to reply to this discussion
EDIT: stop closing the discussion so early @[GM]xavz
no wonder Z8Games has a 2.2 rating on customer support cause you seem to close every ticket/discussion instantly.
So to any other GM than [GM]xavz, how Am i able to retrieve information on my used Email Adress for my account registered 10 years ago? When I don´t know my Registered Email and passwort not working?
Any "Useful" help appreciated.


    1. When you create game account you check agree with game terms and conditions where clearly states ( see Cross Fire Game Policy -> 2.1 Account Responsibility ) one of your main duty is to to keep safe account information used to create game account.
    2. After you create game account 10 years ago, you receive an one time email from z8 with all account information, like this :
    3. If you fail to follow game terms and conditions, such as keep safe account information, then you can't recover game account (unless you can provide enough correct information, but only login ID is not enough) and the only answer you will get is same as on previous topic :
      P.S. There is nothing to discuss about, you may or may not provide the required information, that's all, whatever are the reason you can't provide enough correct information is only on your side and no one can't be blamed beside you.
    Gamer since 1997
  • I am sorry you feel this way. However, we have internal policies that we must follow to best protect accounts. This includes not discussing an account with you unless you meet a certain criteria that verifies your ownership of the account. The info we request in the ticket system is the info we can verify. This policy will not change, and I encourage you to review the Terms of Service you agreed to upon creating the account. Additionally, we do not use robots to respond. You may see answers that are pre-fabricated to save us writing the same thing a thousand times a day and trust me when I say that we get spammed but it is always a real person selecting that response based on your ticket details. I've closed the previous discussion because I answered it, there is no other way for you to retrieve the account which is BY TICKET, not in forums or discord. We don't provide the questions, hints and/or account information because at that point anyone would have access by just trial and error. The email, creation date, password, secret question, users ID and the secret answer are given to you when you first make an account, If you no longer have access to that email there is no other way to get this information and if you do not have enough information which means that from what we have on files you do not have enough information to continue the process.

This discussion has been closed.