The best suggestion for the compensation package!



  • what ever they do, plz no 30-day free vips, we've had enough of them already, and to people who already have those vips, there would be " no compensation "
  • for me the best solution isas compensation is since its now over 2 weeks going and no end in sight, activate the "make a wish event" (list where nearby all guns are in and you can select any in hope do get it for fre to christmas) let every player choose 2 guns out from it and give it some bigger discounts, and as other suggestion that could be a permanent event, to add a event where you get random on few days 200% ZP or 400% Zp on Buying any ZP package, it works i know it from even a Browsergame that keeps its playerbase happy with that events, but they are just on max (that 400% for that Package) 2 Days in the Month and then just for 1 Hour, but when that event would come in Permanent every Month it would make everyone more Happy that should invest. But back To the Topic, like i said 2 guns of choice and some smaller add on to it, like Free Crate Tickets added to the 2 guns or EP, or Ep Crates for 100-400 EP each crate
  • skyyblu wrote: »

    There's lots they can do- run an EP sale with nicer crates, I was thinking with Utmost's list they can make limited GP crates like they did with some guns awhile back... if they do use his list it should be weapons with a nicer skin. People keep asking for that ZM sword but there's a noble silver version of it and those usually go into the MP shop- so they could update the MP shop with that in it.

    right now they still have to fix the servers and from the other thread it sounds like they already have an "event" planned (they say just logging in so they must know what we'll be getting.... a 3 day ak VIP :))

    I still agree with EP crates and repeating it again. We can get limited crates with a good offer or EP Shop can be changed and crates stay there for 3 or 6 months to make other people take advantage of that. So no more complain like tHiS iS nO cOmpEnsAtioN!

    As for ZM Sword, are we confused about all the zm players wanting it? Have they asked theirselves about other non-zm players? Would they accept it?
    This is also counted for tiger paws.

    aaaand I don't think they'll make a free vip event because it will be a useless compensation for who already own them.
    Almost 18th day and imagine getting a vip you already own it by spending money as compensation :P

    Cheezex3 wrote: »
    what ever they do, plz no 30-day free vips, we've had enough of them already, and to people who already have those vips, there would be " no compensation "

    I think they are clever enough to think about it.