The best suggestion for the compensation package!

Hey CrossFire Community!

For people who don't know me

-I'm known with my BEST SUGGESTIONS in the forum-

Firstly, I wouldn't agree with [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER]'s suggestion because the weapons he has mentioned in the list are useless GP Weapons which will make the community anger and had already been obtained by all EU players!


As for my best suggestion, it's about EP Shop and a huge weapon list or crate list like happened that we could choose and win with a chance in the past but not with a chance this time.

With this suggestion, people, who are missing one weapon in their collection, will be able to complete their collection.


Be able to get free crates by choosing or handing free crate tickets out up to 30 or more.

As for EP Shop, Everybody have millions of EP and they all are dusting. We, as community, have never had a good EP Shop 'till the EP shop was released.

Make good EP Shop with half of the price but the staff must set it to make everyone benefit from it because newcomers can't benefit. The only solution that newcomers can benefit from it, is to make EP obtainable at the weekend and set it for 3 or 6 months so they can obtain them.


Don't even think about my huge weapon list, just make a weapon list in the poll like AK47, M4A1, Combat Axe etc...

The weapon, which gets the highest vote, can be obtained with its one variety for permanently.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Make EVO, 9A & CBJ-MS, VIPs and VIP replicas (Scorched, Prime Beast...) out of the list!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Others should state their ideas below with pros and cons to decide what the package will be and their precious useful suggestion otherwise the staff give something that the community will not like and then don't complain about it please.


    Useful weapon, knife or more cosmetics can be added instead of the coolest yellow smoke, AA-12 and AK-47 Camo, Deagle-B in the coupon shop.

    Custom crates can be made. I feel like you are about to ask what do you actually mean?

    For instance, AK47 Phoenix crate, it won't include GP, Namecard or other things. It will only include 1-3-7-10-30-60-120-180-365 days and Permanent of AK47 Phoenix. When you spin, you'll be able to get randomly days. We can only get once or twice from this crate but a RISKY suggestion because the player could win 1 and 3 days twice.
    Bring the Spin the Wheel with the good offers with the help of the community.
    Make a spray/namecard which shows -Sorry- or -Sry- when sprayed.
    Simple instance of spray
    Mutation Mode outdated items

    ✦ 21 days Assassin
    ✦ 21 days Maiden
    ✦ 21 days Jiang-Shi
    ✦ 21 days Mutation Armor

    Search & Destroy outdated items

    ✦ Smoke Protection Helmet
    ✦ Bulletproof Helmet & Body

    and other things which is not in my mind for now can be given to the players because 19 days have passed and lost.
  • they just updated the EP shop. they can't control the win rate or what's in crates and crates are a bad idea because not everyone is guaranteed to win something. same with spin the wheel. I also think the GP guns aren't that great and aren't going to bring players back that quit over this.
  • I wouldn't mind to see a spin the wheel event with some really nice weapons and potentially a chance to get a vip reskin. This could bring some players back. As for the compensation package.. they could make an event where the player can chose what he wants from a list. I personally wouldn't want to get a permanent gp weapon/item unless its something special or cool like the tiger claws or dao-royal sword and i would preffer crates/EP or free crate tickets.

    I agree that EP shop should have some changes but i believe that we don't see cool stuff in there because of these people with "milions of EP".
  • skyyblu wrote: »
    they just updated the EP shop. they can't control the win rate or what's in crates and crates are a bad idea because not everyone is guaranteed to win something. same with spin the wheel. I also think the GP guns aren't that great and aren't going to bring players back that quit over this.

    I would have to agree with skyyblu here and that isn’t only because you called my suggestion useless haha..

    The GP guns aren’t THAT great, I agree, but I’m being realistic here. They aren’t going to be giving out skinned or crate weapons previously available for ZP, considering a compensation package should be something everyone is equally happy with. Hence why I added so many weapons to the list.

    Considering that fact, I wouldn’t like to see the EP shop updated as a compensation considering I’m not one of those people who has ‘millions of EP’. I only have about 40k and wouldn’t want to grind on weekends to get more, I rather have some instant gratification when I join the game in form of a package.

    I really like the idea of a permanent namecard or spray with “sorry” on it. That would be cool, no clue if they’d put in the effort to design it though.
  • i am sorry , but what makes you think all people have millions of dusting EP , for example i have 799 EP, then what , no compensation for me ?
  • The only true compensation would be ZP or an special permanent weapon. All the luck-related things are just a scam and wouldn't be a compensation at all.

    I think the compensation is going to be short of garbage, anyways
  • Getting you back to the ground. If you know z8 you know that they give a free 30day vip......
  • For those who say I have less than 1000K EP, I wanted to mention z8games to give free 100K and be able to choose a permanent weapon in the EP Shop for 50K. Weapons can be picked up by community.

    Unfortunately, It's sad to see the community disagreed my best suggestion. The community looks like want free useless GP weapons in the list [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] mentioned instead of mine best offers. This community just deserve CBJ-MS which is better and the most annoying weapon in the game.

    but I won't leave my hope alone. [USER="17967510"][GM]Celestine[/USER] will make a good decision!
  • I have eyes and can see [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] 's friends and my haters are disagreeing my best suggestion as they couldn't make such a best suggestion like me!

    The only thing that I want is don't let [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] fool you with his only useless GP weapons suggestion. He's probably here to sabotage the compensation package and make people angry or he already own all the useful items!

    He stated to be given Famas G2 in the list that we already got it in the first mercenary pass? Of course, everyone can see what he wants to do.

    Only useful things that he did is bulletproof and smoke helmet.

    ​​​​​​He also wants free bag 5 6 7. He's probably out of bags. I don't own bag 5 6 7 and I'll take advantage of this? No way.

    ​​​​​​​10 levels in mercenary pass? Everyone is able to do it twice in 28 days even if you're fully busy!
  • Alduinn wrote: »
    I have eyes and can see [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] 's friends and my haters are disagreeing my best suggestion as they couldn't make such a best suggestion like me!

    The only thing that I want is don't let [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] fool you with his only useless GP weapons suggestion. He's probably here to sabotage the compensation package and make people angry or he already own all the useful items!

    He stated to be given Famas G2 in the list that we already got it in the first mercenary pass? Of course, everyone can see what he wants to do.

    Only useful things that he did is bulletproof and smoke helmet.

    ​​​​​​He also wants free bag 5 6 7. He's probably out of bags. I don't own bag 5 6 7 and I'll take advantage of this? No way.

    ​​​​​​​10 levels in mercenary pass? Everyone is able to do it twice in 28 days even if you're fully busy!

    Have you considered the fact that you just haven't thought out your suggestion very well and that that's the reason people don't like it? There really is no need to personally attack my suggestion just because you don't get the response you hoped for.
  • Please for the love of god dont give us crates to spin as a *compensation*. You are not guaranteed to get anything from them and its just saying like: Hey guys as an apology for 10+ days of bad servers here is some crates to spin under 2 minutes. Utmost suggestion is good because it actually gives you a weapon. Something to play with. I have 30+ VVIP and i dont mind having a random GP gun that i dont have so i can play with it when im bored.

    Utmost's suggestion is in my honest opinion just sounds better. Your suggestion is also decent but i disagree with any kind of crates to spin. 100k EP and some free weapons to buy from EP shop is good idea so i support that.
  • Still for those who say I have 20k EP and no compensation for me???

    100K EP can be given for you to buy a permanent USEFUL weapon for 50k.

    100.000 - 50.000 = 50.000 EP you have.

    Mercenary pass gives up to 40K EP.

    50.000 + 40.000 = 90.000 EP

    Making EP obtainable and adding 2 hours event at the weekend will make your EP 100K again.

    If you say, I don't have time to play at the weekend and I can't complete the mercenary pass, unfortunately, but this is the fact, you don't deserve.
  • 13e13e wrote: »
    Utmost suggestion is good because it actually gives you a weapon. Something to play with.

    My suggestion also giving a weapon. Something to play with but I'm in doubt you've fully read the whole text.

    "Don't even think about my huge weapon list, just make a weapon list in the poll like AK47, M4A1, Combat Axe etc...

    The weapon, which gets the highest vote, can be obtained with its one variety for permanently."
  • I WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO AS A RUNNER UP SUGGESTION SINCE IT'S IN THE SOUTH SIDE CLIENT OF CFNA OR ( I'm in no way affiliated with site nor i;m endorsed by it I posted just for reference).
  • The weekend EP was hard to do because it became 4 1 hours you had to be ready to play. it was done that way to make the hours better for everyone so those off-hours weren't good for other people (unless you are staying up late and getting up really early) it was a little easier when it was 2 2 hours. You also have the bots who wouldn't deserve it, which make it unfair for people that don't bot

    The tiger claws and the dao-royal sword is a better idea. The dao-royal sword is more for ZM players though. And eventually, we would have players complaining about the constant meowing in game.
  • Alduinn wrote: »

    My suggestion also giving a weapon. Something to play with but I'm in doubt you've fully read the whole text.

    "Don't even think about my huge weapon list, just make a weapon list in the poll like AK47, M4A1, Combat Axe etc...

    The weapon, which gets the highest vote, can be obtained with its one variety for permanently."

    No read it and i said i liked your permanent weapon of our choice with EP. Im just saying that Utmost's idea is bit more realistic since im highly doubtful that they will hand us 100k EP like that
  • 13e13e wrote: »

    No read it and i said i liked your permanent weapon of our choice with EP. Im just saying that Utmost's idea is bit more realistic since im highly doubtful that they will hand us 100k EP like that

    We have to protect and object to Utmost's list because it contains a OP and some USELESS/NOT WORTH weapons WHICH WILL MAKE PEOPLE ANGRY. People will choose the OP weapon CBJ-MS which is better and annoying in all modes than 9A-91 and Scorpion Evo.

    Seems like too many people agreed with Utmost's suggestion and haven't even played just one game against CBJ-MS players in HMX or in another mode. Let's pray for his suggestion to happen and then I'll just watch how the game is being ruined by them and what people will think and insult about the OP Gun. They will probably the ones that always complain about 9A91 and Scorpion Evo in game & discord. It'll be a surprise for them. LET'S JUST AGREE WITH HIM!

    I'm sick of mentioning to the people who still says that they are in doubtful that the game will hand 100k EP. They already giving 40k EP in total in Mercenary Pass. They lose nothing if they give 100k but THEY LOSE something IF THEY REALLY GIVE TIGER PAWS FOR FREE.
  • skyyblu wrote: »
    The tiger claws and the dao-royal sword is a better idea. The dao-royal sword is more for ZM players though. And eventually, we would have players complaining about the constant meowing in game.

    Sorry but Tiger Paws must not be given for free easily because of 10-15 anime lovers that only aims it and don't think other people. Imagine they distributed it and almost everyone will use it as it's their new melee. It has annoying sound when you hold it. People will abuse its sounds.


    Dao-Royal Sword is not a better idea. I've been thinking since morning about these coming poor ideas except mine. Do you really want them to get Dao-Royal Sword for free which only aiming ZM players? What about other users who are not ZM Player, like me? I don't have to use and get it just because of 3-5 zombie lovers.

  • what if the servers are never fixed? lol and here every one is getting excited about some "compensation package"
  • Looks like you made ppl mad by your overrated "best suggestion".

    I have over 14 different AKs, just take it out of me!
  • skyyblu wrote: »
    what if the servers are never fixed? lol and here every one is getting excited about some "compensation package"

    Servers will eventually have to be fixed, if not, then the game dies. We're making suggestions, as Celestine[GM] wanted us to make suggestion about it.
  • StLoD_UA wrote: »
    Looks like you made ppl mad by your overrated "best suggestion".

    I have over 14 different AKs, just take it out of me!

    I've the proofs which show that everyone, who down-voted me, AGREE WITH ME, but they down-voted me intentionally and without even reading the whole suggestion.

    "Having so-called friends around always makes you think to win the wrong game"

    They have always been mad at me before this suggestion and they now became super mad as they, theirselves, couldn't do and missed such an excellent suggestion.
  • What I want ? - Any permanent weapon I don't already have.

    What I think we will get if I am to be realistic - Some crates.

    If we get anything better than a few crates, they will probably have to be played for, like when we had the two silver-skinned weapons for EP. We had to grind like hell and then got to chose between the permanent weapons or EP crates.

    Why so dramatic of the CBJ? I have tried it and had it used against me. It's like any other JHP weapon that exists ingame +/- a little better or worse in some stats.
    You can already get the 9A, EVO, Kinetics and Calico permanent for free and P90-Fatal Wasp easily in ZM + The TMP for free in last year's monthly weapon event.
    It's not like there will be any massive difference in game, if they also released the CBJ. People will try it out for 2-3 weeks max , then will go back to use the weapons they used, like any other time they released a weapon. People panicked over the TMP and EVO, now I see max 1-2 players with them in a TDM or FFA match.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »
    What I want ? - Any permanent weapon I don't already have.

    What I think we will get if I am to be realistic - Some crates.

    If we get anything better than a few crates, they will probably have to be played for, like when we had the two silver-skinned weapons for EP. We had to grind like hell and then got to chose between the permanent weapons or EP crates.

    Why so dramatic of the CBJ? I have tried it and had it used against me. It's like any other JHP weapon that exists ingame +/- a little better or worse in some stats.
    You can already get the 9A, EVO, Kinetics and Calico permanent for free and P90-Fatal Wasp easily in ZM + The TMP for free in last year's monthly weapon event.
    It's not like there will be any massive difference in game, if they also released the CBJ. People will try it out for 2-3 weeks max , then will go back to use the weapons they used, like any other time they released a weapon. People panicked over the TMP and EVO, now I see max 1-2 players with them in a TDM or FFA match.

    ​​​​​​Seems like I've to be more clear because people still want to ruin the game with CBJ. Have you thought what happen if you own 5 or 6 Thompson VIP and then CBJ-MS? TOTALLY DISASTER AND PEOPLE STILL WANT, NICE.

    People use 9A because it's OP in long and short range. [TDM/S&D/WAVE]

    P90 is OP in short range but people want OP weapons on long and short range. [HMX/WAVE/TDM]

    Kinetic is OP in short and middle range. [TDM/S&D]

    Calico is OP.

    Why would you add a weapon better than 9A and EVO?

    I'm even in doubt that you've used it. I even can make the most relax player mad with CBJ.

    You make HMX Mode unplayable with it.
    You ruin S&D with it.
    A disaster in TDM.

    and Utmost want it.


    You rarely see TMP, Calico users in FFA maybe it's because of the long range that all FFA Maps own?
  • Just 1 tap enemies before they can shoot you and BAM no weapon is OP Kappa
  • Alduinn wrote: »

    ​​​​​​Seems like I've to be more clear because people still want to ruin the game with CBJ. Have you thought what happen if you own 5 or 6 Thompson VIP and then CBJ-MS? TOTALLY DISASTER AND PEOPLE STILL WANT, NICE.

    People use 9A because it's OP in long and short range. [TDM/S&D/WAVE]

    P90 is OP in short range but people want OP weapons on long and short range. [HMX/WAVE/TDM]

    Kinetic is OP in short and middle range. [TDM/S&D]

    Calico is OP.

    Why would you add a weapon better than 9A and EVO?

    I'm even in doubt that you've used it. I even can make the most relax player mad with CBJ.

    You make HMX Mode unplayable with it.
    You ruin S&D with it.
    A disaster in TDM.

    and Utmost want it.


    You rarely see TMP, Calico users in FFA maybe it's because of the long range that all FFA Maps own?

    I have tried it (HMX & TDM) and as I said, it's nothing special. What I mean that there won't be that much of a difference, is because people in game already have the weapons I mentioned with 6 Thompsons. Still the mutants win more often than not in HMX and in all other modes (except maybe wave) the player dies long before having a chance to use more than one extra magazine, so it's redundant.

    If you check back in the forum threads from the last 2 years, you will see that people are screaming DOOMSDAY, for a lot of weapons, each time they released them. Including but not limited to: TMP, EVO, AXE, M14, 9A. The same thing has happened each time. 2-3 weeks of heavy usage, then back to normal. The good players still wins most matches, using the regular 1-2 tap weapons they used before they released the "cheat-weapons". The bad players still lose while using "cheat weapons". As I have said every time, Good players learn to adapt, which they do, usually after a lot of complaining. Some weapons are easier to use, but all weapons have a weakness. As [USER="10010238"]13e13e[/USER] Says, one-tap them before they can shoot you. It's not because AK-47 sucks, that most Pro's use it.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Alduinn wrote: »

    Servers will eventually have to be fixed, if not, then the game dies. We're making suggestions, as Celestine[GM] wanted us to make suggestion about it.

    in the server issues thread she is now saying there will be events...maybe the one where we can pick our prize like the war fan, ep, or gp. I hope it's not spin the wheel or something since that's hit or miss for some players. Unless there's a way to get unlimited spins without Zp (or even a bingo that doesn't require ZP)
  • 1: I think the best suggestion and most importantl is to give a good black friday deal (a good or even two vip weapons or even a set (AK fury beast ws or m4 born beast 2) and maybe even more percent off (up to - 80 or more) then last year).

    2.Some free weapon or a weapon for EP( with some EP given or/and a heavy reduce so the weapon can be affordet, not everyone has tons of EP left, because of weekend grinding or even optained with farmbots).
    Or maybe let player chose from a weapon list (some nice AKor m4 skins and some weapons what maybe haven't been in cf na, just give a few options so nobody is disappointed) and/or an new vip skin for players who have already tons of weapons.

    3: And maybe addional some crates, maybe even free create tickets to choose from the black market (about 10 per day we could not play).

    What won't bring players back is just like a few creates or events where they may get something but with a low win chance and some exp plus.

    In addition you should think about an solution for the ranked matches (no point reduction and maybe higher point rate for rest of season) and some extra levels for the pass (some points for logging in or easy obtainable events or point duplication).
  • 1: I think the best suggestion and most importantl is to give a good black friday deal (a good or even two vip weapons or even a set (AK fury beast ws or m4 born beast 2) and maybe even more percent off (up to - 80 or more) then last year).

    2.Some free weapon or a weapon for EP( with some EP given or/and a heavy reduce so the weapon can be affordet, not everyone has tons of EP left, because of weekend grinding or even optained with farmbots).
    Or maybe let player chose from a weapon list (some nice AKor m4 skins and some weapons what maybe haven't been in cf na, just give a few options so nobody is disappointed) and/or an new vip skin for players who have already tons of weapons.

    3: And maybe addional some crates, maybe even free create tickets to choose from the black market (about 10 per day we could not play).

    What won't bring players back is just like a few creates or events where they may get something but with a low win chance and some exp plus.

    In addition you should think about an solution for the ranked matches (no point reduction and maybe higher point rate for rest of season) and some extra levels for the pass (some points for logging in or easy obtainable events or point duplication).

    Finally someone who is able to think and give a suggestion! Not like others who always complain without pros and cons and answer irrelevantly without even reading my topic!

    I agree with you and I believe they'll think about our suggestion!
  • 1: I think the best suggestion and most importantl is to give a good black friday deal (a good or even two vip weapons or even a set (AK fury beast ws or m4 born beast 2) and maybe even more percent off (up to - 80 or more) then last year).

    2.Some free weapon or a weapon for EP( with some EP given or/and a heavy reduce so the weapon can be affordet, not everyone has tons of EP left, because of weekend grinding or even optained with farmbots).
    Or maybe let player chose from a weapon list (some nice AKor m4 skins and some weapons what maybe haven't been in cf na, just give a few options so nobody is disappointed) and/or an new vip skin for players who have already tons of weapons.

    3: And maybe addional some crates, maybe even free create tickets to choose from the black market (about 10 per day we could not play).

    What won't bring players back is just like a few creates or events where they may get something but with a low win chance and some exp plus.

    In addition you should think about an solution for the ranked matches (no point reduction and maybe higher point rate for rest of season) and some extra levels for the pass (some points for logging in or easy obtainable events or point duplication).

    the AK fury beast ws looks nice, I doubt we'll get that on black friday though. we'll probably see one of those sets in December or January. There's lots they can do- run an EP sale with nicer crates, I was thinking with Utmost's list they can make limited GP crates like they did with some guns awhile back... if they do use his list it should be weapons with a nicer skin. People keep asking for that ZM sword but there's a noble silver version of it and those usually go into the MP shop- so they could update the MP shop with that in it.

    right now they still have to fix the servers and from the other thread it sounds like they already have an "event" planned (they say just logging in so they must know what we'll be getting.... a 3 day ak VIP :))