[GM] Tournament Info [Edit]

Note -- This is not a sign up Sheet.

General Format

  • 16 Teams
  • 5 Players
  • 3 Substitutes
  • 9 Rounds on each Side. (GR & BL)
  • Echo 10 unless both teams are from EU and agree on the match being played in the UK server.

Time & Date

Team leaders will pick a time that suits both teams.
Teams who do not decide on a date will be scheduled by a staff member.

Rules and Regulations
  • CrossFire rules apply to this tournament, Glitching and so on will not be tolerated.

The following items will not be allowed
  • Shock Absorber
  • SPOP
  • Breath Down
  • Armor (Both helmet and chest)

The following Weapons will not be allowed
  • Thompson
  • XM1014 (advanced)
  • M12s
  • Kriss
  • RPK (Camo)
  • M60 (Advanced)
  • Scar Light
  • Special grenades
  • Field Shovel

Anti Cheat

I do not see why we would need growler as it is quite easy to pin out people who are willing to try and hack, no matter how hard they try to hide it.

If you are called out for using items that are "banned" from the tournament you will be asked to take a screen shot of your screen with the person accusing you.

May consider using Growler (Disscus this in this topic) (Will note this up top aswell)


Score reports are to be sent to me via the forums private message system. Screen shots and the replay, Thanks. (Will most likely set up an email for this befor the tourny start, Will keep you posted)

Hack reports are to be sent to me via the forums private message system. Proof is needed. (Will most likely set up an email for this be for the tourny starts, Will keep you posted)

Changes in your teams roster are to be sent to me via the forums private message system. (Will most likely set up an email for this be for the tourny starts, Will keep you posted)

Extra Extra

Brackets will be picked at random, team names will be placed into a hat.

This is a friendly tournament, there will be no prize ^^

People caught breaking any of our rules will have their entire team kicked out of the competition.

Sign up sheets will be up on June 9th.
Good Luck <3

PzPzPz ---
Hope I did not miss anything =/
Feel free to point out mistakes and things that should be added/removed be for the Sign ups begin.
