Cf Pugg Vent



  • Welcome Back? It's ALWAYS great to see people keeping alive the spirit of competitive play, no matter the rule set or means of enforcing it. Despite what people say or think, continue forth providing a platform you enjoy...At the end of the day it's a game, and although you must be professional, enjoy doing/playing it at the same time. -Best of Luck
  • iOath wrote: »
    Kid, get off my jock.
    You're just p!ssed cuz i'm one of the people who pointed you out as being a bad admin when it came to KrZy's puggs.
    And you were still up in there trying to get it back.
    I NEVER asked for admin nor a staff position from KrZy.
    It was just given to me cuz i'm not a jackass.
    I wasn't even aware he was bringing his pugs back up until I read this thread.

    Pointed me out? WOuld you like to tell me what i did wrong? You didnt really point anything out buddy. All you said was bad admin, Wanna tell me what i did wrong to get it taken away?

    Only thing good bout is the rap battles so.
  • OK so the original Cf pug vent is back.

    No offense Life your pug vent was so wack.

    We got raps goin down

    Makin funny sh1t up while you 1 week pug vent owners frown.

  • If this is a community vent why do people call it "Krzy's vent" .

    Yes i understand you pay for it, but i think the community should have a say, such as poll's to see rules, admins etc...

    Reason the new pug vent was formed due to the lack of enforcing rules and horrible admins.

    I'm not taking any sides .
  • OK so the original Cf pug vent is back.

    No offense Life your pug vent was so wack.

    We got raps goin down

    Makin funny sh1t up while you 1 week pug vent owners frown.


    Having fun is having fun .

    Having fun then, and then when an abusive admin comes by and says STFU OR IM GOING TO BAN YOU, is not fun .

    The Pugg vent barely set's up pugg's nor enforces rules, and has disrespectful admins.

    The pug vent set's up vent, enforces rules, and has some respectful admins and some bad admins .

    Yes there are two pug vents, work it out, Merge or something.

    From my point of view if you want to play and get better go to "PUG" vent.

    If you want to goof off just chill have "fun" go to "PUGG" vent.
  • Having fun is having fun .

    Having fun then, and then when an abusive admin comes by and says STFU OR IM GOING TO BAN YOU, is not fun .

    The Pugg vent barely set's up pugg's nor enforces rules, and has disrespectful admins.

    The pug vent set's up vent, enforces rules, and has some respectful admins and some bad admins .

    Yes there are two pug vents, work it out, Merge or something.

    From my point of view if you want to play and get better go to "PUG" vent.

    If you want to goof off just chill have "fun" go to "PUGG" vent.

    ahhsiii The pugs on lifes vent are all uneven the admins all get ringers for other teams and stack theres..never seen that on krzys vent

    If you need a example MS2
  • ahhsii wrote: »
    ahhsiii The pugs on lifes vent are all uneven the admins all get ringers for other teams and stack theres..never seen that on krzys vent

    If you need a example MS2

    There are no way you can stop stack teams, you can however stop clan stacks.

    You just gotta live with that. You cant deny a team if they had a "smart" captain to choose there team.

    IMO, the pugg vent had horrible organization .

    PS : come on your main account.
  • There are no way you can stop stack teams, you can however stop clan stacks.

    You just gotta live with that. You cant deny a team if they had a "smart" captain to choose there team.

    IMO, the pugg vent had horrible organization .

    PS : come on your main account.

    ours are ran beter
    Our drafts are ran beter then Wogl/krzys
    Love how saidin noticed it the first day and stickyed it in the barracks.
  • Gaming background : Runescape, Intense NeoPet over-night raids
    Management Experience : I played Roller Coaster Tycoon when I was 7
    Forum Experience : I have 3k posts yo
    References : Hmmmm...
    Age : 8, almost 9 :D
  • Dren theres nothing wrong as a admin.
    He's done his job, No need for you to hate.. Don't be mad..

    If you guy's are going to keep you're vent up good luck, No reason to hate on us for keeping ours up.

    Please make some sense .
  • Please make some sense .

    I was listening to raps, So stfu gurp, go watch you're indian tv morbidly obese child
  • ErlcK wrote: »
    ours are ran beter
    Our drafts are ran beter then Wogl/krzys
    Love how saidin noticed it the first day and stickyed it in the barracks.

    because i dont know a gm doesnt mean
    that my puggs wont be noticed all anyone
    on this thread is doing is raging i think you
    guys should leave my thread alone and go
    back to your pugs and let my pugg's be
    ran how they are ran , you guys get mad ,
    come over to get players from my vent attempt
    to spam my vent , and try to make my pugg's
    look bad so if saidin isn't seeing the truth
    of things then sorry to hear but i know alot
    of the mods have somewhat respect for me
    and thats all i need because all the mods in
    crossfire are great and do their jobs and a few
    of them even come into my pugg vent to monitor
    it every now and then please leave this thread alone
    its an informative thread stick to your own thread
    you guys are acting very childish and i would like
    to just have the common courtesy of my thread
    not being spammed by immature people
    from your organization.
    Respect the forums rules , and please respect my
    ability to post threads and inform players of my
    pugg vent.
    And please people keep a tolerance to what
    you say i do not want this thread closed because
    everyone has an opinion on what each pugg is
    like just act like a mature community and show
    some decency.
  • OK so the original Cf pug vent is back.

    No offense Life your pug vent was so wack.

    We got raps goin down

    Makin funny sh1t up while you 1 week pug vent owners frown.


    You're a waste to the human society.

    Gurps a ****ing indian,

    Shows the maturity level of your admins. (All tho gurp deserves that.)

    Btw, nice edit.
  • Sorry for a double post, but I seen some confusion on stacked team's.

    Whoever in this forum thinks that their was stacked teams during the draft needs to stop, and go get a cat scan from harb.

    Since, I can only recall of one time their might have been a stack, I will speak on that.
    It was 2 Devious members, + Kaz.
    It was ruled not a stack, mainly because Kaz was in my clan the day before.
    Now, Krazy please do us all the honors and stop rambling your non sense on the forums, you're really embarrassing your self.
  • BlindEagle wrote: »
    All the hate.

    Troll said his thing.


    xfire; sensebro

    He will hook you up with a free cat scan.
  • zzz.

    xfire; sensebro

    He will hook you up with a free cat scan.

    cat scan? come again.
  • BlindEagle wrote: »
    cat scan? come again.

    Maybe can cat scan is not right for you, just need your little brain to develop a little more.
  • Maybe can cat scan is not right for you, just need your little brain to develop a little more.

    Yes =3

    Better google cat scan
  • WOGLBobby wrote: »
    Welcome Back? It's ALWAYS great to see people keeping alive the spirit of competitive play, no matter the rule set or means of enforcing it. Despite what people say or think, continue forth providing a platform you enjoy...At the end of the day it's a game, and although you must be professional, enjoy doing/playing it at the same time. -Best of Luck

    Ok, I thought you weren't completely stupid, but it appears I was wrong. Call PUGs anything, but do NOT call them COMPETITIVE.

    If you actually think that teaming up with random people to play a game with another team of random people is competitive, then I feel sad for you.

    PUGs are for fun. PUGs and 10mans should be spur of the moment, "I've got nothing to do so let's get 10 and play" things. "Pick Up Games" and "Organization" are somewhat contradictory =\
  • No offense to EITHER pug vent - But if attempting to make a better community was your goal, then it's not happening. Look what is happening! Divided community here we come. People are already fighting over who's vent is better. This community is just going to get worse.

    Both pug vents have positives and negatives. There are a lot of great minds in this, some not so great. Swallow the big a** chunk of pride in your throat, come together and make one big pug vent. Have the community be able to give their input on Admins and how things should be done. This IS for the community right? They should have a say in it.

    The two vents are just going to make it all worse. I assure you. Maybe not this week, but it will simply divide everyone. That's not the point of these things. This isn't a popularity contest. Get over it and do what's good for the community, not for your own reputations.
  • @Opinionated; OLDpugs were competitive.
    @deux; You've already gave us your pugs "dividing the community" speech.
  • People apparently don't listen - So I guess I'm wasting my time. This community is going down the drain and this isn't helping.
  • zzz.

    Xfire; sensebro

    he will hook you up with a free cat scan.

  • ErlcK wrote: »
    Pointed me out? WOuld you like to tell me what i did wrong? You didnt really point anything out buddy. All you said was bad admin, Wanna tell me what i did wrong to get it taken away?

    Only thing good bout is the rap battles so.

    When you were an admin in the pugg vent you rarely did your job when I online.
    The only time I saw you do ANYTHING was during the draft and even then it was trashy and you guys try to blame KrZy for bad staff or it taking too long to start a pugg.
    You were one of the people who was a staff member so you're just insulting yourself.
    I PMed you on two different occasions when you were the only admin online and all you kept saying was "busy!".
    If you're too busy to help people who come into the vent then don't be on the vent or put yourself in the afk channel.
  • ErlcK wrote: »
    Reanimation Only is talking **** because i wouldnt give him admin
    Icy_Fade bad
    Falsify Bad
    StyX Hes awesome
    Oath bad
    Blashki fine
    Killuforfree Hungry for admin on every vent

    Why get so mad if your "pug vent" is so much better like you all said?...
    And I'm bad.. and a fail admin?

    Lmao, you have *ms2 as an admin.
    Anywho, let go of the adolescent rage.

  • The Pugg vent better for many reason's
    Fun admins
    Rap battle fo sho
    Good players time and then
    And it funny how malte was a admin for Krzy's pug vent but not life's
    Since the other is full of admin kids like ms2.
This discussion has been closed.