Vote kicking/Hack whiners.



  • I think the idea of 'dealing with it' is preposterous, you don't need to 'accept' being kicked for no reason and it should be fixed, wrongful kicking is a widespread problem that blights this game to much a greater degree than hackers and glitchers ever have.

    Today I have seen about 40 kick votes issued by morons for absolutely no reason whatsoever, no hacks, no swearing, no glitching etc

    The principle of dealing with what quite frankly is bull sh1t, is is like telling black ppl "yea you get called monkey, but deal with it", when it is not acceptable whatsoever.

    The maturity level of the people using the game is very low, and the game should cater to that and be idiot proof - Improving or removing the kick vote is key to this.

    To be frank anyone saying otherwise actually is part of the problem and I'm pretty sure wants the current kick system (not because it works) but rather because it works for them ;)
    And I always agree with you, because you post quality not quantity like the usual trolls.

    And besides that because were both awesome.
    How old are you?

    Is that really your well thought out post with your usual reasoning?

    For It is a post full of assumptions to protect a system that I am certain (from your posts) that you do use and abuse.

    A rule in my clan is not kicking unless needed (in fact wrongful kicking will get a person kicked from the clan).

    So I would suggest that you try making a reasoned argument to support your continued use and abuse of the kick vote system, sadly as you suggest the problem is the community and you said that what needs sorting. personally I would ban each and every last one of you kick nubs, however kick vote reform is more likely.

    Also I would suggest when your taking revenge don't do it against people that have not kicked you, however at least you gave me an in-sight into how you use your bottled up anger when your kicked by other kick nubs, you go around randomly kicking others.

    I like your projectionism though as it would fail since I want kick vote reformed or remove - I doubt people that abuse it would want it removed, would they? lawl
    We have that now it's called X-Trap, or are you suggesting something better?

    With X-Trap their are virtually no hackers on crossfire anymore, contrary to the nubs that see 3-4 hackers in every single game in every single channel in every single server.

    Basically the problem in a nut shell is these nubs think they are 'invincible' and the 'best' and if they get shot then your obviously "hacking", or you have those lying nubs that know your not hacking but hate getting shot by you and yell "hack" until someone gets an headache so that they kick you, the only other alternative esp with better players is they want you gone to get 'ace' or more kills.
    LolliRoger wrote: »
    Nope. And you know why? Because the same people who abuse the kick-vote system are the ones that come to the forum to whine about it when it happens to them. The ones you don't hear, are the ones that have already found the solution to the problem, which is;

    "Pull up your big girl panties and deal with it, or play with friends, if you can't accept the lack of maturity in your fellow players."

    And the fact that there are actually kids out there that have the arrogance to label themselves as "pros" because they are a little bit better at playing a silly computer game than other kids, shows exactly the level of maturity you can expect from the game-community you're part off.

    LolliRoger wrote: »
    And here is where your logic fails. You're suggesting that, instead of addressing the real problem, we just change the tools they use. The problem isn't the kick-vote system, but the community that abuses it. And the same people that complain about being kicked by noobs for no good reason, are the noobs that do the kicking. For it is the same kind of attitude that is being displayed here, that is the fuel for the abuse of the kick-vote system in the game.

    Mods and GMs are addressing this problem, for they are trying to make you aware of the fact that

    People seek revenge for what was done to then, or they simply don't care what happens to others, as long as it doesn't happen to them. 26353290t.gif

    LolliRoger wrote: »
    Now who's making assumptions?

    Kid, you're putting the gun on trial here. Blaming it for being used for murder.

    If the kick-vote system was removed, then blatant hackers would have a f'ing field day. People would be forced to leave the game themselves, instead of risking to be kicked from it wrongfully. So removing it is only good for those it was intended for, and not for those it is suppose to protect.

    Reforming it on the other hand is easier said than done, and is still no guarantee that it will not be abused again. The only thing Z8 can do to reform it, is either to make kick-voting easier or harder. If they make it harder to kick someone, then again hackers/glitchers would profit from this change. If they make it easier, then so becomes abusing it.

    In other words, changing the kick-vote system will do squat for solving the real problem. What Z8 should do, is put a penalty on the abuse of the system. They should make wrongful kicking an harassment charge. This would not be so hard to do, because if you kick someone, then you do that for a reportable reason. If lets say, you kick someone for hacking, then at the end of the game, you are to report this same person for hacking, right? People that fail to do so, should automatically get banned for 24 hours for wrongful use of the kick-vote system.

    If people start crying for you to be kicked without justifiable reasons, make screen shots of it and report them for harassment. For that's what it is, harassment. This idea is a lot more foolproof than what you're suggesting, and it would quickly root out those that can't handle the voting system responsibly.


    You know what, Loli has the other guy beat by a long shot. No where in dis whatevers posts did he address the true issue. You want the kick vote system either
    A) Removed
    Solution: No more false kicks.
    Problem: Hacker heaven.
    B) Reformatted
    Solution: Possibly fix the false kicks.
    Problem: It will still be abused.
    Loli hit the issue dead on without even lifting a finger.
    The issue is the community not the system.
    Its like saying the gun isn't shooting straight when your waving the damn thing all over the place.
    Of course it won't shoot straight.
    My honest opinion, one upgrade to the kick system that would solve SOME of the false kicks.
    When the kick vote abuser uses up both of their kick votes that they get kicked or put up for a vote.
    Sorta like how someone who is AFK is put up for vote for being AFK for 2 minutes.
    The only problem with this is if there is a hacker and the same person tries to get them out and uses all their votes and then their put up for vote and then they get kicked for trying to clean the room up. Think of it as trying to sweep the floor with a mop...
  • s0b3r wrote: »
    You know what, Loli has the other guy beat by a long shot. No where in dis whatevers posts did he address the true issue. You want the kick vote system either
    A) Removed
    Solution: No more false kicks.
    Problem: Hacker heaven.
    B) Reformatted
    Solution: Possibly fix the false kicks.
    Problem: It will still be abused.
    Loli hit the issue dead on without even lifting a finger.
    The issue is the community not the system.
    Its like saying the gun isn't shooting straight when your waving the damn thing all over the place.
    Of course it won't shoot straight.
    My honest opinion, one upgrade to the kick system that would solve SOME of the false kicks.
    When the kick vote abuser uses up both of their kick votes that they get kicked or put up for a vote.
    Sorta like how someone who is AFK is put up for vote for being AFK for 2 minutes.
    The only problem with this is if there is a hacker and the same person tries to get them out and uses all their votes and then their put up for vote and then they get kicked for trying to clean the room up. Think of it as trying to sweep the floor with a mop...

    Thank you, I read all those and was going to comment to Lolli but you've made it the last post with exactly the issues I wanted to address. :) I just think it's funny you sided with Lolli when they were telling us to shut up like everyone else then all of a sudden she's Mrs. Idea girl for kick-vote reform. And the silliest of all is where she says "Changing the kick-vote system will do squat" then goes on to explain how to reform the kick-vote system. XD Hahahaha. At least we swayed one person.

    So removing it: As to my knowledge now no one is hacking in the majority of games and I'm almost positive this is not because of the kick-vote system because people were hacking before with it in place. My guess is it's the anti-hack software which is the only thing that really does well against hackers in any games.

    How they haven't dealt with and patched the mutation mode 1-shot kill during the long time it's been out with rampant misuse of it is a mystery but thanks for giving us another couple of maps and some more guns. Those were more pressing issues, of course. e.e; (Sarcasm, since it's hard to tell on the internet)

    Although since there is no MM kick you have 1 leg to stand on, in that since there is no kick vote for MM you have hackers in that mode alone but... I still only see them once every few maps I play. I would like to think most people aren't hacking at this point because they see the futility in cheating but I don't have that much faith in people. More likely if they want to hack and be that boring they're all on combat arms knifing the ground where they don't get banned instead of trying to play a real, even game in which they have no skill and will most certainly lose. :)

    Solution: Remove it and patch the hacks. I think with 1000 reports showing 1-hit kill MM hacks they could easily take care of it. Then again with 1000 suggestions about removing the abused kick-vote system they haven't done that either. Thank God they patched in those new guns though, amirite?

    And altering it: Yes, it could fix the problem and can just be abused again. It is not my choice to keep it in at all but if so then I would suggest some form of repercussion against those that kick. If it's that important and you're so sure that someone's hacking and the whole room will agree with you then charge them something. 1000gp (Only 'cause I want to rack in a TON of money. ;D) Ok, let's say even 50 or 100gp to make up for the other times you get kicked and waste time. That money goes straight to the person being kicked if the kick vote fails. If it succeeds no cost.

    This will stop all the other side's whining at your team to kick someone just because they fail and make your team actually pay attention instead of just blindly kicking people willy-nilly because the opposing team is crying. It will put the idea of this kick-vote system back on the right track. There's a reason it was made so only your team can kick you and I'm sure part of that is because they're the ones that can spec you in-game and won't just be sore losers because you're not rocking them.

    Aside from that I really feel that anything to take it out of the hands of the abusers would also work. Limit it to hosts or a lone server without it or K/D or any number of decent ideas I've seen floated around. Basically if you're the only person initializing kicks you should be limited. It was said before "Well if you get 5 per week or something you never know when the hackers will show up." Well if you use more than 5 per week I assure you, you're kicking legit players for no good reason.

    If a hacker did manage to crawl out of the gutter then you better hope you're playing with someone who doesn't waste their votes, like me. :) I would've used 2 votes yesterday but it was in MM against 1-shotters that wiped out the entire mutant side so I couldn't anyways. ;D Oh yeah, great system in place already. Why would we want to change this again? Back on topic; A very limited amount of votes per week or even day would do the same thing as making it cost GP for your votes, it'll make you think, look or take kicking someone seriously.

    Just ways to keep the community in check since apparently we've always been in agreement from the start that the abuse of the system is the problem. :D
  • Ugh... And again this game makes a joke out of any form of serious competition. Maybe if all the good players could play a decent round instead of just getting frustrated and leaving there would be some decent people to fight.

    I play one round tonight. 30:10 and get kicked by a team whining since I was 7-4. I can't believe how stupid you all are but as long as it keeps happening there, I'm going to keep bringing it up here. It only seems fitting.

  • That's funny. I get similar scores like 30/10 all the time and I don't get kicked half as much as I hear you whine about it.

    Maybe its your own attitude towards hackusators that is getting you kicked so much. Personally I just ignore them, and in return, people just ignore the kick-vote when it comes up. Only when the hackusator has a lot of friends in the room do I actually get kicked for doing good.

  • s0b3r wrote: »
    Derp Derp I like Pie! D:
    A) Removed
    Solution: No more false kicks.
    Problem: Hacker heaven.
    Really? Because last I checked, what makes this game Hacker Heaven is the facts it is hard to report someone (Because I really want to stay 10 more minutes in a match where my score has been made permenantly 0-15 to be added to my record which I can do nothing about if I wanna report this arse)
    The fact that almost NO ONE but me and a few others I know actually REPORT THE HACKER.

    Seriously, Some of the panthers members were EXTREME hackers back in 2009 (I mean extreme, coming in invisible, undamageable, and swinging a knife to kill everyone instantly) And they are STILL playing today (Albeit not hacking anymore, but they never once got banned) And why? BECAUSE NO ONE RPEORTED THEM! (Mind you they don't hack their hacks anymore)

    Or how about people like PooOnto? That Foreign **** who was chamming out his ARSE in ghost mode (HE would walk into a room with 3 invisible ghosts, and headshot each one, near instantly, with only a shot each) and he is STILL playing (Once again, without his hacks anymore.. and he suuuuuuuuuucks without them XD)

    Heck, just today I had to deal with an HP hacking ghost. ]-[Ich something.. And once again, since I don't feel like playing 13 rounds with thise arse, after 3 rounds of unloading entire clips into him and him taking no dmg, I left the room. And since the report function is absolutely ******ED, I can't report him since I don't get a replay if I leave.

    What makes this game hacker heaven? Idiots who don't report them, and idiots that are against ANY idea of change just because it is change, even if it is for the better (Friggin Republicans)
    AND The dumbnuts who came up with this God Forsaken report "system"
  • [MOD]BlindRob has made a thread on how to report if you leave a game half way. Simple go to your replay files and edit your ReplayTemp file to a CFR file and you're done. It has worked for me every time. In fact, it works for me even DURING the game. 26353290t.gif

  • I got a solution.

    People who have entered the game for 5 rounds or more who also have a posotive KD in the game (5-0 ect) can kick vote.

    lol so when i get 13-0 kills against some newbs who sucks too much i should be kickd?
    lol lame excuse
  • NateD0gg54 wrote: »
    lol so when i get 13-0 kills against some newbs who sucks too much i should be kickd?
    lol lame excuse
    Nope. He's saying that only people that have a good score are allowed to vote. Though I doubt the aimbotter/1-shot-killer, who is getting all the kills, is going to vote himself off. 26353290t.gif

  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Nope. He's saying that only people that have a good score are allowed to vote. Though I doubt the aimbotter/1-shot-killer, who is getting all the kills, is going to vote himself off. 26353290t.gif


    You can't even vote yourself off...
    -_-' jus saying....
  • 30/10 isnt a "pro" score :L
    we thinkin more 50+/0-3 ;)
    acc changed my IGN cos ad be kicked jus cos theyd got owned before an whinged

    av reported harrassment before.. swearin spam whisper spam stalkin blah blah doesnt work
    had Touch* clan stalkin me all day kickin me jus cos theyr fail an apparently me complainin about it make me the bad person pmsl

    a much better solution would be to jus ban any country like turkey, brazil, etc.
    these are country where most of tha hackers/kick abuserss come from sooo 2 birds wit one stone ;) an most of them dont use zp either soo who cares :L

    an lul at s0b3r bumlickin, bet it jus cos of the "GENDER:FEMALE" rofl
  • s0b3r wrote: »
    You can't even vote yourself off...
    -_-' jus saying....
    Exactly! More reason why his idea fails. 26353290t.gif
    |D|GOD wrote: »
    30/10 isnt a "pro" score :L
    we thinkin more 50+/0-3 ;)
    acc changed my IGN cos ad be kicked jus cos theyd got owned before an whinged

    av reported harrassment before.. swearin spam whisper spam stalkin blah blah doesnt work
    had Touch* clan stalkin me all day kickin me jus cos theyr fail an apparently me complainin about it make me the bad person pmsl

    a much better solution would be to jus ban any country like turkey, brazil, etc.
    these are country where most of tha hackers/kick abuserss come from sooo 2 birds wit one stone ;) an most of them dont use zp either soo who cares :L

    an lul at s0b3r bumlickin, bet it jus cos of the "GENDER:FEMALE" rofl
    Depends on what type of game you play and who you're playing with. If you're playing TDM with noobs, then sure, 30/10 is nothing to write home about. In a 13 round S&D with mildly better players, 30/10 is actually a pretty good score. 26353290t.gif

  • am on aboutt GM..30/10 is a horrible scoree in GM
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Exactly! More reason why his idea fails. 26353290t.gif

    Depends on what type of game you play and who you're playing with. If you're playing TDM with noobs, then sure, 30/10 is nothing to write home about. In a 13 round S&D with mildly better players, 30/10 is actually a pretty good score. 26353290t.gif

    Yea, I know that. At least someone else is seeing flaws in all these solutions that have been thrown out.
    |D|GOD wrote: »
    am on aboutt GM..30/10 is a horrible scoree in GM

    Your a dumbass. Please stfu and gtfo.
  • I don't want to stereotype races of people but any, and I mean any game that I have played that you PvP in, the BRs/Philippinos/Turks seem to be the hackers/scammers/QQrs, just throwing that out there, although ACE/MVP being removed would lower the chances of being kicked, because thats what I have heard is the reason for people to kick you.
  • s0b3r wrote: »
    Your a dumbass. Please stfu and gtfo.

    Lul stop bumlickin her you sexually frustrated turkish filth

    an callin me a dumbass? 30/10 might be some amazin score for you in GM but not me :L ~come play me in GM youd get merkkdddd paha~ nobody beat [D]GOD :)
  • EmoSmurf wrote: »
    I don't want to stereotype races of people but any, and I mean any game that I have played that you PvP in, the BRs/Philippinos/Turks seem to be the hackers/scammers/QQrs, just throwing that out there, although ACE/MVP being removed would lower the chances of being kicked, because thats what I have heard is the reason for people to kick you.
    Then don't, cause its complete and utter b*llsh*t. Other people have been hacking, scamming, glitching and QQing equally hard. In fact, I can't remember the last time I reported a Turk or a Brazilian. I do remember saving replays on Froggies (Fr), Jerries (Ger), Tommies (UK) and Dutchies (NL) these past few days. 26353290t.gif
    |D|GOD wrote: »
    Lul stop bumlickin her you sexually frustrated turkish filth

    an callin me a dumbass? 30/10 might be some amazin score for you in GM but not me :L ~come play me in GM youd get merkkdddd paha~ nobody beat [D]GOD :)
    And here I was complimenting the Pan[TH]erS on their sportsmanlike conduct earlier this eve. I guess even the best have their rotten apples, ey, [D]GOD? 26353290t.gif

  • |D|GOD wrote: »
    Lul stop bumlickin her you sexually frustrated turkish filth

    an callin me a dumbass? 30/10 might be some amazin score for you in GM but not me :L ~come play me in GM youd get merkkdddd paha~ nobody beat [D]GOD :)

    good for you! since you havent got anything to add to this thread, now shut up.

    anyways, i think there should be a change in the kickvote system, i'm not sure wich one, delete or just plain change, but ive seen pretty reasonable solutions here, also, i think there should BE a kick vote in MM for the 1-shotters.

    (and guys, keep it down will ya, this isnt a word-b1tch-fight :P)
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Then don't, cause its complete and utter b*llsh*t. Other people have been hacking, scamming, glitching and QQing equally hard. In fact, I can't remember the last time I reported a Turk or a Brazilian. I do remember saving replays on Froggies (Fr), Jerries (Ger), Tommies (UK) and Dutchies (NL) these past few days. 26353290t.gif


    im dutch and i need to say, we dutchies only complain to other dutchies in clanwar, unless u take the ppl from Dutch*NR*1 (We, [EPIC]Dutch, are supposed to be nr.1! were way better proved it in cw alots of times) and maybe those of Dutch Kings and MR.Dutch. btw ur stereotyping now too :)
  • im dutch and i need to say, we dutchies only complain to other dutchies in clanwar, unless u take the ppl from Dutch*NR*1 (We, [EPIC]Dutch, are supposed to be nr.1! were way better proved it in cw alots of times) and maybe those of Dutch Kings and MR.Dutch. btw ur stereotyping now too :)
    Not stereotyping at all. I'm saying that each country has its garbage and no country is all garbage. 26353290t.gif

  • if you think so, but back to the main-topic, ive been kicked while being 12-2 shovel only as gr too, didnt think it was hilarious... anyways i g2g too, so keep on the discussion ;)
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Not stereotyping at all. I'm saying that each country has its garbage and no country is all garbage. 26353290t.gif


    -off topic- (A) right, in this case Dutch*Nr.1 (nr. 2 mwuhahaha)
  • One would think that if so many people are complaining then something would be done about it?
    Your response is the kind that everyone can do without. You bring nothing beneficial to the table and it can do without the proof of your own stupidity.

    I don't see you offering any good suggestions on how to fix it.

    About the thread, I support vote kick overhaul, a real pro server would be nice.
  • s0b3r wrote: »
    You can't even vote yourself off...
    -_-' jus saying....

    Rofl. ^ That's awesome. ^

    To Medicham: I did offer suggestions on how to fix it, maybe not in this thread but in plenty of others and also commented on other people's good ideas on how to fix it. My main suggestion however is remove it, period. It's just stupid to not let people play and there are very few cases when people use it correctly/effectively. I had a box glitcher in one map that we tried to kick 6 times (2 a piece for three people on our team) and he wasn't kicked even though the whole other team was asking us to get rid of him. Very few are actually hacking whereas everyone gets accused of it when they do well. When someone does hack there are reports for that to ban those players for doing such. There is hack prevention that should be working and the game should be patched as fast as possible to prevent it from continuing. Idles get kicked automatically. There is chat blocking so if someone's swearing or harassing you can just shut them up. "Etc." isn't a very good reason, I use it for glitchers but seriously, how hard is it to fix a couple of boxes in the game? It should've been done immediately.

    Also good info about the temp replay, I didn't know that and it's useful sometimes, I'm sure. Or when I get kicked and I want to relive my awesome rampage of nubs. ;D Does it still work if you're kicked? I'd assume so.

    And you're right to a certain extent, I have no illusions about being 'Mr. Nice Guy' who doesn't get kicked, you've seen my posts, I'm a ******. But when I'm a ****** I can accept it 'cause it's the truth. If I get kicked for talking **** because I get team-naded for half my deaths I'm cool with a swearing/harassment or whatever it is kick. Like 2 games ago I was 25-15, not a great score, no one whining I'm a hacker, I was just be being belligerant and BOOM I got kicked, I can take that ****. I however don't accept the games where I get kicked 'cause 10 people whine about kicking me for hacking just because I'm so much better than them.

    I mean, is it my fault that in some maps the only challenge is rushing their spawn so I can fight 5-1 since they're that terrible?

    At any rate I didn't really come here for this today, just thought I'd drop by omw to report a box glitcher. ;D Peace.
  • Also good info about the temp replay, I didn't know that and it's useful sometimes, I'm sure. Or when I get kicked and I want to relive my awesome rampage of nubs. ;D Does it still work if you're kicked? I'd assume so.
    Yes. As long as you don't enter another room, you can still edit your temp replay file to a CFR file, whether you leave on your own or get kicked. 26353290t.gif

  • hello
    |D|GOD wrote: »
    am on aboutt GM..30/10 is a horrible scoree in GM

    wait are you the person I think you are, about a year and half ago maybe a little less one of the only 4 people who knew how to bhop, If so i would like to fight you. 1v1 I'll fight ya on this account it my new one.
  • when i first play which wasa little over a year and 3 months maybe a little more, i only play for about a month.
    Because the game was stuff with hackers, i came back about 2 months ago.
    So far i have not seen a single person who is hack,
    Uh and their was the kicking system back then, however no one was every kick almost.
    seem like no one wonted to kick the hackers.

    Which is why i got so tired of it and left.

    Today their is no hackers and if they are they only low lvl.
    However i a on the edge of leaving because of being kick for being called hack all the time.

    sorry for bad eng
  • LolliRoger wrote: »
    Now who's making assumptions?

    Well my assumptions at least were evidenced based up until this post you made that I'm replying to, in so much as I never heard anything remotely positive from you in regard to legitimate complaints and solid ideas/suggestions about the kick vote system.
    LolliRoger wrote: »
    Kid, you're putting the gun on trial here. Blaming it for being used for murder.

    I'd put it like this:

    Z8 is the one that has been handing out guns to children to protect themselves from hackers and although guns are not bad (see above) it's come to the stage now that the children as basically going around shooting everyone and it needs to stop, not only because they are shooting everyone but also because they don't need the gun anymore as there are virtually no hackers.
    LolliRoger wrote: »
    If the kick-vote system was removed, then blatant hackers would have a f'ing field day. People would be forced to leave the game themselves, instead of risking to be kicked from it wrongfully. So removing it is only good for those it was intended for, and not for those it is suppose to protect.

    The kick vote system we have now doesn't stop hackers at all, it moves an hacker from room to room. Kick vote does not decrease the numbers of hackers period and never has.
    LolliRoger wrote: »
    Reforming it on the other hand is easier said than done, and is still no guarantee that it will not be abused again.

    Any improvement is for the better, even if it doesn't resolve thew problem.
    LolliRoger wrote: »
    What Z8 should do, is put a penalty on the abuse of the system. They should make wrongful kicking an harassment charge. This would not be so hard to do, because if you kick someone, then you do that for a reportable reason. If lets say, you kick someone for hacking, then at the end of the game, you are to report this same person for hacking, right? People that fail to do so, should automatically get banned for 24 hours for wrongful use of the kick-vote system.

    Finally a decent suggest and response to the problem congratz, this I would agree to however I would prefer constant offenders to be perma banned or banned for a considerable period like a month. As a consequence this would solve the problem as you see it 'the community' at least it would train them, but would this idea be fair? What if someone believed wholeheartly that guy was an hacker; why should he be punished?
    LolliRoger wrote: »
    If people start crying for you to be kicked without justifiable reasons, make screen shots of it and report them for harassment. For that's what it is, harassment. This idea is a lot more foolproof than what you're suggesting, and it would quickly root out those that can't handle the voting system responsibly.[/b][/color] 26353290t.gif[/center]

    It makes sense, it might work against an individual, however it is a lot of work for people that shouldn't have to do anything, and also this would not sort the problem out as the problem is that widespread. It would be like trying to rid CF of hackers by reporting them but with the size of the problem increased times by x50.
    s0b3r wrote: »
    You know what, Loli has the other guy beat by a long shot. No where in dis whatevers posts did he address the true issue. You want the kick vote system either
    A) Removed
    Solution: No more false kicks.
    Problem: Hacker heaven. (X-trap - There are no hackers hardly now and they update to block others / kik votes doesnt stop hackers it just moves them to another room to hack.)
    B) Reformatted
    Solution: Possibly fix the false kicks.
    Problem: It will still be abused (Is this an argument against improvement? I'd accept any improvement even if the problem is not solved).
    Loli hit the issue dead on without even lifting a finger.
    s0b3r wrote: »
    The issue is the community not the system.

    So lets sort em' out, like Purity suggested when shall we start the lobotomies?
  • Why would anything be decided? What is decided? If it's a horrible decision that's begging to be overturned why can't we change a decision? Bad decisions get overturned all the time. OR since this is a SUGGESTION thread, why would my awesome suggestions be turned down, pray tell? You obviously don't have a say on them.

    Also; I should bump these threads every day until I'm forced to stop. Since everyone here seems to have such a huge aversion to them perhaps it will be most effective in helping to understand our motivations.

    please 1 on 1 let see if you have been playing accidently playing in rookie server.
  • |D|GOD wrote: »
    Lul stop bumlickin her you sexually frustrated turkish filth

    an callin me a dumbass? 30/10 might be some amazin score for you in GM but not me :L ~come play me in GM youd get merkkdddd paha~ nobody beat [D]GOD :)

    Yea, your a dumbass. 30/10 is good in GM and SnD. Their the SAME EXACT thing! The only difference is that the Black List has heavy breathing like they just had sex and they're invisble until they move. Now with that said, get out of the rookie server and play in the real ones.
  • I know there will be flames for this... but maybe not.

    As a victim of random kickings I understand where you're coming from. My husband plays another FPS game that has vote kicking... but also has this thing called Elite moderator. Basically some person paid 10-15 dollars to have Elite mod for month. Anyway So here is what happens... When you create a room while being an elite mod, you have the Joys of not being able to be kicked. Also you have to ability to kick anyone in the room no matter what side they are on no vote involved. After said person was kicked, the room votes whether it was a good call or a bad call for kicking them.

    Granted now that it will most likely be abused because well give a person a gun and they will learn to fire the weapon, give them a bazooka and they will just blow Sh.t up. Anywho for the abuse side I would just recommend that no one venture to the rooms where elite mods are that have a history of being complete dbags. Or they can use the good call/bad call system to let you keep or strip you of this ability.

    There also should be a certain rank that you should be before your able to buy Elite mod. That way the cute little Staff Sgts running around with SPOP accusing everyone and their mom of hacking when they die are not able to have this ability till they have played the game a lot.

    Well boys and possibly other girls... thats my suggestion. I know the vote kick system sucks but they are not going to take it away. maybe a few modifications here and there but doing away with it is not going to happen.

    *kisses, hugs, and panda love :D*