Last Post Wins.



  • 128730445270867687.jpg
    like he said, you want to fight about that?
    Yesh. I want. You are cute. Everyone in this world is cute somehow.
    No matter what mooded.
  • like he said, you want to fight about that?

    Nah, I don't feel like it.
  • _Sp4wn_ wrote: »
    Nah, I don't feel like it.
    well, i want to fight about it
    *throws punch at spawn*
  • well, i want to fight about it
    *throws punch at spawn*


    I've never fought in my life, why should I do it now?
  • _Sp4wn_ wrote: »

    I've never fought in my life, why should I do it now?
    fine....ruin my fun
    i'll just fight with my self

    Wannabjedi: Alrighty, lets ago
    Wannabejedi: You start
    Wannabejedi: FINE! I'LL START *throws punch at Wannabejedi*
    Wannabejedi: *dodges**kicks violently and randomly*
    Wannabejedi: What the heck was that? you missed completely
    Wannabejedi: Your mom missed completely
    Wannabejedi: What is that supposed to mean?
    Wannabejedi: Nothing
    Wannabejedi: Wow, you are random
    Wannabejedi: *throws a suckerpunch*
    Wannabejedi: *recoils* Dood, that was cheap
    Wannabejedi: you and your expensive tastes
    Wannabejedi: ha ha, funny......have some of this! *flails*
    Wannabejedi: lol, i missread that. I thought it said fails
    Wannabejedi: ..................

    *fight continues*
  • fine....ruin my fun
    i'll just fight with my self

    Wannabjedi: Alrighty, lets ago
    Wannabejedi: You start
    Wannabejedi: FINE! I'LL START *throws punch at Wannabejedi*
    Wannabejedi: *dodges**kicks violently and randomly*
    Wannabejedi: What the heck was that? you missed completely
    Wannabejedi: Your mom missed completely
    Wannabejedi: What is that supposed to mean?
    Wannabejedi: Nothing
    Wannabejedi: Wow, you are random
    Wannabejedi: *throws a suckerpunch*
    Wannabejedi: *recoils* Dood, that was cheap
    Wannabejedi: you and your expensive tastes
    Wannabejedi: ha ha, funny......have some of this! *flails*
    Wannabejedi: lol, i missread that. I thought it said fails
    Wannabejedi: ..................

    *fight continues*

    Have fun with the fight, I wonder who will win.
    I want that cat.

    And I want to fight, even though I've never fought before.
  • fine....ruin my fun
    i'll just fight with my self

    Wannabjedi: Alrighty, lets ago
    Wannabejedi: You start
    Wannabejedi: FINE! I'LL START *throws punch at Wannabejedi*
    Wannabejedi: *dodges**kicks violently and randomly*
    Wannabejedi: What the heck was that? you missed completely
    Wannabejedi: Your mom missed completely
    Wannabejedi: What is that supposed to mean?
    Wannabejedi: Nothing
    Wannabejedi: Wow, you are random
    Wannabejedi: *throws a suckerpunch*
    Wannabejedi: *recoils* Dood, that was cheap
    Wannabejedi: you and your expensive tastes
    Wannabejedi: ha ha, funny......have some of this! *flails*
    Wannabejedi: lol, i missread that. I thought it said fails
    Wannabejedi: ..................

    *fight continues*

    *Trows nade between fighting Jedies*
    Quit it boys. Go take some lightsabers and come then back.
    I want that cat.

    You can't have it.
  • owendbyme wrote: »
    i win muhahah
    Failure like always.
  • The Day...

    You've gotta stop drinking so much. :/
    *takes Zuci's wine bottle*
    *pour a glass for myself*

    Another Normal Conversation

    Spawn: Well Hiya!
    Heart: Hey.
    Zuci: Hi *giggles*
    Heart: Hey sorry about the other day.. you know... I stabbed you with a butterknife...
    Spawn: Oh yeah... I'm feeling ok today.. ;D
    Zuci: Well thats good to know! *hugs*
    Spawn: Awww. Thanks.
    Heart: So what you guys up to lately?
    Zuci: Oh Nothing...
    Spawn: Yeah same...
    Zuci: Look guys! I got a bottle of wine, want some?
    Heart & Spawn: Yeah!
    *pours some wine*
    Zuci: So.. *sip* I heard that [CM]Fallen got banned for chamming.
    Spawn: Yes that so? I heard Saidin was the one who was chamming! Fallen is not a CHEATER! *SIP*
    Heart: Hmmm... *sip* *whisper* I think this whole ordeal is a conspiracy..
    Zuci: Really? *sip*
    Heart: Yeah... as I was troling the thread, I overheard some [MOD]s talking about this!... I think they said something about Saiden and Fallen are going to find The Chosen One!
    Spawn: Number 1? *sip* Whatever that means... -_-
    Zuci: Hmm.. I think you gotten a bit drunk... *sip* *pours another glass* I mean why would it be a conspiracy? <O_o>
    Heart: I don't know that what a heard... *sip*
    Spawn: Pssss... Guys... I heard that all the [GM]s and [MOD]s are trying to take the forums by FORCE!... And Ban anyone in there way! *SIP* *Pour* *sip*
    Zuci: WOW! This Chosen One is really important... *sip*
    *click clack clack clink*
    Heart & Zuci & Spawn: What was that!?
    *spawn looks down*
    Spawn: Grenade! Watch out!

    Later That Day...

    Heart: Urrggggg.. Where am I?... Ugrhhhh...
    *looks around slowly blurry*
    Heart: WHa?! Uraggh...
    *see spawn*
    Heart: SPAWN! You there?!
    Spawn: Ugrasshhahashed.. My legs... Grahhhhh... HurtS!
    Heart: Oh God! You've got glass stuck deep in on of them! Hold on Bud!
    *Yanks out the glass*
    Spawn: GRaahajd UMdafasdfadsfd!
    Heart: We've gotta put some pressure on that to stop the bleeding! Zuci! Zuci?!!?
    Spawn: Whahhhh? She's G-g-gone?
    *spawn faints*
    Heart: Dam! Stay with me Spawn! Don't go toward the light! Cmon! HELP! I NEED HELP!!

    At The Hospital...

    Doctor: Um.. Mr. Heart?
    Heart: Here!
    Doctor: Sir, I'm sorry to report but your friend Spawn has endured a massive amount of blood loss and has fallen into a coma...
    Heart: Is he ever going to wake up!?
    Doctor: There is a small possibility.
    *doctor leaves*
    Heart: ^~^
    *goes into spawn's room*
    Heart: You saved me and Zuci from that- ZUCI! O_O!
    Heart: I gotta find her!
    *leaves hospital and gets into his car*
    *heart reached the crime scene*
    *the police has already secured and locked down the area*
    *heart sneaks in*
    Heart: Hmmm...
    Heart: What's that?
    *looks at a mysterious black sudan driving off*
    Heart: Hm... O_O ZUCI!
    *Notice that Zuci is in the Sudan!*
    *heart jumps into his car and sped off following the car*

    Meanwhile Heart is Chasing The Sudan...

    Spawn goes into a deep coma...
    Spawn: Huh? Where am I?... My LEG! It's not hurting?
    *moment of silent*
    Spawn: Why am I on clouds?!
    The Voice: Silence!
    Spawn: WHaaaOh! W-h-h-wwho are you?
    The Voice: I am your mind, your voice...
    Spawn: Why am I here? The last thing I remember was when I was having wine with Zuci and Heart... Urgg... Than something happened..
    The Voice: You are in a coma..
    Spawn: A COMA!?
    The Voice: Yes a coma, when the grenade want off you suffer a massive amount of blood loss that came from your leg.
    Spawn: *confused* What greanade!? I Don't... Remember anything... Like that?...
    The Voice: That's because only you are able to remember your past...
    Spawn: WHAT?! Your my voice don't you know? What are you a dumbutt?
    The Voice: UhhhH! Well GOtta Go! BYE!
    *some kinda time warp thingy happens*
    Spawn: Grahhhhhhhhh! *Huff* *huff* Huuh???? O_o?
    Nurse: Are you feeling ok?
    Spawn: Yes I guess... O.O Why am I here?

    As The Sudan Enters A Strange Warehouse...

    Heart: What's is going?
    *Get out the car*
    *sneaks into the warehouse*
    Zuci: LET ME GO!!!!!! AHHH!!!! HELP!!!!
    Guy: Please! Make her shut up!
    *knocks out Zuci*
    Other Guy: Sir... We've got the One...
    Heart: What?! Zuci is the One?!
    *Heart hides around a corner as men with guns walks by*
    Heart: This is getting creepier..
    Heart: Huh?! Saidin?!
    [GM]Saidin: Excellent! We've got the One! Muhahahhah... *heart phone goes off*
    Heart: Oh S**T!!!!
    Saidin: What?! Whats that sound!? Guards check it out! You three! Put her in the plane!
    Heart: Heloo?
    Spawn: Heart! Whats going on?
    Heart: Shh! No Tim.. *gaurd snatches phone out of Heart's hand*
    Guard: Hands where I can see them! NOW!
    Heart: Uhh Ok... *Raise hands*
    *gaurd is about to call backup*
    *heart pulls out his UPS-Silenced*
    *pew pew*
    Heart: hmmmp...
    Multiple Gaurds: FIRE!!!!
    Heart: F***! *jumps for cover and picks up the dead gaurds AK-47*
    Heart: So much for How Ninja in 20 Easy Steps... $20 down the drain... Aff...

    As The Gun Fight Is Erupting!...

    Heart: DAM! They got me surrounded! *pewbangbong*
    Heart: Urrgh! *bang bang bang click.. click click*
    Heart: DANG IT!!!!!
    Guards: MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! *bangbangbangbangbingbongbangpewpewbang*
    *Car crashes through a window!*
    Heart: What the?!
    Gaurds: WHAT THE HELL!?
    Spawn: YAHHHOOO! *shooting with UZI**pewwwwwpewpewpewpepwpewpepwpepwpepwpew*
    Gaurds: Grah! Uha! Ummah! Uah! I don't want to die! NU!

    As It Continues!...

    Spawn: WazzAaaaAAaa! *get out of car*
    Heart: How did you know I was here? *reload gun*
    Spawn: Tracking devices... Very useful.
    Heart: They still have Zuci! D:
    Saidin: Muhahaha!
    Heart & Spawn: HUH?!
    *Shocked to see Zuci being held hostage at gunpoint*
    Zuci: Uhh... Ow... Huh?... *awakening*
    Saidin: If you come any closer her blood will be in your hands...
    Saidin: Drop the guns!!! NOW
    *drop guns*
    Saidin: Good! Guards seize them!
    *handcuffed heart and spawn*
    Spawn: Why are your doing this?! I trusted you!
    Heart: ...
    Saidin: For only one reason! Zuci possesses powers of gods! Only she doesn't know how to utilize them yet... Thats why I will extract her powers from her and use it to control the world!!
    Heart: NO! YOU CAN'T!
    Spawn: Urgh! YOU!
    Zuci: Huh?!.. Wha?..

    As The Tension Gets Worst...

    Heart: You'll never get away with this!
    Saidin: Oh... I already have... Muhahahah!
    Spawn: HUH?!
    Saidin: You see once I have Zuci's powers I can brainwash anyone I want!
    Guard: General Saidin we've secured the plane and it's ready to take off.
    Saidin: Good. Take her to the plane and get rid of them two... Let's GO!
    *walks away*
    Guards: Yessir!
    Zuci: NO! HELP! SPAWN! HEART! NOooooo... *her voice fades as she is being driven away*
    Lt. Guard: You heard the General! Kill Them!!
    Lt. Guard: READY! AIM!--
    *Lt. Falls to the ground along with other guards*
    Spawn: I'mmm alive?
    Heart: Wha?!
    FallenAngel: So... Rough day eh?
    Heart: Fallen! O_O
    Spawn: WOAH! O_O
    Fallen: Yep... It's me alright...
    Heart: I thought you was with Saidin!
    Fallen: No.. I was being mind-controlled by him.. He manage to slip sleeping powder into my drink one day.. And When I work up.. He attached a device onto my head and thats when I was being controlled.
    Spawn: DAM! There getting away!
    Fallen: No time to chat lets go!!
    *gets into heart's car*
    *speeds off to save Zuci*

    It’s The Plane…

    Heart: There’s the plane! Hurry
    Spawn: Go! Go! Go!
    Fallen: ...
    *car stop*
    Guards: Hey! YOU! FIRE!!!
    *fire guns erupts*
    Fallen: I've got these noobs here! Go find Zuci and stop Saidin! I'll catch up!
    Spawn & Heart: OK! ROGER THAT!
    *spawn and heart heads for the plane's hangar*
    Heart: I see Zuci!
    *watches as zuci is being forced into the plane*
    Spawn: We gotta stop them before they take off!
    Heart: Follow me.
    Spawn: Ok.
    *sneaks onto the hangar*
    Cpt. Guard: Secure the perimeter!
    Lt. Guard: Yessir! Secure the perimeter!
    Spawn: Dam! They got this place surrounded tight!
    Heart: This is going to be a hard fight. READY?
    Spawn: No?
    Heart: GO!
    *open gunfires*
    *after a long brutal gunfight*
    Cpt. Guard: *cough* *blah* *blood*
    Heart: WHERE IS SHE!?
    Spawn: TALK! OR ELSE!
    Cpt. Guard: I rather die than risk my mission!
    Heart: Hurry! The Plane!
    *a familiar voice comes from behind the heroes*
    Saidin: Muahaha!
    *spawn and heart turns around*
    Saidin: It's good to see you all well!
    Heart: SAIDIN!
    Spawn: GRRR!
    *Oh No!*
    *spawn and heart is attacked from behind by...*
    [MOD]Mem: You should have never come... -_-
    [MOD]Bruce: Yes... -_-
    [MOD]Delaco: Zuci belongs to us... -_-
    Spawn: Look! There being controlled!
    Delaco: Quiet!
    Bruce: Sir, what do you want to do with them..
    Mem: Destroy them...

    MOD's Are Being Controlled!...

    *Mem, Bruce, Delaco takes out there pistols*
    Saidin: Dispose of em... Muahaha!
    Heart: We've failed...
    Spawn: This is the end...
    Bruce: Good Bye.
    Mem: ...
    Delaco: ...
    Fallen: Missed me?
    *everyone stares at fallen*
    Fallen: I called back-up.
    Spawn: Yes!
    Heart: >_>
    *behind fallen*
    Krzy: Krzy to the rescue! :3
    Headshoter: We here to take back Zuci noobs! >:]
    Chosk: Hehehe!
    Mush: Mushie!
    Philly: Carebear? O.O
    Rena: Why we gotta save them? -_-
    All The other people:

    Awesome! Back-Up! :D...

    Saidin: SEIZE THEM!
    *alot of gunfires*
    Fallen: We'll hold them off here! GO FIND ZUCI!
    *spawn nods*
    *off heart and spawn goes*
    Zuci: Help! Help! Anyone!?
    Heart: ZUCI!
    Spawn: ZUCI! I see her!
    *They rescue Zuci*
    Zuci: Oh I love you guys! :D You guys saved me! *hugs*
    Heart: We didn't do it alone! :)
    *heart motions zuci toward window of the plane*
    Zuci: WOW! They all came?
    Spawn: Yeah... Your a part of the group we can't leave you. :)
    Zuci: Well lets get out of here! <*^_^*>
    Heart: Hurry! Over Here!
    *as they leave the plane*
    Saidin: NO! I will not let my life's work disappear because of you! I REFUSE! If I die I take Zuci with me!
    *Saidin pulls out his anaconda black*
    *aim's at Zuci*

    The Shot...

    *saidin leaps into the copper*
    Zuci: *gasp*
    Spawn: NOOOOOO!
    Heart: Gah... Uahh.. *falls silently to the ground*
    Zuci: No Heart! NO! Don't die! Please! You saved me and the world! Please don't die!
    Medic: Sir, I need you to take her somewhere safe!
    *spawn grabs zuci*
    *Zuci is crying and trying to help heart but and overpowered and taken*
    Zuci: No...n-n-n-oo... <^~^>
    Spawn: *taking deep fast breathes* Let's go... He-hee's gone...
    Zuci: That can't be! NO!
    Fallen: I'm sorry... *pats spawn in the shoulders and leaves*
    *the others are in disbelief also*
    *after the hangar is secured*
    Fallen: Spawn... We have intel that shows that Saidin has escaped into somewhere in Canada...
    Spawn: He will pay... for everything...
    Fallen: Don't worry we'll find him and bring him to justice..
    Zuci: I can't believe he sacrificed himself.. to save me.. *sobs*
    Spawn: Don't beat yourself up for what he did for you...
    Zuci: I know but...
    Spawn: Nothing...
    Spawn: We won't let his death be in vain...
    Zuci: *nods and wipes tears*
    Spawn: Let's Go...
    *They get into a car and drive, remembering there friend*

    Producer & Director FallenHeart

    All The Other People Mentioned...

    Sorry Zuci I didn't want to make a happy ending. :(
    Hope you guys enjoyed. :p
    Oh yeah Saidin don't worry I'll make you a hero in the next story! :D
    WOW! Long Story!! xD
  • check out my 540:


    btw, i was playing lavender last kicked so fast! lol. i'm too good for my own good at owning ghosts.
  • LoL nice story. I guess Zuci and them got off before they could see your ending ha ha.
    Very interesting story. i would like more lines in the next one though >:]

    EDIT: nvm. There they are xD
  • :] ;]

    Heart that was just AWESOME! *Hugsies*
    Ending was sad, but good.
    I want to hear more stories! <3 *Hugs*
    Heart really! Teh best today! <*^_^*>
  • CF_540degree-humiliation.gif

    btw, i was playing lavender last kicked so fast! lol. i'm too good for my own good at owning ghosts.
    that is an awesome gif
  • Zuci wrote: »
    Heart that was just AWESOME! *Hugsies*
    Ending was sad, but good.
    I want to hear more stories! <3 *Hugs*
    Heart really! Teh best today! <*^_^*>

    :):) My stories are awesome. :p:):)
  • If you guys wanna help me make the next story...
    1. Gimme Ideas! :D
    2. Gimme Characters!
    3. Gimme Setting!
    4. Gimme Bad Guy and Good Guy
    5. Gimme anything else!
  • 1. Obviously go to get revenge because of hearts death XD
    2. meeeeee XD
    3. dunno lol
    4. i think someone should be a double agent :O
    5. cheese
  • The Sequel...

    *Three Month after Heart's death*
    *at S.I.O.T. Base (Special Intelligence Operation Team)*
    General FallenAngel: We have intel from known sources that locates... Saidin in the providence Quebec..
    *sticks a black&white picture of Saidin on the wall*
    Tim: Well thats interesting.. Is he going to magically disappear like last time?
    Spawn: Quiet... I wanna hear rookie... -_-
    Tim: Hmmp... Fine than... >:/
    Zuci: Do we know the exact location of Saidin? <O_o>
    Fallen: At the moment no... It is said he's probably hiding out somewhere in the wood.

    To Be Continued...

  • lmao im the rookie, oh well, so was Caboose, and whe know how that turned out :D
  • Hey, QR too! ^^
    QuietRiot need to be good guy. :3
  • Zuci wrote: »
    Hey, QR too! ^^
    QuietRiot need to be good guy. :3
    yea he should be in it