Last Post Wins.



  • GATORADE, anyone?

    (u prolly won't understand unless you've played lots and lots of knife matches)
  • What do you guys think of the sony ericsson satio. Got it cz its 12MP lol and it has the same hardware as the iphone and omnia HD xD

    Any comments? :)
  • hmm quite nice. But the sparta thing is kinda old...
  • Continue Story you interesting stranger! <*^_^*>
  • You've gotta stop drinking so much. :/
    *takes Zuci's wine bottle*
    *pour a glass for myself*
    Another Normal Conversation

    Spawn: Well Hiya!
    Heart: Hey.
    Zuci: Hi *giggles*
    Heart: Hey sorry about the other day.. you know... I stabbed you with a butterknife...
    Spawn: Oh yeah... I'm feeling ok today.. ;D
    Zuci: Well thats good to know! *hugs*
    Spawn: Awww. Thanks. ;)
    Heart: So what you guys up to lately?
    Zuci: Oh Nothing...
    Spawn: Yeah same...
    Zuci: Look guys! I got a bottle of wine, want some?
    Heart & Spawn: Yeah!
    *pours some wine*
    Zuci: So.. *sip* I heard that [CM]Fallen got banned for chamming.
    Spawn: Yes that so? I heard Saidin was the one who was chamming! Fallen is not a CHEATER! *SIP*
    Heart: Hmmm... *sip* *whisper* I think this whole ordeal is a conspiracy..
    Zuci: Really? *sip*
    Heart: Yeah... as I was troling the thread, I overheard some [MOD]s talking about this!... I think they said something about Saiden and Fallen are going to find The Chosen One!
    Spawn: Number 1? *sip* Whatever that means... -_-
    Zuci: Hmm.. I think you gotten a bit drunk... *sip* *pours another glass* I mean why would it be a conspiracy? <O_o>
    Heart: I don't know that what a heard... *sip*
    Spawn: Pssss... Guys... I heard that all the [GM]s and [MOD]s are trying to take the forums by FORCE!... And Ban anyone in there way! *SIP* *Pour* *sip*
    Zuci: WOW! This Chosen One is really important... *sip*
    *click clack clack clink*
    Heart & Zuci & Spawn: What was that!?
    *spawn looks down*
    Spawn: Grenade! Watch out!

    To Be Continued...

    HaHaHaHa. :p
    Later That Day...

    Heart: Urrggggg.. Where am I?... Ugrhhhh...
    *looks around slowly blurry*
    Heart: WHa?! Uraggh...
    *see spawn*
    Heart: SPAWN! You there?!
    Spawn: Ugrasshhahashed.. My legs... Grahhhhh... HurtS!
    Heart: Oh God! You've got glass stuck deep in on of them! Hold on Bud!
    *Yanks out the glass*
    Spawn: GRaahajd UMdafasdfadsfd!
    Heart: We've gotta put some pressure on that to stop the bleeding! Zuci! Zuci?!!?
    Spawn: Whahhhh? She's G-g-gone?
    *spawn faints*
    Heart: Dam! Stay with me Spawn! Don't go toward the light! Cmon! HELP! I NEED HELP!!

    To Be Continued...

    Spawn Might DIE?! :p
    At The Hospital...

    Doctor: Um.. Mr. Heart?
    Heart: Here!
    Doctor: Sir, I'm sorry to report but your friend Spawn has endured a massive amount of blood loss and has fallen into a coma...
    Heart: Is he ever going to wake up!?
    Doctor: There is a small possibility.
    *doctor leaves*
    Heart: ^~^
    *goes into spawn's room*
    Heart: You saved me and Zuci from that- ZUCI! O_O!
    Heart: I gotta find her!
    *leaves hospital and gets into his car*
    *heart reached the crime scene*
    *the police has already secured and locked down the area*
    *heart sneaks in*
    Heart: Hmmm...
    Heart: What's that?
    *looks at a mysterious black sudan driving off*
    Heart: Hm... O_O ZUCI!
    *Notice that Zuci is in the Sudan!*
    *heart jumps into his car and sped off following the car*

    To Be Continued...

    Spawn! IS! Not! Dead! :(
    Meanwhile Heart is Chasing The Sudan...

    Spawn goes into a deep coma...
    Spawn: Huh? Where am I?... My LEG! It's not hurting?
    *moment of silent*
    Spawn: Why am I on clouds?!
    The Voice: Silence!
    Spawn: WHaaaOh! W-h-h-wwho are you?
    The Voice: I am your mind, your voice...
    Spawn: Why am I here? The last thing I remember was when I was having wine with Zuci and Heart... Urgg... Than something happened..
    The Voice: You are in a coma..
    Spawn: A COMA!?
    The Voice: Yes a coma, when the grenade want off you suffer a massive amount of blood loss that came from your leg.
    Spawn: *confused* What greanade!? I Don't... Remember anything... Like that?...
    The Voice: That's because only you are able to remember your past...
    Spawn: WHAT?! Your my voice don't you know? What are you a dumbutt?
    The Voice: UhhhH! Well GOtta Go! BYE!
    *some kinda time warp thingy happens*
    Spawn: Grahhhhhhhhh! *Huff* *huff* Huuh???? O_o?
    Nurse: Are you feeling ok?
    Spawn: Yes I guess... O.O Why am I here?

    To Be Continued...
    As The Sudan Enters A Strange Warehouse...

    Heart: What's is going?
    *Get out the car*
    *sneaks into the warehouse*
    Zuci: LET ME GO!!!!!! AHHH!!!! HELP!!!!
    Guy: Please! Make her shut up!
    *knocks out Zuci*
    Other Guy: Sir... We've got the One...
    Heart: What?! Zuci is the One?!
    *Heart hides around a corner as men with guns walks by*
    Heart: This is getting creepier..
    Heart: Huh?! Saidin?!
    [GM]Saidin: Excellent! We've got the One! Muhahahhah... *heart phone goes off*
    Heart: Oh S**T!!!!
    Saidin: What?! Whats that sound!? Guards check it out! You three! Put her in the plane!
    Heart: Heloo?
    Spawn: Heart! Whats going on?
    Heart: Shh! No Tim.. *gaurd snatches phone out of Heart's hand*
    Guard: Hands where I can see them! NOW!
    Heart: Uhh Ok... *Raise hands*
    *gaurd is about to call backup*
    *heart pulls out his UPS-Silenced*
    *pew pew*
    Heart: hmmmp...
    Multiple Gaurds: FIRE!!!!
    Heart: F***! *jumps for cover and picks up the dead gaurds AK-47*
    Heart: So much for How Ninja in 20 Easy Steps... $20 down the drain... Aff...

    To Be Continued...
    As The Gun Fight Is Erupting!...

    Heart: DAM! They got me surrounded! *pewbangbong*
    Heart: Urrgh! *bang bang bang click.. click click*
    Heart: DANG IT!!!!!
    Guards: MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! *bangbangbangbangbingbongbangpewpewbang*
    *Car crashes through a window!*
    Heart: What the?!
    Gaurds: WHAT THE HELL!?
    Spawn: YAHHHOOO! *shooting with UZI**pewwwwwpewpewpewpepwpewpepwpepwpepwpew*
    Gaurds: Grah! Uha! Ummah! Uah! I don't want to die! NU!

    To Be Continued!...

    Sorry guys I gtg now. :(
    So where was we in the story... :/

    There you go. <*^_^*>
  • It was last. Now stop. <*^_^*>
    (Delete that long post. It's annoying.. ^^')
  • Oh no, I won´t. I´m too much of a rebel. =P
  • TheChosk wrote: »
    Oh no, I won´t. I´m too much of a rebel. =P

    Basically it might be just enough to earn you a warning.
  • lol that post made me dizzy, but what would be really bad is if i quoted it >:]
  • *Giggles*
    Pwease don't do that.
    (Not meaning I didn't think of it, I just thought that it would annoy me much more.)

  • As It Continues!...

    Spawn: WazzAaaaAAaa! *get out of car*
    Heart: How did you know I was here? *reload gun*
    Spawn: Tracking devices... Very useful.
    Heart: They still have Zuci! D:
    Saidin: Muhahaha!
    Heart & Spawn: HUH?!
    *Shocked to see Zuci being held hostage at gunpoint*
    Zuci: Uhh... Ow... Huh?... *awakening*
    Saidin: If you come any closer her blood will be in your hands...
    Saidin: Drop the guns!!! NOW
    *drop guns*
    Saidin: Good! Guards seize them!
    *handcuffed heart and spawn*
    Spawn: Why are your doing this?! I trusted you!
    Heart: ...
    Saidin: For only one reason! Zuci possesses powers of gods! Only she doesn't know how to utilize them yet... Thats why I will extract her powers from her and use it to control the world!!
    Heart: NO! YOU CAN'T!
    *stands up and gets tazered *
    Heart: Grah!
    Spawn: Urgh! YOU!
    Zuci: Huh?!.. Wha?..

    To Be Continued..

    Sorry for the delay had to go somewhere. ;)
  • Hmm.. Quite interesting.. Continue. You got my attention.
  • As The Tension Gets Worst...

    Heart: You'll never get away with this!
    Saidin: Oh... I already have... Muhahahah!
    Spawn: HUH?!
    Saidin: You see once I have Zuci's powers I can brainwash anyone I want!
    Guard: General Saidin we've secured the plane and it's ready to take off.
    Saidin: Good. Take her to the plane and get rid of them two... Let's GO!
    *walks away*
    Guards: Yessir!
    Zuci: NO! HELP! SPAWN! HEART! NOooooo... *her voice fades as she is being driven away*
    Lt. Guard: You heard the General! Kill Them!!
    Lt. Guard: READY! AIM!--
    *Lt. Falls to the ground along with other guards*
    Spawn: I'mmm alive?
    Heart: Wha?!
    FallenAngel: So... Rough day eh?
    Heart: Fallen! O_O
    Spawn: WOAH! O_O
    Fallen: Yep... It's me alright...
    Heart: I thought you was with Saidin!
    Fallen: No.. I was being mind-controlled by him.. He manage to slip sleeping powder into my drink one day.. And When I woke up.. He attached a device onto my head and thats when I was being controlled.
    Spawn: DAM! There getting away!
    Fallen: No time to chat lets go!!
    *gets into heart's car*
    *speeds off to save Zuci*

    To Be Continued...

    Fallen To The Rescue! :D
  • *Reads* More! More! ^^
    (I'm addicted in good stories!)
  • how far back does this story go? i wanna read the whole thing
  • how far back does this story go? i wanna read the whole thing

    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    You've gotta stop drinking so much. :/
    *takes Zuci's wine bottle*
    *pour a glass for myself*
    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    Another Normal Conversation

    Spawn: Well Hiya!
    Heart: Hey.
    Zuci: Hi *giggles*
    Heart: Hey sorry about the other day.. you know... I stabbed you with a butterknife...
    Spawn: Oh yeah... I'm feeling ok today.. ;D
    Zuci: Well thats good to know! *hugs*
    Spawn: Awww. Thanks.
    Heart: So what you guys up to lately?
    Zuci: Oh Nothing...
    Spawn: Yeah same...
    Zuci: Look guys! I got a bottle of wine, want some?
    Heart & Spawn: Yeah!
    *pours some wine*
    Zuci: So.. *sip* I heard that [CM]Fallen got banned for chamming.
    Spawn: Yes that so? I heard Saidin was the one who was chamming! Fallen is not a CHEATER! *SIP*
    Heart: Hmmm... *sip* *whisper* I think this whole ordeal is a conspiracy..
    Zuci: Really? *sip*
    Heart: Yeah... as I was troling the thread, I overheard some [MOD]s talking about this!... I think they said something about Saiden and Fallen are going to find The Chosen One!
    Spawn: Number 1? *sip* Whatever that means... -_-
    Zuci: Hmm.. I think you gotten a bit drunk... *sip* *pours another glass* I mean why would it be a conspiracy? <O_o>
    Heart: I don't know that what a heard... *sip*
    Spawn: Pssss... Guys... I heard that all the [GM]s and [MOD]s are trying to take the forums by FORCE!... And Ban anyone in there way! *SIP* *Pour* *sip*
    Zuci: WOW! This Chosen One is really important... *sip*
    *click clack clack clink*
    Heart & Zuci & Spawn: What was that!?
    *spawn looks down*
    Spawn: Grenade! Watch out!

    To Be Continued...

    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    Later That Day...

    Heart: Urrggggg.. Where am I?... Ugrhhhh...
    *looks around slowly blurry*
    Heart: WHa?! Uraggh...
    *see spawn*
    Heart: SPAWN! You there?!
    Spawn: Ugrasshhahashed.. My legs... Grahhhhh... HurtS!
    Heart: Oh God! You've got glass stuck deep in on of them! Hold on Bud!
    *Yanks out the glass*
    Spawn: GRaahajd UMdafasdfadsfd!
    Heart: We've gotta put some pressure on that to stop the bleeding! Zuci! Zuci?!!?
    Spawn: Whahhhh? She's G-g-gone?
    *spawn faints*
    Heart: Dam! Stay with me Spawn! Don't go toward the light! Cmon! HELP! I NEED HELP!!

    To Be Continued...

    Spawn Might DIE?!
    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    At The Hospital...

    Doctor: Um.. Mr. Heart?
    Heart: Here!
    Doctor: Sir, I'm sorry to report but your friend Spawn has endured a massive amount of blood loss and has fallen into a coma...
    Heart: Is he ever going to wake up!?
    Doctor: There is a small possibility.
    *doctor leaves*
    Heart: ^~^
    *goes into spawn's room*
    Heart: You saved me and Zuci from that- ZUCI! O_O!
    Heart: I gotta find her!
    *leaves hospital and gets into his car*
    *heart reached the crime scene*
    *the police has already secured and locked down the area*
    *heart sneaks in*
    Heart: Hmmm...
    Heart: What's that?
    *looks at a mysterious black sudan driving off*
    Heart: Hm... O_O ZUCI!
    *Notice that Zuci is in the Sudan!*
    *heart jumps into his car and sped off following the car*

    To Be Continued...

    Spawn! IS! Not! Dead!
    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    Meanwhile Heart is Chasing The Sudan...

    Spawn goes into a deep coma...
    Spawn: Huh? Where am I?... My LEG! It's not hurting?
    *moment of silent*
    Spawn: Why am I on clouds?!
    The Voice: Silence!
    Spawn: WHaaaOh! W-h-h-wwho are you?
    The Voice: I am your mind, your voice...
    Spawn: Why am I here? The last thing I remember was when I was having wine with Zuci and Heart... Urgg... Than something happened..
    The Voice: You are in a coma..
    Spawn: A COMA!?
    The Voice: Yes a coma, when the grenade want off you suffer a massive amount of blood loss that came from your leg.
    Spawn: *confused* What greanade!? I Don't... Remember anything... Like that?...
    The Voice: That's because only you are able to remember your past...
    Spawn: WHAT?! Your my voice don't you know? What are you a dumbutt?
    The Voice: UhhhH! Well GOtta Go! BYE!
    *some kinda time warp thingy happens*
    Spawn: Grahhhhhhhhh! *Huff* *huff* Huuh???? O_o?
    Nurse: Are you feeling ok?
    Spawn: Yes I guess... O.O Why am I here?

    To Be Continued...
    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    As The Sudan Enters A Strange Warehouse...

    Heart: What's is going?
    *Get out the car*
    *sneaks into the warehouse*
    Zuci: LET ME GO!!!!!! AHHH!!!! HELP!!!!
    Guy: Please! Make her shut up!
    *knocks out Zuci*
    Other Guy: Sir... We've got the One...
    Heart: What?! Zuci is the One?!
    *Heart hides around a corner as men with guns walks by*
    Heart: This is getting creepier..
    Heart: Huh?! Saidin?!
    [GM]Saidin: Excellent! We've got the One! Muhahahhah... *heart phone goes off*
    Heart: Oh S**T!!!!
    Saidin: What?! Whats that sound!? Guards check it out! You three! Put her in the plane!
    Heart: Heloo?
    Spawn: Heart! Whats going on?
    Heart: Shh! No Tim.. *gaurd snatches phone out of Heart's hand*
    Guard: Hands where I can see them! NOW!
    Heart: Uhh Ok... *Raise hands*
    *gaurd is about to call backup*
    *heart pulls out his UPS-Silenced*
    *pew pew*
    Heart: hmmmp...
    Multiple Gaurds: FIRE!!!!
    Heart: F***! *jumps for cover and picks up the dead gaurds AK-47*
    Heart: So much for How Ninja in 20 Easy Steps... $20 down the drain... Aff...

    To Be Continued...
    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    As The Gun Fight Is Erupting!...

    Heart: DAM! They got me surrounded! *pewbangbong*
    Heart: Urrgh! *bang bang bang click.. click click*
    Heart: DANG IT!!!!!
    Guards: MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! *bangbangbangbangbingbongbangpewpewbang*
    *Car crashes through a window!*
    Heart: What the?!
    Gaurds: WHAT THE HELL!?
    Spawn: YAHHHOOO! *shooting with UZI**pewwwwwpewpewpewpepwpewpepwpepwpepwpew*
    Gaurds: Grah! Uha! Ummah! Uah! I don't want to die! NU!

    To Be Continued!...

    Sorry guys I gtg now.
    Originally Posted by FallenHeart View Post
    So where was we in the story... :/
    There you go. <*^_^*>

    As It Continues!...

    Spawn: WazzAaaaAAaa! *get out of car*
    Heart: How did you know I was here? *reload gun*
    Spawn: Tracking devices... Very useful.
    Heart: They still have Zuci! D:
    Saidin: Muhahaha!
    Heart & Spawn: HUH?!
    *Shocked to see Zuci being held hostage at gunpoint*
    Zuci: Uhh... Ow... Huh?... *awakening*
    Saidin: If you come any closer her blood will be in your hands...
    Saidin: Drop the guns!!! NOW
    *drop guns*
    Saidin: Good! Guards seize them!
    *handcuffed heart and spawn*
    Spawn: Why are your doing this?! I trusted you!
    Heart: ...
    Saidin: For only one reason! Zuci possesses powers of gods! Only she doesn't know how to utilize them yet... Thats why I will extract her powers from her and use it to control the world!!
    Heart: NO! YOU CAN'T!
    Spawn: Urgh! YOU!
    Zuci: Huh?!.. Wha?..

    To Be Continued..

    Sorry for the delay had to go somewhere.

    As The Tension Gets Worst...

    Heart: You'll never get away with this!
    Saidin: Oh... I already have... Muhahahah!
    Spawn: HUH?!
    Saidin: You see once I have Zuci's powers I can brainwash anyone I want!
    Guard: General Saidin we've secured the plane and it's ready to take off.
    Saidin: Good. Take her to the plane and get rid of them two... Let's GO!
    *walks away*
    Guards: Yessir!
    Zuci: NO! HELP! SPAWN! HEART! NOooooo... *her voice fades as she is being driven away*
    Lt. Guard: You heard the General! Kill Them!!
    Lt. Guard: READY! AIM!--
    *Lt. Falls to the ground along with other guards*
    Spawn: I'mmm alive?
    Heart: Wha?!
    FallenAngel: So... Rough day eh?
    Heart: Fallen! O_O
    Spawn: WOAH! O_O
    Fallen: Yep... It's me alright...
    Heart: I thought you was with Saidin!
    Fallen: No.. I was being mind-controlled by him.. He manage to slip sleeping powder into my drink one day.. And When I work up.. He attached a device onto my head and thats when I was being controlled.
    Spawn: DAM! There getting away!
    Fallen: No time to chat lets go!!
    *gets into heart's car*
    *speeds off to save Zuci*

    To Be Continued...

    There you go. ^^
    I was bored and I wanna save this story. :)
    Say thank you to me?

    *Check how long post is*
    Quite long story there Heart.. O.o
    Great job Stranger! More! <*^_^*>
  • Sorry Zuci I gotta finish my story when I get home. D:
    But don't worry I have a tragic ending in mind... or should I make it a good one? D:
  • [MOD]Mem wrote: »
    Basically it might be just enough to earn you a warning.

    Relax, dude.
    Seriously...I can´t take another warning.
    *runs out of the room and starts shouting like a crazy*
    Chosk: Oh it´s just...I CAN´T TAKE THIS ANYMORE. YOU´RE GOING TO PAY! YOU´RE ALL GOING TO PAY! MUHAHAHAHA! *loads his water-pistols*

    Nah, seriously I have to look out more. :D
    Especially when I get some ZP. O.o

    Anyway, question of the day:
    How much did you drink today again? *points at Mem and Zuci*

    PS: I rly liek ur story fallen. :)