~Male VIP character~

I know this was suggested before but I would like to bring this topic back again

Would be awesome if Smilegate west could think about a male VIP character design

Here is roughly the designs I thought about



  • Valid suggestion but wrong reasons. If you don't like seeing female chars in this game then see the image below:


    No one is forcing you to play something you don't like. Like I've said before countless times, everything you see ingame is part of the game. So it's only natural that you'll see them in the game whether you like it or not. I take your "some of us have honor" remark as sexist and utterly bs. You should be saying "some of us don't have money" instead, which is most likely the case.

    Secondly, the designs you 'thought of' are already implemented in the game. OMOH and Cammando are good examples similar to Chris Redfield and Krauser, and Swat-E for third and SAS for the last one. That's a poor effort suggesting new designs. Maybe try your 'honorable' imagination and make a new design yourself? Though there is no chance in any possible way that your design would be implemented in future, cause chars are designed by SG and SGW should have no input in that regard.
  • idk rly its good or no but the second pic is good
  • Anywho, I see what you mean I think ever since FOX was introduce the Woman Characters have been abit... Yeah, but I don't really have any problem towards having them being in the game. Male Characters are also being introduced like that new BOPE person with the Spanish Voice Lines which could of easily been the first VIP Male with it's unique voice lines and just slap some other bonuses to him.

    I don't actually any VIP or ZP weapons so I can't say too much cause I ain't balling, but I would see alot of people liking Male VIP's and I could see it being introduced in the future I couldn't see why they wouldn't.

    Just if you want your idea to be seen and want people to actually agree with you it wouldn't be a good idea to go against every negative comment with even more negative things it's just going to back fire with the thread being closed or people just fully not liking the idea anymore because you are being rude to others.

    But yeah I guess it would be cool it's not like I would be able to afford it anyway.
  • Well, the Devs cater to the needs of China, mostly. And the folks over in China seem to prefer Female VIPs.

    While I'd love to see a Male VIP Character, as long as the Female Variants sell like butter, I'd imagine we'll be getting a few more before they look at the prospect of perhaps adding a male one.
  • As cool as a male VIP would be, I agree with Pooyan. Unless you're willing to make or suggest an original VIP design with possible perks, this thread holds no merit. Plus it'd be fun to see what original content you can come up with.

    Also going around being salty (based on what you've said, I consider that to be nice phrasing) to people after getting some criticism won't help your case, mate. Try to be civil and nice. It goes a far way.
  • Throwing knife and daggers which added to the viper , trinty and trixy so this chars is a melee chars :@ and I am with you to add male chars xD
    • IGN Ezio
  • Stop throwing around insults, I don't care who started it. Stop bypassing swear filter.

    OP: When you say "no offense", obviously it's potentially offensive, so why even say it? I can tell you put a lot of effort into your post, so why would you even put all that effort to waste by discrediting yourself? Next time stop and think about what you're writing, and whether it's really necessary before you hit that "Submit" button.
  • +1 to male vips. (Probably won't happen)
    Apart from the design you could add some effects or features. A cool idea would be :

    Instead of throwing knives; have a extra grenade (wide grenade) or something else.
  • +1 for sure i wanna see a male char inside the game ..
  • +1 will buy it for sure
    (p.s-I also never understood men who are using half naked female skins...what are they trying to say by this)?
  • Personally, I dont see any issue with female characters. We have a huge variety of characters, and yes many are female. But so what? Maybe one or two of you are a little worried. "Guys cant play female characters! Its not masculine! They will think Im less of a man! Rawr! Beards and monster trucks and tigers!" And while youre a kid, or even a young adult, maybe you have a point. Younger people are more insecure and point out others oddities more often. But I promise you when you get out into the real world (and this is going to be a shocker, so make sure youre sitting down) no one cares.

    I play women in games all the time. Some games let you make characters and I still play women because its cool to see a badass girl take down the badguys.

    Id like to see a male VIP character too, though. I think it would be cool to give everyone a little more option towards VIP choices.

    +1 to the idea
    -1 to the arguing
  • +1 to this.

    I don't have a problem with female characters, but an option to have a male version would be nice.
    They could simply release a VIP character with an option for Female or Male with the same abilities. A little more work on their part but not much more.
  • +1 Would be nice to see a male VIP Character! :cool:
  • "It ain't no party without..." :p

    I also sick already from 5 years with the same sia skin.Can be cool to see vip male skin

    +1 to idea

    (to be honest-I more of eager about a certain vip that is overpowered in zm and will come to our version I hope as fast as can) =)
  • Your reasons are not solid. However, I agree with you that there must be a male VIP character in the game.
    Frankly, all of this depends on CF china. If they release something like that then we may get it as well.
    Personally, I dont see any issue with female characters. We have a huge variety of characters, and yes many are female. But so what? Maybe one or two of you are a little worried. "Guys cant play female characters! Its not masculine! They will think Im less of a man! Rawr! Beards and monster trucks and tigers!" And while youre a kid, or even a young adult, maybe you have a point. Younger people are more insecure and point out others oddities more often. But I promise you when you get out into the real world (and this is going to be a shocker, so make sure youre sitting down) no one cares.
    I agree with [GM]Kanadian. OP lacks practical experience.
  • Personally, I dont see any issue with female characters. We have a huge variety of characters, and yes many are female. But so what? Maybe one or two of you are a little worried. "Guys cant play female characters! Its not masculine! They will think Im less of a man! Rawr! Beards and monster trucks and tigers!" And while youre a kid, or even a young adult, maybe you have a point. Younger people are more insecure and point out others oddities more often. But I promise you when you get out into the real world (and this is going to be a shocker, so make sure youre sitting down) no one cares.

    I play women in games all the time. Some games let you make characters and I still play women because its cool to see a badass girl take down the badguys.

    Id like to see a male VIP character too, though. I think it would be cool to give everyone a little more option towards VIP choices.

    +1 to the idea
    -1 to the arguing
    Belicose wrote: »
    +1 to this.

    I don't have a problem with female characters, but an option to have a male version would be nice.
    They could simply release a VIP character with an option for Female or Male with the same abilities. A little more work on their part but not much more.
    Cusa wrote: »
    +1000 this game is sexist
    olpers wrote: »
    Your reasons are not solid. However, I agree with you that there must be a male VIP character in the game.
    Frankly, all of this depends on CF china. If they release something like that then we may get it as well.

    I agree with [GM]Kanadian. OP lacks practical experience.

    I think OP didn't mean that he has problem with female characters ,but with men who are using female characters (and hints to that do something like this is a pretty gayish thing to do).and also something about "china players with viper+m4 vip+armor+macros ruined the game" or some thing like that.
  • makoreahi wrote: »
    men who are using female characters (and hints to that do something like this is a pretty gayish thing to do).
    Oh I got what he meant. Just nobody cares about that when you get out in the world.
  • "Guys cant play female characters! Its not masculine! They will think Im less of a man! Rawr! Beards and monster trucks and tigers!"

    Like a 6'3 guy with a beard and a motorbike who plays a female character with a pink name covered in rabbit accessories.
  • Like a 6'3 guy with a beard and a motorbike who plays a female character with a pink name covered in rabbit accessories.
    We legit thought you were female for months, Bunni :P
  • We legit thought you were female for months, Bunni :P

    Your reactions on stream were pretty funny when you found out haha ^^
  • Like a 6'3 guy with a beard and a motorbike who plays a female character with a pink name covered in rabbit accessories.

    Show me your beard and I'll show you mine ^^
  • We legit thought you were female for months, Bunni :P
    I also thought Dana was a man at the beginning:D :):D;)
  • Pooyan wrote: »
    Show me your beard and I'll show you mine ^^

    Check the player photos thread or my profile for a small version :P
  • +1

    But the Photos that you posted are Taken From anoher game that has it's own Copy Rights so copying it Would be " a Crime " Because Even if Crossfire Did make a Male Vip Char It would be Similar to this ..
  • I would also like to see a male VIP character. Since this is becoming more of a female game anyway a sexy male character would be nice. I think the players need to come up with ideas for male VIP. It would probably have to be Asian to have them be convinced enough to make it and it would probably sell more. Maybe a Ninja character so the fast kick would work with it.

    I think an Egyptian character would also be a good idea since there are so many egys that are playing- like the OPES character was made for all the BRs.