CrossFire Bingo! - August 18th to August 27th


Attention Mercenaries,

From August 18 to August 27th, try the new Bingo system! Get exclusive rewards including crates, permanent weapons and more!

How To Play:
-Buy or Earn Draws, and click 'Draw Bingo' to draw a random number.

-If a number on your board is drawn, the square will highlight in gold.

-Complete a line either vertical, top left corner to bottom right corner, or top right corner to bottom left corner to win a secondary reward of 10 crates!
(You will know if you have a line if the entire line is highlighted gold, a popup will appear explaining your reward!)If you can't seem to draw one of your numbers, you can purchase a 'shuffle numbers' power up to shuffle the numbers on your board that have not been drawn yet.

-You can also purchase a 'Guaranteed Number' power up to draw an exact number that is on your board. - The price for this item goes up based on how many numbers you have filled on the board.

If you run out of draws, you can purchase or earn more draws. By purchasing more draws you will receive a temporary CrossFire item.

-Once you complete your entire board (all squares will be gold) you will be rewarded with the 'Grand Prize' Reward listed at the top of your board.

-If you'd like to play again for an new reward, simply click the 'Reset All' button, to clear your board and start over.

*** Click HERE to Play Bingo! ***


The CrossFire Bingo event will be disabled until we can fix an issue and restore any missing draws and items to users. We will keep you updated.

