In game mod system by trusted players.

How about handing over kicking (non vips) ability to trusted and reputable regulars to clean the games up? Hero Mode really need some GM or admins playing. Lots of bug/glitchers/blockers farming and every game starting to look like an old school kung fu movie... I believe its really putting a hurt on the dollar.

Rank/Badge: MP - Military Police (would be a nice character skin)
Minimum Requirements: 1+ Yr Account / No Prior Issues / 15 of 30 Day Login Activity

1. Verbal Warning
2. Kick + Add Infraction Point (escalated to GM for review when 5+ infractions)

- Trusted MP could lose ability if abuse.
- Kicked player can dispute with replay.
- MP use account as collateral to prevent abuse.


  • Even though this is a nice idea, certain questions do come up such as:

    ~How do the GMs control the people who are trusted?
    ~How do you stop any trusted player from abusing the in-game power?
    ~How do you pick which members are trusted and which are not?

    Without control or a way to make sure players aren't abusing their in-game powers then this will be very hard to have. One solution which could be better is if Z8Games hired their own team of moderators who get paid to monitor the game on a daily basis. This leaves less pressure on the GMs to make sure the game is clean and will allow them to carry out other important work.
  • abel95 wrote: »
    Even though this is a nice idea, certain questions do come up such as:

    ~How do the GMs control the people who are trusted?
    ~How do you stop any trusted player from abusing the in-game power?
    ~How do you pick which members are trusted and which are not?

    Without control or a way to make sure players aren't abusing their in-game powers then this will be very hard to have. One solution which could be better is if Z8Games hired their own team of moderators who get paid to monitor the game on a daily basis. This leaves less pressure on the GMs to make sure the game is clean and will allow them to carry out other important work.

    +1 Always with the good ideas Abel :D
    Don't think they'll hire staff just to monitor the game sadly, wouldn't it be enough to patch every posible place out of the map with an instant kill? Just saying, I don't know a lot about glitches to begin with.
  • I think this can be controlled by making it so that the superficial mods only have powers when at least one GM and/or mod is online at the time. And all commands must go through said mod first.
  • ghoster1 wrote: »
    I think this can be controlled by making it so that the superficial mods only have powers when at least one GM and/or mod is online at the time. And all commands must go through said mod first.

    Kind of defeats the purpose then...
  • abel95 wrote: »
    Even though this is a nice idea, certain questions do come up such as:

    ~How do the GMs control the people who are trusted?
    ~How do you stop any trusted player from abusing the in-game power?
    ~How do you pick which members are trusted and which are not?

    Without control or a way to make sure players aren't abusing their in-game powers then this will be very hard to have. One solution which could be better is if Z8Games hired their own team of moderators who get paid to monitor the game on a daily basis. This leaves less pressure on the GMs to make sure the game is clean and will allow them to carry out other important work.

    A few ways to work it out, could be give a picture of ur passport to the GM'S, hell even it might be a bit too far but then it would also be legit/safe for those who work as staff. I already told Jessy and others im down to help, cause I work for a rather big platform (other games)
  • A few ways to work it out, could be give a picture of ur passport to the GM'S, hell even it might be a bit too far but then it would also be legit/safe for those who work as staff. I already told Jessy and others im down to help, cause I work for a rather big platform (other games)

    Passports and other documents can be forged easily. I'm sure it'd be a peace of cake to forge these documents for people who can create new hacks withing hours of a patch.
  • CFKhalifa wrote: »
    Passports and other documents can be forged easily. I'm sure it'd be a peace of cake to forge these documents for people who can create new hacks withing hours of a patch.

    Prob =[.
  • abel95 wrote: »
    One solution which could be better is if Z8Games hired their own team of moderators who get paid to monitor the game on a daily basis.

    Where do I apply? :P
  • abel95 wrote: »
    One solution which could be better is if Z8Games hired their own team of moderators who get paid to monitor the game on a daily basis. This leaves less pressure on the GMs to make sure the game is clean and will allow them to carry out other important work.

    Great points there - just one comment to the quoted part above: I don't think it's necessary to hire a team dedicated to this. Plenty of players have already offered to patrol for hackers, unpaid. I think too many people would apply just for the money and not because they actually care.

    To the OP/Topic at Hand:
    What I think would be a compromise to how and who is selected as "trusted players" is to create a subdivision of the current Mods. Basically, a dedicated 2-3 of the current Mods dedicated to sweeping ranked and pub for hackers. I know there will be backlash to this suggestion from certain players who place mistrust in the Mods, but if there are Mods willing to dedicate their personal time to this, I think everyone should cast away their prejudice and give them a chance. It'd be a step in the right direction, don't you think?
  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    What I think would be a compromise to how and who is selected as "trusted players" is to create a subdivision of the current Mods. Basically, a dedicated 2-3 of the current Mods dedicated to sweeping ranked and pub for hackers. I know there will be backlash to this suggestion from certain players who place mistrust in the Mods, but if there are Mods willing to dedicate their personal time to this, I think everyone should cast away their prejudice and give them a chance. It'd be a step in the right direction, don't you think?

    I don't think it's a good idea, because it's an issue of trust : on the forum, GMs can see our actions, and it's much easier for users to send them a PM if a mod misjudged and infracted/banned for no reason. With the amount of bans in-game that go through, giving ban powers to players could result in unfair bans in-game (which are a lot more important than forum bans) that can't be cancelled because the monitoring isn't 100% foolproof.

    The issue here is that even with forum mods, we've had people abusing their power (which isn't that great to begin with) and causing a lot of trouble, although they were supposed to be trustworthy. Some even think the current mods abuse their powers and dealing with that on the forum is already a hassle, so getting second-guessed and being inquired for every ban we make in-game (because you can be sure there's gonna be a lot more complaining from players about this) is gonna be a pain and I'm sure a lot of people "volunteering" for this don't understand the amount of time they would have to put into it. There's always been threads about layers getting banned but they weren't hacking and such a system would just push people to make more, claiming an in-game mod banned them but was wrong.

    Forum mods are in direct contact with GMs, which means we can get our replays to be reviewed directly by one of the GMs and get hackers banned (basically an oldschool parallel report) and anything more than that could be abused. Trust doesn't really exist on the internet.
  • Honestly, I think it'd be great if a group of players were given the ability to 'flag' a player. The flag would show up in public rooms warning players that the player who has been flagged is 'under investigation' meanwhile it'd cause a notification to show up on all GMs ingame HUD or message system to request them to go check it out perhaps even the ability to 'join them (heck could make a Flagged Players list that's kinda like the Friends List but it only shows up for GMs to see and they could then use that to join the flagged person in-game. Perhaps it could also start auto-saving any saved replays that has that player in the room as well.

    Of course said system doesn't hit what's truly wanted here which is the ability to instantly get rid of hackers when they're in a room. but perhaps it'd be a system that helps speed along the reporting/banning of hackers.

    As for control and who to pick. they could always do application/interview questionnaire and have basic prerequisites that have to be in place. Something that shows that the person wanting the 'Ingame Mod' powers has a good record of accurately reporting hackers (and glitchers). Other required prerequisites could be things like account is at least so old, has honorable ribbon themselves, invested into the game, etc etc. Then on top of it have it known to anyone applying for such powers that if they're found to be abusing said powers they COULD face a permanent ban. Since people would have to have an account with certain conditions met it'd mean that they'd actually have something to lose should it get banned.
  • [MOD]Vu wrote: »
    I don't think it's a good idea, because it's an issue of trust : on the forum, GMs can see our actions, and it's much easier for users to send them a PM if a mod misjudged and infracted/banned for no reason. With the amount of bans in-game that go through, giving ban powers to players could result in unfair bans in-game (which are a lot more important than forum bans) that can't be cancelled because the monitoring isn't 100% foolproof.

    The issue here is that even with forum mods, we've had people abusing their power (which isn't that great to begin with) and causing a lot of trouble, although they were supposed to be trustworthy. Some even think the current mods abuse their powers and dealing with that on the forum is already a hassle, so getting second-guessed and being inquired for every ban we make in-game (because you can be sure there's gonna be a lot more complaining from players about this) is gonna be a pain and I'm sure a lot of people "volunteering" for this don't understand the amount of time they would have to put into it. There's always been threads about layers getting banned but they weren't hacking and such a system would just push people to make more, claiming an in-game mod banned them but was wrong.

    Forum mods are in direct contact with GMs, which means we can get our replays to be reviewed directly by one of the GMs and get hackers banned (basically an oldschool parallel report) and anything more than that could be abused. Trust doesn't really exist on the internet.

    Oh geeze, I misunderstood OP's comment. I didn't realize he was advocating for direct ban power in game. I thought it was similar to other suggestions where certain players "patrol" the game and report directly to the GMs. As you mentioned, Mods have direct contact with the GMs. The idea is that the designated Mods will spend some time consciously looking for hackers (by playing modes where players report they frequently see hackers, such as HMX and Ranked) vs. just playing as they desire and reporting the hackers they encounter.

    Yes, it's an added burden to the Mods, but that's part of the compromise. The other part is the players will put aside their prejudice and place their trust in these Mods. After all, it is not whether the GMs deem the sweepers trustworthy, its whether the players deem them trustworthy. The compromise is that players allow the Mods to be the trusted players without having the GMs go through the trouble of selecting "trusted players" through applications and whatever (after all that takes time to go through and even then you can't please everyone with who gets selected).

    Of course, this is all just a thought assuming the concept of "trusted players to monitor for hackers" is even taken into consideration.
  • A similar system to the vote kick, people vote and if they gets enough votes some specialized mods or GMs will come as espectator mode where they can see who is hacking glitching, etc. and do the corresponding action. I seen mods, or GMs spectating matches and also using the chat with red font letters.
    high rank, veterans, or people who does accurate votes get points as reputation so their votes counts as double. also restriction to low rank or people who make fake call so they can only agree or deny to call a mod.

    many options can come from this. what do you think help with Ideas
  • [MOD]Vu wrote: »
    I don't think it's a good idea, because it's an issue of trust : on the forum, GMs can see our actions, and it's much easier for users to send them a PM if a mod misjudged and infracted/banned for no reason. With the amount of bans in-game that go through, giving ban powers to players could result in unfair bans in-game (which are a lot more important than forum bans) that can't be cancelled because the monitoring isn't 100% foolproof.

    The issue here is that even with forum mods, we've had people abusing their power (which isn't that great to begin with) and causing a lot of trouble, although they were supposed to be trustworthy. Some even think the current mods abuse their powers and dealing with that on the forum is already a hassle, so getting second-guessed and being inquired for every ban we make in-game (because you can be sure there's gonna be a lot more complaining from players about this) is gonna be a pain and I'm sure a lot of people "volunteering" for this don't understand the amount of time they would have to put into it. There's always been threads about layers getting banned but they weren't hacking and such a system would just push people to make more, claiming an in-game mod banned them but was wrong.

    Forum mods are in direct contact with GMs, which means we can get our replays to be reviewed directly by one of the GMs and get hackers banned (basically an oldschool parallel report) and anything more than that could be abused. Trust doesn't really exist on the internet.

    NO! No BAN powers to anyone. Just ability to punt a person from a game and mark them or something. Lots of new accounts just made today doing a lot of damage. They aren't even VIPS.
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    Trust nobody.

    I agree...I would not trust anyone. It would get abused by pure rage. Very few people are "level headed" enough to be able to handle the intended control/power.
  • Dextreme wrote: »
    I agree...I would not trust anyone. It would get abused by pure rage. Very few people are "level headed" enough to be able to handle the intended control/power.

    lol.. thats why you have to vet them.. its not like everyone will be given trust. i think this idea is much better long term for the game. with anti-hack and hack it will just go in circles. update and then reverse engineer again. over and over.

    or plan b.. put fake GM as spectators in every game lol
  • BIG816 wrote: »
    btw... ill be 31 years old in two weeks.. i'm sure there are alot of players that are mature enough to handle the job.

    Age =/= Maturity. My uncle is like 45 and he acts like a 12 year old haha.
  • Age =/= Maturity. My uncle is like 45 and he acts like a 12 year old haha.

    Yep, I am 48 going on about 13. But I don't own a figit spinner. lol
  • BIG816 wrote: »

    or plan b.. put fake GM as spectators in every game lol

    I've seen people cheat in rooms with real GMs.... I've had people cheat in rooms I'm in. One patch Moe, Jessy and I were all playing together and a cheater followed us around -_-
    People simply do not care.
  • I've seen people cheat in rooms with real GMs.... I've had people cheat in rooms I'm in. One patch Moe, Jessy and I were all playing together and a cheater followed us around -_-
    People simply do not care.

    Its true an old friend hacked infront of a gm got banned got on another account and went and hacked in the same room (2 star & Eagle rank)
    Idk if its allowed because hes banned perm it isnt hackusating his hsr was never removed.
  • We'll leave it out for now. Hsr removal is not always followed by a successful ban. They are removed manually when the ban itself is done manually. It's an extra step for a dud account.
  • Generally speaking, using help from other members is something we can look into. However, handing over the ability to kick/ban is something that is unlikely to happen.

    If you think about it, even with the official GMs and Mods players still accuse them of "abusing" their powers, and those have official agreements with the company, so imagine if this was handed over to a group of players?
  • [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    Generally speaking, using help from other members is something we can look into. However, handing over the ability to kick/ban is something that is unlikely to happen.

    If you think about it, even with the official GMs and Mods players still accuse them of "abusing" their powers, and those have official agreements with the company, so imagine if this was handed over to a group of players?
    Well said I guess.
  • Cant we literally have a system similar to csgo's overwatch? Pick only a few people in the beggining/testing stage of this idea and send them a few replays from reports for them to view and vouch their opinion on them and then have support also look over the replays. See how correct the player answers/opinions were compared to the official support verdict. Only the support has the decision to ban or not. The selected players can only share their opinion and nothing more. If someone keeps giving accurate opinions they get to stay in and if not they leave. No rewards at first to not encourage hacking on alt accs. In time it can be expanded and allow more players to review replays. No member of the team would be allowed to talk about his work or the igns in the replays on the forums or he gets kicked instantly from the team. No player will have ban powers and this whole thing ^ is way better than nothing.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Cant we literally have a system similar to csgo's overwatch? Pick only a few people in the beggining/testing stage of this idea and send them a few replays from reports for them to view and vouch their opinion on them and then have support also look over the replays. See how correct the player answers/opinions were compared to the official support verdict. Only the support has the decision to ban or not. The selected players can only share their opinion and nothing more. If someone keeps giving accurate opinions they get to stay in and if not they leave. No rewards at first to not encourage hacking on alt accs. In time it can be expanded and allow more players to review replays. No member of the team would be allowed to talk about his work or the igns in the replays on the forums or he gets kicked instantly from the team. No player will have ban powers and this whole thing ^ is way better than nothing.

    I would gladly take 30 minutes or maybe even an hour out of my own time each day if something like this were to happen, just to see the amount of hackers decrease.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Cant we literally have a system similar to csgo's overwatch? Pick only a few people in the beggining/testing stage of this idea and send them a few replays from reports for them to view and vouch their opinion on them and then have support also look over the replays. See how correct the player answers/opinions were compared to the official support verdict. Only the support has the decision to ban or not. The selected players can only share their opinion and nothing more. If someone keeps giving accurate opinions they get to stay in and if not they leave. No rewards at first to not encourage hacking on alt accs. In time it can be expanded and allow more players to review replays. No member of the team would be allowed to talk about his work or the igns in the replays on the forums or he gets kicked instantly from the team. No player will have ban powers and this whole thing ^ is way better than nothing.

    We can, and we will. Details will be shared once we have something ready.
  • [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    We can, and we will. Details will be shared once we have something ready.

    I've been loving all your latest replies, thank you for clarifying/interacting with the community lately.
  • [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    We can, and we will. Details will be shared once we have something ready.

    This is fantastic news ^^
This discussion has been closed.