Hacking Ticket Responses/Response times

For the longest time, players have wanted to see a faster response time when reporting hackers.
We've asked countless times for some sort of reply or indication that our tickets have actually been looked at.
I think it's finally happened!

I went to look at my hacking reports today, and I've noticed that the last 3 I've sent have all been changed.
The comment has been changed to "Reviewed", and the status has been set as closed.

I looked at the profiles of the suspects and they are now ALL missing their honorable soldiers.


Now 2/3 of these were sent yesterday. And they lost their honorable soldier ribbons (bear in mind one of them was created a couple months ago so couldn't have lost it from the xtrap bug a while back) already. In less than 24 hours.

I'm incredibly happy that we are getting these speedy results, getting replies so we can see that people are actually looking at our tickets, and can see that people are starting to get banned very quickly, so... Thank you.

Hopefully this means we won't be seeing anywhere near as many hackers in the near future, and ranked might just become playable again!
