Mileage Shop [ All Details you need to know ]

Mileage Shop is the fourth Item Shop available in CrossFire. It uses MP as currency.

- This shop can be considered a lower-tier Shop as it offers rare, premium items both permanently and temporary. Unlike with Cash Point, GP or FP, MPs are reset every month, meaning players will have to do their best to obtain needed fund to buy what they want from this shop. Since MPs can be obtained for free by completing Missions, Fever System and Attendance System reward, this is a fair trade-off for those who can't afford to open capsules but can farm.

Temp items available for renting have a cooldown period, meaning after buying it once, players will have to wait until the cooldown expire in order to buy it again. This is likely done to avoid free item farming, which could affect sales on Item Shop.

Merchandises are said to be in limited stock, meaning only a handful of them will be on sale and if the stock runs out, players won't be able to buy them anymore. Also the merchandises will be refreshed every month, so chances are a weapon will only be on sale once before being pulled out for good.

By default, players can get MP if they do all missions (daily / weekly) and fill up F3 stage on Fever Bar, which is just enough for a permanent weapon.
