HMX Invasion Event, Ribbons & EP Event! Thumbs Up! +1



  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    Also, the 12 hour rule doesn't even make sense. 7 days of 10 games is already 21+ hours, or 42+ for those who are going for multiple ribbons (based on a lowball estimate of 3 hour per day; only way I can think of people not meeting the 12 hour rule is if they farmed the entire event).

    12hr prevents farm quick games, of course legit players will ace 12 hours throughout two week event. We wouldn't want farmers gaining our rare Ribbons some of us worked hard for in the past.
  • Thats too easy for a revival of 3 ribbons, it should be harder
  • agree 10 games are too much 5 would be more acceptable ^^ but a unique event so +1 for me
  • +1 love the idea.

    I would only change the requirements from 8 players to 6 :)
  • swesub1 wrote: »
    +1 love the idea.

    I would only change the requirements from 8 players to 6 :)

    This is an acceptable change as sometimes it's hard to get 8 players or sometime they leave. So will change it to 6
  • Really want those ribbons very bad. +1 from me, although like many of them already mentioned above specific task per day will be hard specific tasks per week will be great.

    Even if it won't change to specific tasks per week i would sacrifice some amount of sleep for this.

    Thank you for coming up with this i hope this will get implemented.
  • Nice event but 10 games daily are too much , that is more than 2 hours daily i think 5 or 7 are fair enough .
  • This event looks like it would have awesome rewards, but at the same it will take sooooo much work without farming. +1 but will probably give up after a week lol
    RiceTurtle wrote: »
    First of all, I think it's a great idea to give the players a chance to manually receive these ribbons.

    However, the amount of time (it's not even effort, it's pure time) required for those of us with other priorities (vacation, jobs, summer classes, etc), it's nearly impossible. I'd be down if either of the following modifications are made:

    - There is no "day 1", "day 2", etc requirement. All of those requirements can be met any time during a certain period. This way, it doesn't penalize those who can't make it every day.
    - Reduce every number in half. For example, instead of 10 games, make it 5 games.

    Also, the 12 hour rule doesn't even make sense. 7 days of 10 games is already 21+ hours, or 42+ for those who are going for multiple ribbons (based on a lowball estimate of 3 hour per day; only way I can think of people not meeting the 12 hour rule is if they farmed the entire event).

    This would make things a lot better for me
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    This event looks like it would have awesome rewards, but at the same it will take sooooo much work without farming. +1 but will probably give up after a week lo

    This would make things a lot better for me

    I have made some changes in the OP, keeping the Ribbons Rare, Hard and easy for those who cannot log in every day with a Duration of 7 days to do the specified Tasks for the specified Ribbon. keeping in line with the original Ribbon requirements but less :) check it out again and lets get this event going soon! GMs has now two options to consider First or alternative as added in the OP

    [th]Alternative Requirements! No Daily Requirement! As Requested! Keeping the Ribbons Still Rare and Hard! All You need to Do is play those specific Maps and Games during that week any day for that Specific Ribbon or Wait for Week 2![/th]

    I have other Events lined up, but we see how this goes :D
  • I have made some changes in the OP, keeping the Ribbons Rare, Hard and easy for those who cannot log in every day with a Duration of 7 days to do the specified Tasks for the specified Ribbon. keeping in line with the original Ribbon requirements but less :) check it out again and lets get this event going soon! GMs has now two options to consider First or alternative as added in the OP

    [th]Alternative Requirements! No Daily Requirement! As Requested! Keeping the Ribbons Still Rare and Hard! All You need to Do is play those specific Maps and Games during that week any day for that Specific Ribbon or Wait for Week 2![/th]

    I have other Events lined up, but we see how this goes :D

    You are not a very good listener are you?

    The main concern about this event is that it's way too time consuming! Nobody other than HMX fans and yourself wants to spend 4h a day playing HMX only! At least the ribbon rummage gave you the alternative to play any mode you wanted, but this event allows HMX only. I'd rather play 200+ HMX matches on the time lapse of my choosing than to be a HMX slave for 2 weeks.

  • nelson28 wrote: »
    You are not a very good listener are you?

    The main concern about this event is that it's way too time consuming! Nobody other than HMX fans and yourself wants to spend 4h a day playing HMX only! At least the ribbon rummage gave you the alternative to play any mode you wanted, but this event allows HMX only. I'd rather play 200+ HMX matches on the time lapse of my choosing than to be a HMX slave for 2 weeks.


    That's your concern and not everyone's and if that's your concern then no one said you have to do it. The ribbons can stay as they are. We cannot please everyone. You are lucky to even get those ribbons revived a bit of appreciation will go a long way. Majority like it as it is, the rest like it without limit of day 1 day 2 etc, rest just want free EP and ribbons without even trying. You are welcome to use your time to develope awesome events for us. Thanks!

    For your information, I am not Fan of Hmx or MM and I only need Exterminator Ribbon. However I am willing to work hard and possibly not make it to try gain that ribbon by doing all task when I can and bonus is EP. As I understand Exterminator is rare limited Ribbon as respect to those that earned years back, I am willing to work for it not a free ride. Don't jump to conclusions as you are not happy, the majority likes the event and a low negative feed from a few who don't even contribute.
  • Really hope this will be next month event.
    Lot of players need the Exterminator Ribbon, and Lot of players can't have one or both of the other ribbons since it's bugged and none can get them.
  • That's your concern and not everyone's and if that's your concern then no one said you have to do it. The ribbons can stay as they are. We cannot please everyone. You are lucky to even get those ribbons revived a bit of appreciation will go a long way. Majority like it as it is, the rest like it without limit of day 1 day 2 etc, rest just want free EP and ribbons without even trying. You are welcome to use your time to develope awesome events for us. Thanks!

    For your information, I am not Fan of Hmx or MM and I only need Exterminator Ribbon. However I am willing to work hard and possibly not make it to try gain that ribbon by doing all task when I can and bonus is EP. As I understand Exterminator is rare limited Ribbon as respect to those that earned years back, I am willing to work for it not a free ride. Don't jump to conclusions as you are not happy, the majority likes the event and a low negative feed from a few who don't even contribute.

    This is why I know you are not a good listener. Everyone is telling you this event is too much and everyone making and effort to make this event even better is telling you to reduce the tasks required for it, you just choose to ignored their friendly comments and suggestions.

    I too want the exterminator ribbon as I joined CF when this ribbon was already given out but this event is not the way to go as it is atm. I don't know about you, but I do stuff with my life other than playing CF all day long.

    I'm glad you like making events in order to bring joy back to the game but there's a difference between events that are meant to entertain players and reward them for their hard work, and events that are plain punishing and a burden overall. You are past the point where you play for fun and you just seek to earn a ribbon by completing tasks that are not even fun anymore after 4 hours of continuous play.

    People want ribbons and free EP, and there's a lot of them that are willing to TRY to complete this event, but you are making it such a chore that I don't see the point of doing this other than being a show off.

    I know the bast majority of players who are giving you the thumbs up are either going to quit it half way through 'cause its a real pain to finish it, or are going to do it anyways with a frown on their faces thinking 'when is this event going to be over already?!'. This has happened to me a lot of times and I know I don't want to pass through that again thanks to some random guy making stuff up on the forum.

    You are right about one thing though, I don't have to do this event. That's why I'm trying to debate the terms of it with you, the creator, in order to make some improvements. I don't have the time nor I'm willing to make up events for a game I play occasionally so I give my point of view to those who do have the creativity for the task and I try to be somehow helpful to the community, but are all bottled up with those ideas in your head and you just see everything I say as an attack to your pleads. Those who are not on board with you here are also trying to help in our own way.

    Be all ****ed if you want, but if you are going to publish some make-up torturing events on the forums, you better have the guts to take some criticism with it. Grow up a bit.
  • nelson28 wrote: »
    This is why I know you are not a good listener. Everyone is telling you this event is too much and everyone making and effort to make this event even better is telling you to reduce the tasks required for it, you just choose to ignored their friendly comments and suggestions.

    I have wasted enough time on you, you are only mad as you only need Exterminator ribbon and is not willing to complete the rest of task to get " Free Ride" I will quote as many I have seen regarding your comment " Not a good listener, everyone is telling you this is too much" that is incorrect just minor few who want a free ride. The main concern of some as if they missed a day so I changed it complete those task for that week in 7 days and can be done on 1 day or few days when they are free. That is reasonable and does not remove the rareness of the Ribbons as they originally required more hard work.

    Before I quote the followers and supporters, I will tell you one last time, You are not forced to do this Event! Those ribbons are rare and some case Limited, meaning you could not see them again such as Exterminator so you are lucky that I am reviving it. You can do the event or move on, you are not forced to do anything. there are events we can do and want to do and there times we skip events as we cannot be bothered to do or we dont want to do. leave as that before you start causing us issues here, use Suggestion and make your own event idea and we can support it or we won't. good luck! The Majority as stated agree below based on original post and ammended based on majority request.
    iDupree_ wrote: »
    Don't you think 3 ribbons are too much? Weren't they supposed to be rare?

    Other than that, +1.
    [MOD]Moe wrote: »
    This.. looks very neat!
    [size=+1]Wow Awesome Event :D

    +1 for sure
    PyrateX wrote: »
    Definitely +1
    PyrateX wrote: »
    Well, considering the reward that is 5,000 EP per task + a Ribbon per week + Exterminator Ribbon as an extra reward for completing the whole event.. Fair Enough.
    Both sides are making fair points and they are entitled to them but i just wanna know, when are they starting?
    ***killsss wrote: »
    nice work camel ,Definitely agree
    but i think there is many tasks in that event and this will take much time and with this servers it will take more time
    so i think you should reduce the number of games or tasks
    but i will do this event any way cause i want this ribbons :D
    imhmdhk wrote: »
    +100 !!!!
    just do it

    Rawski wrote: »
    Decent, although i have the 2 ribbons :P EP is nice. Thumbs up. :[)

    [GGamer] wrote: »
    Edit: For those who don't want to play the game the whole month, they can just make it possible to do 2 tasks in 1 day or even more.
    For example,
    If I missed day 1, then on day 2 I could complete both tasks for day 1 and day 2 and so on.
    That if they allowed us to complete max 2 tasks together.

    Or they can just change it from day-based tasks to week/month-based tasks :D

    +1 that will be cool event :D
    Is this an upcoming event? Where is the time on this?
    RiceTurtle wrote: »
    First of all, I think it's a great idea to give the players a chance to manually receive these ribbons.

    - There is no "day 1", "day 2", etc requirement. All of those requirements can be met any time during a certain period. This way, it doesn't penalize those who can't make it every day.
    - Reduce every number in half. For example, instead of 10 games, make it 5 games.
    hegazy741 wrote: »
    I wanna get 'Shovel R.Dragon' :D

    'A wrote:
    Monteiro;4475735']Thats too easy for a revival of 3 ribbons, it should be harder
    swesub1 wrote: »
    +1 love the idea.

    I would only change the requirements from 8 players to 6 :)
    Clown wrote: »
    Really want those ribbons very bad. +1 from me, although like many of them already mentioned above specific task per day will be hard specific tasks per week will be great.

    Even if it won't change to specific tasks per week i would sacrifice some amount of sleep for this.

    Thank you for coming up with this i hope this will get implemented.
    iAnarchy wrote: »
    This event looks like it would have awesome rewards, but at the same it will take sooooo much work without farming. +1 but will probably give up after a week lol

    This would make things a lot better for me

    He is referring to RiceTurtle Request to remove Daily Login to allow a week to complete so no missed Days"

    PyrateX wrote: »
    Really hope this will be next month event.
    Lot of players need the Exterminator Ribbon, and Lot of players can't have one or both of the other ribbons since it's bugged and none can get them.

    After careful considering of most users, I have made changes removing the idea of login every day or Miss a day issue and changed to giving players 7 days to complete all week 1 task any time they are free, if you cannot accept that and the possibility of 3 free rare ribbons and EP then don't do the event, join whatever mode you like, skip it, go on vacation or go out and have fun.

    As for the rest, sorry some people like turning things into an arguement rather than appreciate the suggester, without coinsidering others worked hard before to gain those things and we tried to make it as easy as we can for them without hurting those who worked double that we are suggesting.
  • I have wasted enough time on you, you are only mad as you only need Exterminator ribbon and is not willing to complete the rest of task to get " Free Ride" I will quote as many I have seen regarding your comment " Not a good listener, everyone is telling you this is too much" that is incorrect just minor few who want a free ride. The main concern of some as if they missed a day so I changed it complete those task for that week in 7 days and can be done on 1 day or few days when they are free. That is reasonable and does not remove the rareness of the Ribbons as they originally required more hard work.

    Before I quote the followers and supporters, I will tell you one last time, You are not forced to do this Event! Those ribbons are rare and some case Limited, meaning you could not see them again such as Exterminator so you are lucky that I am reviving it. You can do the event or move on, you are not forced to do anything. there are events we can do and want to do and there times we skip events as we cannot be bothered to do or we dont want to do. leave as that before you start causing us issues here, use Suggestion and make your own event idea and we can support it or we won't. good luck! The Majority as stated agree below based on original post and ammended based on majority request.

    After careful considering of most users, I have made changes removing the idea of login every day or Miss a day issue and changed to giving players 7 days to complete all week 1 task any time they are free, if you cannot accept that and the possibility of 3 free rare ribbons and EP then don't do the event, join whatever mode you like, skip it, go on vacation or go out and have fun.

    As for the rest, sorry some people like turning things into an arguement rather than appreciate the suggester, without coinsidering others worked hard before to gain those things and we tried to make it as easy as we can for them without hurting those who worked double that we are suggesting.

    Lmao You my friend are the most childish person I've ever discussed an issue with. Your answer to someone else's opinions are either 'Don't do it of you don't like my ideas!' or 'Well you can make your own events if you don't like mine!'. This is hilarious indeed!

    I'm not mad at all, I only stated my point of view on your make-up event idea, you are the one crying about me and several others not liking what you came up to.

    I'm sorry not everyone thinks the way you do and I hope you come to understand that in real life things are not always gonna go your way and there are people out there who can and will oppose to ideas they consider to be bad or not as good as they could be. I appreciate you're trying to come up with some events for the game but if I think its a bad idea, I'll make sure you get the message. You don't need to get all emotional just because I don't agree with you like mommy does.

    If you can't defend your ideas from a weak statement I thought in a flash as soon as I read your post while behaving like a grown man, then I'm sorry for you mate 'cause this wasn't supposed to be an argurment in the first place, you made it that way answering like the child you seem to be. I only gave you a few pointer on some things I disagreed with for it become better but I'll just let it be already, all of this seems a little ridiculous to me, so as I already delivered my message I'll be heading off this thread for you to continue believing whatever you want about it.

  • +1 to no day login requirement and thanks for the idea. I am in for the EP.
  • This event would be perfect with the release of those VIP HMX Characters,
    players can show off their Shape Shift Skills and Earn EP and Ribbons. Just saying GMs timing of those VIPs and Such an Event is a Perfect Cover.

  • -1 who tf would want to play 10 games a day of Mutation modes, not me. If it was 5 games a day and then have the ribbons as a reward, Then That would be worth it. (I'm my opinion)
    I say let the GM's Suggest The Events, lots of us don't want to grind MM modes.