Picture Signatures
[GM]Kanadian wrote: »This was something that happened during adding the March of The Ghosts forum signatures. We will be looking into this and making a decision of whether or not to keep it in the coming days.
Well, from what I've seen now, there seemingly has been no abuse in terms of inappropriate imagery so far, which was the reason why Image Signatures got taken away and weren't a thing for so many years.
I'd be in favor of keeping it, as long as it is used appropriately. -
[GM]Kanadian wrote: »This was something that happened during adding the March of The Ghosts forum signatures. We will be looking into this and making a decision of whether or not to keep it in the coming days.
I suggest a Community Poll, if this is what they wantand limit the Size!
[GM]Kanadian wrote: »This was something that happened during adding the March of The Ghosts forum signatures. We will be looking into this and making a decision of whether or not to keep it in the coming days.
[GM]Kanadian wrote: »This was something that happened during adding the March of The Ghosts forum signatures. We will be looking into this and making a decision of whether or not to keep it in the coming days.
Well, as Preset said, if there's no abuse of them, we may get a 2nd chance at having signatures. -
CamelSoldier wrote: »This, as in yours, as an example of signature image being too big, limit is needed
Whoa, hold your horses, Camelia. That is just a temporary placeholder until GMs confirm if they're to stay or removed again.
No offense, but your acting like a GM in every other thread is becoming quite annoying. -
Whoa, hold your horses, Camelia. That is just a temporary placeholder until GMs confirm if they're to stay or removed again.
No offense, but your acting like a GM in every other thread is becoming quite annoying.
Well if my suggestion about limiting the size has offended you, be my guest submit a ticket. If it's a violation.^^. Having Signatures isn't an issue, they should be limited to certain size and giving example of what too big is, isn't offensive, but I guess it struck a nerve. I am not offended by your comment, it's all cool. -
CamelSoldier wrote: »Having Signatures isn't an issue, they should be limited to certain size and giving example of what too big is
I don't think that they can't really limit the size of the picture, unless they do it manually (aka patrol people's signatures and right click properties for the pixel width and height). Well, it's been awhile since I've been an administrator of a forum so maybe they can.
OT: I don't mind signatures or the size as long as they make a mobile friendly version that excludes signature.
This discussion has been closed.
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