Stop releasing ZP items for free



  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    I've been seeing this all over the forums and in game for a while now, but with the new release of the MP mall I figured i'd make a thread about it.

    Z8 really needs to stop releasing old ZP items for free. Most recently it's been the M14-Taurs, the original Mauser and the Orchid character in the MP mall, but this is hardly the first time that Z8 has released free versions of ZP items that other players had to PAY for to get. It's been said time and time again here on the forums, but here it is again, it's a slap in the face. Why should some players have to play money for an item and then Z8 just turns around and gives it away to anyone who can long in for 3 days in a row at a later date. It's hardly like anyone really dislikes when new free items are released, but you'll be hard pressed to find someone who paid for an item then sees everyone and their mom running around with it for free. My suggestion is that Z8 stops releasing these items for free and instead sticks to more "regular" items like the crystal weapons. Why release the M14-Tarus as MP when the M14-red crystal is available. Why the Orchid which is a ZP character when there are tons of unreleased or even free ZM characters to choose from like the spop camo.

    I can't really agree with you there, mate.
    I've easily spent over 3.5 to 5k (or more) on my accounts over many years, but that was my decision and choice to spend that money, and I have no reason to be mad if Z8 decides to release what I paid for for free later on. I don't get mad if someone obtains a weapon for free that I paid for. I collect weapons and use a select few for ZM. About 99% of my perm weapons are never going to be used, but I love the fact I have them. I see people getting mad at something like this as slightly petty, to be honest.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of Z8 letting players obtain free ZP weapons via the MP shop. If they're willing to put in the hours to get the MP and spend it on something worthwhile, I can't be happier.
  • If they're willing to put in the hours to get the MP and spend it on something worthwhile, I can't be happier.

    Except with the temp guns you can literally just login to get enough MP.
  • Chill out jeez .. Most of ppl are acting now like giving an m4 royal for MP will ruin game no it won't .. Even if I own it I don't mind if someone gets it for free..I'm not that greedy..let kids enjoy if u spent 5000 crates for mauser 7 years ago and enjoyed it it is fine there is an mauser gold for coupons should we complain about it as well? Game is evolving and ppl that cannot afford ZP deserve something as well.
  • Lol I'm a loyal player and have never bought any zp. My first account was made in 2009 - so I'm technically a veteran - and back then it was really hard to win BM items, so I created loads of new ones and thought it made it easier for myself. This account which was made in 2014 is currently at the rank Major 8. In all my accounts, I have never won ANY zp weapons at all (inc knifes) and yet there are people with names like these 01829882372 who win it every day. Am I complaining about them winning it tho? No. In fact congratz to them for winning it. Yes you may say that it's my fault for not buying zp etc and whatnot, but buying zp is not a 'must' requirement for this game, and personally I like to play games and not spend any money on them and still enjoy it as much as those who do. There are people who are similar to my situations but have won ZP items and other ZP things, but I have not - and there are other people in my case which are like me. Not everyone chooses to buy zp, and still carries on to enjoy the game as it is. So this new MP system is really great since it's a chance for all of us, both buyers of zp and f2p peeps, to get perm weapons. But, the title of this thread seems very... immature? How is z8games releasing zp items for free? It's not like people log in and automatically get an orchid perm and the xuan yuan sword perm. If you have read the thread camelbag posted about MP tips, you can easily see that getting these items are not as 'free' as you think it is - have you seen the calculations on that page?? You can juuuust about get the xuan yuan sword (if you started on the first day in your attendance check). In the end, z8games are not giving any items out for 'free', players have to work hard to achieve it lol. Stop feeling salty and start praying for me to have better luck in the BM system. Kudos!
  • Bought Fox, Commando and Orchid, now you can get them on the Login Boxes and MP. Bought crates and won AWM - UG, you can get it in the Login Boxes. Bought crates and won 9A91 - Xmas, they put the crates as Daily Missions. Bought crates for the Gold Monkey stuff, now it's in the MP for free, etc.

    It's time to stop.
  • Family friendly Zawg returns!
    Getting paid items and then seeing them free really annoys me. Axe tomahawk, then becomes free in later events. Desert Eagle Stripes, then the crate is given out not long after. Won M4A1 Octagon Camo, then the crate is everywhere, along with a load of past stuff I had spun before. Absolutely ridiculous! I would not allow this in my nice guy book. :(
  • Lol I'm a loyal player and have never bought any zp. My first account was made in 2009 - so I'm technically a veteran - and back then it was really hard to win BM items, so I created loads of new ones and thought it made it easier for myself. This account which was made in 2014 is currently at the rank Major 8. In all my accounts, I have never won ANY zp weapons at all (inc knifes) and yet there are people with names like these 01829882372 who win it every day. Am I complaining about them winning it tho? No. In fact congratz to them for winning it. Yes you may say that it's my fault for not buying zp etc and whatnot, but buying zp is not a 'must' requirement for this game, and personally I like to play games and not spend any money on them and still enjoy it as much as those who do. There are people who are similar to my situations but have won ZP items and other ZP things, but I have not - and there are other people in my case which are like me. Not everyone chooses to buy zp, and still carries on to enjoy the game as it is. So this new MP system is really great since it's a chance for all of us, both buyers of zp and f2p peeps, to get perm weapons. But, the title of this thread seems very... immature? How is z8games releasing zp items for free? It's not like people log in and automatically get an orchid perm and the xuan yuan sword perm. If you have read the thread camelbag posted about MP tips, you can easily see that getting these items are not as 'free' as you think it is - have you seen the calculations on that page?? You can juuuust about get the xuan yuan sword (if you started on the first day in your attendance check). In the end, z8games are not giving any items out for 'free', players have to work hard to achieve it lol. Stop feeling salty and start praying for me to have better luck in the BM system. Kudos!

    Buying ZP is not a must, buying ZP does keep Z8 around. Also if it doesn't cost money it is free, nice try there. You can get MP by logging in and idling so don't try to argue that it takes enough time or work that it can be considered anything but free either. I see a lot of people arguing against my topic but it looks to me that most of them haven't spent anything or like pyrex are just occasional buyers.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    Also if it doesn't cost money it is free, nice try there. You can get MP by logging in and idling so don't try to argue that it takes enough time or work that it can be considered anything but free either.

    Time is a currency in my books. Logging in and idling would get you like 250 mp for filling up the fever bar which takes about 6-8 hours, just idling.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    Buying ZP is not a must, buying ZP does keep Z8 around. Also if it doesn't cost money it is free, nice try there. You can get MP by logging in and idling so don't try to argue that it takes enough time or work that it can be considered anything but free either. I see a lot of people arguing against my topic but it looks to me that most of them haven't spent anything or like pyrex are just occasional buyers.

    And your point that a lot of people arguing against your topic haven't spent anything or are occasional buyers... is? Pretty sure you don't know how long it takes to get MP by idling lmao. And like memememee said, time is a currency for people, so just idling to get mp is not worth. Nice try.
  • And your point that a lot of people arguing against your topic haven't spent anything or are occasional buyers... is? Pretty sure you don't know how long it takes to get MP by idling lmao. And like memememee said, time is a currency for people, so just idling to get mp is not worth. Nice try.

    The argument is that most people that spend money aren't happy when the items they spent money on are released free. Those that are happy about the free items are normally the ones who 1) Didn't spend anything or 2) Spent but didn't win. Even the those in category 2 probably still don't like the free system because the items that they do have will show up in it. In the same post meme said that idling gives 250 MP a day. Each weapon is around 400 MP for 3 days so you do the math, you can still get one weapon basically perm if you log in everyday (attendance adds as well).

    OP: I don't like seeing my items to be purchased for free. I don't mind the system all-together, but I would at least want the weapons changed out to those which are not ZP (ie M14-Red Crystal, any of the GP crate guns, etc).

    Here's another thread where they're discussing something very similar:
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    The argument is that most people that spend money aren't happy when the items they spent money on are released free. Those that are happy about the free items are normally the ones who 1) Didn't spend anything or 2) Spent but didn't win. Even the those in category 2 probably still don't like the free system because the items that they do have will show up in it.

    Well that argument is hardly true. I've both spent a LOT of money and I've won a LOT of ZP items, but I'm not the kind of person that is so intent on feeling exclusive or prideful of the ZP weapons that I believe that people whom dont pay shouldnt get the same rewards for playing the game. Thats quite elitist and I'll have no part in that way of thought. ZP weapons are so saturated at this point, having 1 or 2 perm ZP weapons on the MP mall makes no difference.
  • And your point that a lot of people arguing against your topic haven't spent anything or are occasional buyers... is? Pretty sure you don't know how long it takes to get MP by idling lmao. And like memememee said, time is a currency for people, so just idling to get mp is not worth. Nice try.

    You know the time it takes to launch the game/login is like 30 seconds, right? You could leave it on while you sleep, you could leave it minimised while you do something else etc.
    So I would argue that time spent idling is negligible when you can do it passively. It doesn't take any more of your time to start the game idling than it does to put on a pair of jeans.
  • You know the time it takes to launch the game/login is like 30 seconds, right? You could leave it on while you sleep, you could leave it minimised while you do something else etc.
    So I would argue that time spent idling is negligible when you can do it passively. It doesn't take any more of your time to start the game idling than it does to put on a pair of jeans.

    True that you can idle passively, but not everyone does it.
  • Personally I think that crate guns shouldn't really be perm in the MP shop, but I also don't want it p2w. I think that there should be unique weapons in the MP shop. That way after we bought hundreds of crates for a weapon, we won't feel like we wasted our money when it's given away for free. Even if it's just a reskin, I'd still have the original, and others get a free version of the gun.

    But you could easily save up 12k MP and wait until the next month for an easy perm, (Only 14k more) so as long as you're ok with a weapon every 2 months instead of every month, it's not that hard to obtain.

    I think bunni said it well in another thread
  • You know the time it takes to launch the game/login is like 30 seconds, right? You could leave it on while you sleep, you could leave it minimised while you do something else etc.
    So I would argue that time spent idling is negligible when you can do it passively. It doesn't take any more of your time to start the game idling than it does to put on a pair of jeans.

    you could fill up the fever bar in 3-4 matches. The idling exploitation argument is invalid.
  • I think they should give away better items
