Stop releasing ZP items for free

I've been seeing this all over the forums and in game for a while now, but with the new release of the MP mall I figured i'd make a thread about it.

Z8 really needs to stop releasing old ZP items for free. Most recently it's been the M14-Taurs, the original Mauser and the Orchid character in the MP mall, but this is hardly the first time that Z8 has released free versions of ZP items that other players had to PAY for to get. It's been said time and time again here on the forums, but here it is again, it's a slap in the face. Why should some players have to play money for an item and then Z8 just turns around and gives it away to anyone who can long in for 3 days in a row at a later date. It's hardly like anyone really dislikes when new free items are released, but you'll be hard pressed to find someone who paid for an item then sees everyone and their mom running around with it for free. My suggestion is that Z8 stops releasing these items for free and instead sticks to more "regular" items like the crystal weapons. Why release the M14-Tarus as MP when the M14-red crystal is available. Why the Orchid which is a ZP character when there are tons of unreleased or even free ZM characters to choose from like the spop camo.


  • This is only the beginning, I saw screenshots of a different version where they had the M4 Royal Dragon permanently for 26,000 MP in Mileage Shop lmao
  • This is only the beginning, I saw screenshots of a different version where they had the M4 Royal Dragon permanently for 26,000 MP in Mileage Shop lmao

    Omg dude that's trash. Didn't you spend an arm and a leg to get that set too?
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    Omg dude that's trash. Didn't you spend an arm and a leg to get that set too?

    yeah.. :(
  • yeah.. :(

    I really just don't understand the mindset of Z8, honestly. I mean everything they stand for is profit, profit, profit, but then they start releasing paid items for free to players that probably never have and never will spend a dime which just makes people who actually own the items angry and quit. Maybe they really just want to kill the game off, who knows. Might as well just turn off the hack-detection software and let it die quick.
  • Nothing wrong with that imo. What makes this game fun and not boring is playing with different ZP weapons. If you're getting butthurt over an orchid char then you would hate to play CF China which is the most successful version.
  • This is only the beginning, I saw screenshots of a different version where they had the M4 Royal Dragon permanently for 26,000 MP in Mileage Shop lmao

    That's probably because that version never had a system like the BM to begin with. If we're thinking about the same version, they are just now getting the black market. The irony is they're probably thinking, "WTF, I spent a whole month playing to get this and now people can just drop some $$$ and get it from a crate?"

    Anyway, this is not to say I disagree with the OP. I also hope ZP items remain ZP (and that tourney items remain tourney items... But well. Yep.)
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with that imo. What makes this game fun and not boring is playing with different ZP weapons. If you're getting butthurt over an orchid char then you would hate to play CF China which is the most successful version.

    Oh I didn't realize we were playing the wildly popular CFCN and our market and playerbase was exactly the same as theirs. How foolish of me, let me just grab my VIP Barrett and main ZM.

    OT: if you want to play with different ZP guns, more power to you, but if I paid for something and you get it for free, why would I want to pay for anything anymore?
  • You should've posted in barracks
    Sorry but the game is dead and 90%+ of population are Egyptians.
    Only way to keep them playing is to give out free weapons.

    If they don't do these events, I'm sure 95% of players wouldn't even bother logging in (good thing MP came out lol)

    Right now most players are just waiting for a better game to come out ...
  • I think part of the problem is Z8 likely only has a little bit of say in what they're getting from the Devs and thus stuff like this happens. When it comes to temporary stuff it bums me out a little bit....but it's not like they have it permanent and those things should get switched out there so it's not THAT big of a deal to me. At least in the MP mall I can laugh that if they're dropping MP on the temporaries they'll be less likely to run around with the permanents that can be achieved in the MP mall.

    And the GMs topic so many people spouted out the various ZP based weapons they were never able to win/ those will likely be the ones that end up at least as temporaries if not permanents.
  • 720p wrote: »
    BTW CFCN is successful because they're generous with giveaways while still rewarding their paying players a lot more. Players spend thousands on crates just to get nothing, and 5 minutes later a random Ahmed,medo,mohammad wins it in 1 crate. How do you think that person feels? Think about that z8games.

    Lol i'd like to see these rewards man.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    I think part of the problem is Z8 likely only has a little bit of say in what they're getting from the Devs and thus stuff like this happens. When it comes to temporary stuff it bums me out a little bit....but it's not like they have it permanent and those things should get switched out there so it's not THAT big of a deal to me. At least in the MP mall I can laugh that if they're dropping MP on the temporaries they'll be less likely to run around with the permanents that can be achieved in the MP mall.

    And the GMs topic so many people spouted out the various ZP based weapons they were never able to win/ those will likely be the ones that end up at least as temporaries if not permanents.

    I figured they'd just be bringing those items back as crates or like a boxing day sale sort of thing.

    As for them not having a say of what items they get, I understand that, but they should still have access to all past items which is what I was suggesting they replace these items with.
  • I'm pretty sure that at least 75% + of revenue comes from Non-Egyptians.

    I'm still wondering if they're ever going to do something nice for players who've spent so much on this game
  • 720p wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure that at least 75% + of revenue comes from Non-Egyptians.

    I'm still wondering if they're ever going to do something nice for players who've spent so much on this game

    As a whole, probably not, but they have been doing a few things for the few people that spend THE MOST in the game like giving extra rare guns/items or like the Noble beast event where the top spenders to not win get one of each weapon.
  • I remembered the ZP tier event for a perm M4 Jasmine. I think it was spend 100K ZP? Then my Egyptian friend told me don't bother cause they get those codes for that exact item free and just gave it to me LOL
  • Some of my friends even stopped playing the game because of this. Example: m4 tiger in amazon crate, few months later m4 tiger is a zm2 reward.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    I've been seeing this all over the forums and in game for a while now, but with the new release of the MP mall I figured i'd make a thread about it.

    Z8 really needs to stop releasing old ZP items for free. Most recently it's been the M14-Taurs, the original Mauser and the Orchid character in the MP mall, but this is hardly the first time that Z8 has released free versions of ZP items that other players had to PAY for to get. It's been said time and time again here on the forums, but here it is again, it's a slap in the face. Why should some players have to play money for an item and then Z8 just turns around and gives it away to anyone who can long in for 3 days in a row at a later date. It's hardly like anyone really dislikes when new free items are released, but you'll be hard pressed to find someone who paid for an item then sees everyone and their mom running around with it for free. My suggestion is that Z8 stops releasing these items for free and instead sticks to more "regular" items like the crystal weapons. Why release the M14-Tarus as MP when the M14-red crystal is available. Why the Orchid which is a ZP character when there are tons of unreleased or even free ZM characters to choose from like the spop camo.

    i dont trust z8 anymore.
  • This is just the beginning, hopefully better weapons and better items with mp
  • That's your own fault for spending millions of ZP for a chance to win a regular class weapon lmao
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    Oh I didn't realize we were playing the wildly popular CFCN and our market and playerbase was exactly the same as theirs. How foolish of me, let me just grab my VIP Barrett and main ZM.

    OT: if you want to play with different ZP guns, more power to you, but if I paid for something and you get it for free, why would I want to pay for anything anymore?
    Uhh actually most of our player base cannot afford ZP therefore this new update was probably the best update for them for getting to play with temporary ZP weapons for basically free. Also it's no ones fault but yours that you spent X amount of money and no one is forcing you to. The way it is now is how most players prefer it to be as they cannot afford to spend money or just don't find any worth in spending more money on this dead game so if you don't like it then deal with it. This also gives some balance to the game and make it more interesting.

    -an occasional ZP buyer.
  • I don't see much of a problem giving away the ZP items - As long as they change the items often, and don't offer them for more than say, a week duration.

    I don't mind players having, say, VEPR for example (Since I own this), for a short while for free, so long as it's only available (for free) for a limited time, and for a short time. If I have to put up with people having guns I paid for for maybe 1 month per year, I'm ok with that. If I'm going to see it everywhere, it's no longer special to me, and it feels like I wasted my money.
  • I don't see much of a problem giving away the ZP items - As long as they change the items often, and don't offer them for more than say, a week duration.

    I don't mind players having, say, VEPR for example (Since I own this), for a short while for free, so long as it's only available (for free) for a limited time, and for a short time. If I have to put up with people having guns I paid for for maybe 1 month per year, I'm ok with that. If I'm going to see it everywhere, it's no longer special to me, and it feels like I wasted my money.

    Pretty much have to agree with you. Short temporary version of weapons/items that we paid for (aslong as they're not VVIP's) fine. I can deal with that. ..but when they release these weapons/items again permanent for free, it's just... urghhh - -
    The longer this goes on, the less players that will purchase ZP because they know they can just get those items for free later on in the year.
  • I'm going to side with Z8 here.

    I only spend money nowadays on buying VIPs. When I spend my money on this game, I want a 100% guaranteed chance at a great weapon - and VIPs do this and more. I'm not about to drop over $100 to spin a bunch of crates just to win temp items and miss out on the permanent as it happens way too many times.

    If events give me crates, and I get lucky, that's cool. All the permanent ZP crate guns I've obtained have either been from surveys or crates given out in events. Even back in the day (we're talking 2010-2013) I spun a ton of GP crates to build up coupons for the perm weapons (that's how I got M4 Gold, Kriss, AK Gold, etc.)

    The way I see it, Z8 had two options: increase ZP crate perm reward drop, or make a few of those ZP guns available in events temporarily. They chose the second, and I'm glad they did. It engages the community and keeps players active. If one wants to have a pretty much permanent M14 Taurus, they'll have to log in and play every day. Sounds like a good trade off to me.
  • I don't see much of a problem giving away the ZP items - As long as they change the items often, and don't offer them for more than say, a week duration.

    I don't mind players having, say, VEPR for example (Since I own this), for a short while for free, so long as it's only available (for free) for a limited time, and for a short time. If I have to put up with people having guns I paid for for maybe 1 month per year, I'm ok with that. If I'm going to see it everywhere, it's no longer special to me, and it feels like I wasted my money.

    I agree with you. They should just be for a limited time, and rares shouldn't be added.
    You have been using that item you bought for years which means it was special to you cause you owned it for that long. If they release them now for free, I believe its ok. Nothing stays the same.
    For example if I paid 3000$ to buy something then years later, the same thing is being sold for 300$ in the market, should I be angry ? No. I already had it long time before they did. I would be like haha, you got it now ? I got it years ago before you did. I bought something better now :P This still feels special, doesn't it ?
    Maybe they could add the date you owned that weapon so its feels more special.
    Also, not so many players would get it if its for a limited time only.
    Anyway, I don't see them adding weapons like Royal or so permanent. Temporary maybe. Which is ok.
    In my opinion Paying will always be > just playing.
  • I've spent a fair bit on this game. I used to get upset when they gave stuff away that I spent hundreds on. 1400 crates gor the ebr camo that I won on an alt months later from event crates.... Lovely.

    Now I look at it like you would a cell phone, car or computer part. When something new comes out the people that want it right away pay top dollar for it. After a while something new comes out and said items are in less depand, drop in price and now other people are buying what you have for far less. Did you enjoy it? Then don't worry about it.
  • This^
    I'm going to side with Z8 here.

    I only spend money nowadays on buying VIPs. When I spend my money on this game, I want a 100% guaranteed chance at a great weapon - and VIPs do this and more. I'm not about to drop over $100 to spin a bunch of crates just to win temp items and miss out on the permanent as it happens way too many times.

    If events give me crates, and I get lucky, that's cool. All the permanent ZP crate guns I've obtained have either been from surveys or crates given out in events. Even back in the day (we're talking 2010-2013) I spun a ton of GP crates to build up coupons for the perm weapons (that's how I got M4 Gold, Kriss, AK Gold, etc.)

    The way I see it, Z8 had two options: increase ZP crate perm reward drop, or make a few of those ZP guns available in events temporarily. They chose the second, and I'm glad they did. It engages the community and keeps players active. If one wants to have a pretty much permanent M14 Taurus, they'll have to log in and play every day. Sounds like a good trade off to me.
    So, you work in real life to get money to buy something you want ? Well, they have to work in game doing missions and so for a whole month to get something.
    Also, you guys saying that you won't pay knowing it would be released later on ? Are you willing to wait years to get something you want that you aren't sure if its even gonna be released for free ? I really doubt.
    You got other cool weapons. If you see many players using that weapon, you could just use another weapon if you feel annoyed.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    Uhh actually most of our player base cannot afford ZP therefore this new update was probably the best update for them for getting to play with temporary ZP weapons for basically free. Also it's no ones fault but yours that you spent X amount of money and no one is forcing you to. The way it is now is how most players prefer it to be as they cannot afford to spend money or just don't find any worth in spending more money on this dead game so if you don't like it then deal with it. This also gives some balance to the game and make it more interesting.

    -an occasional ZP buyer.

    Free players and occasional ZP buyers are great, they keep the game looking alive, but they don't keep the lights on nor the servers running. I'll leave it at that.
    I've spent a fair bit on this game. I used to get upset when they gave stuff away that I spent hundreds on. 1400 crates gor the ebr camo that I won on an alt months later from event crates.... Lovely.

    Now I look at it like you would a cell phone, car or computer part. When something new comes out the people that want it right away pay top dollar for it. After a while something new comes out and said items are in less depand, drop in price and now other people are buying what you have for far less. Did you enjoy it? Then don't worry about it.

    I like your metaphor and I wouldn't mind it if it was this way, but there's a difference between a drop in price and free.
  • We can say that this has some good and bad aspects but they completely broken the balance, fun, skill requirement with all that free zp stuff.
    Gameplay is tottally different now from what it used to be in few years ago. People were actually trying to use their brain instead of just mindlessly camping, spraying with overpowered stuff that they own or pick up from the floor.
    Today you have guys who just start spraying a wall for no reason. Okay thats a different story but you know what i am talking about. Our community is 10 years old on average and ofcourse they cant buy zp. But there is no reason that I who used to purchase zp dont have armor and lets say steyr tmp while some random bloke who just made an account is running around with tmp and armor and just stomps everything in his way. Thats beyond reta.rded and is driving everyone with a sensible mind off.
  • I kinda don't like that they make ZP weapons and characters for free. You need be just be active ingame and you will get it easy. If I was Z8games I would make that only crates of ZP is sellable so the people can get it still but need some luck for it.
  • First of all, the main idea of the MP shop was to release permanent items in order to offer them into the shop , so players can get them.
    For some of you who is saying "free zp items " or something like that, I have to admit that these items are totally NOT free, As z8games wrote there , "Only those who work hard can get permanent items", so yeah you spend a whole month in-order to get them, and saying now free? Ehhh.
    As I saw some of the community really want to keep some people down with old characters or old stuff, thinking they are the only ones who can be special, well most of the game players can't afford to buy ZP , so why not giving them the chance to get some permanent stuff for hard working.

    I agree that the temp version of the orchid char is kinda annoying, but keeping the permanent one wont bother me at all.
    and yeah, one more thing, if there wasn't even permanent items in the MP shop, who would spend a whole month for temps..
    by 'permanent items' i mean exclusive ones too, i dont wanna spend a whole month for something which isn't special and no one would use, they just may purchase for collection, otherwise close MP shop please!
  • First of all, the main idea of the MP shop was to release permanent items in order to offer them into the shop , so players can get them.
    For some of you who is saying "free zp items " or something like that, I have to admit that these items are totally NOT free, As z8games wrote there , "Only those who work hard can get permanent items", so yeah you spend a whole month in-order to get them, and saying now free? Ehhh.
    As I saw some of the community really want to keep some people down with old characters or old stuff, thinking they are the only ones who can be special, well most of the game players can't afford to buy ZP , so why not giving them the chance to get some permanent stuff for hard working.

    I agree that the temp version of the orchid char is kinda annoying, but keeping the permanent one wont bother me at all.
    and yeah, one more thing, if there wasn't even permanent items in the MP shop, who would spend a whole month for temps..
    by 'permanent items' i mean exclusive ones too, i dont wanna spend a whole month for something which isn't special and no one would use, they just may purchase for collection, otherwise close MP shop please!
    I agree with this :)
    It's enough that our black market is a scam so this is a better way to get permanent ZP weapons (or temporary).