How did you learn to play GM?



  • +1 can vouch. b4 i met brad i was always 0-8 BL now im 0-7 rly improved

    u went from foe scrub and stalkers reject to the master of Banned and Judgesim. ur welcome buddy
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    Geez when I first started most people couldn't bhop and PPing was a new thing. I used to just run around like a headless chicken until someone told me about bhopping.

    Sameee. Played for the first time like 7 years ago. I was probably the one that everyone hated and wanted to kick because it was spray4days from my end. I think at one point I just decided to start using a headset, and was like "Wow I can hear ghosts this is amazing". Bhopping was pretty self-explanatory and I caught onto it pretty quickly.
    The nostalgia is strong.
  • i learned gm cuz i inherited it from my family and crossfire is our daily tradition now.
  • lBanned wrote: »
    not my fault ukantach the only exertus left that logs on. :(

    sorry if you ever wasted your time spectating me, thinkin you'd learn somethin. if u ever want tips lemme know. ive given atleast some council to a large list of pros :)
    Kek I always in the opposing team as yours so no spectation needed. In fact, spending my time tracking your position help me improve more than go around and get some egys kill. Luv ya masta!
  • Kek I always in the opposing team as yours so no spectation needed. In fact, spending my time tracking your position help me improve more than go around and get some egys kill. Luv ya masta!

    tmp hard to catch

    btw on topic, i googled free mmofps in feb 2009 and saw something like FREE NEW FPS CROSSFIRE and started playing. I remember Egypt being the first map i played and i thought this map is terrible. I played other maps and soon realized my laptop was a pile a junk, as i got 10-15 fps on most bigger maps but the smaller maps, and modes that didnt have as many people shooting, i got 20 fps sometimes up to 30 after i started using smartclose. so naturally i played ghost mode from time to time but never found success on bl so i stuck to gr and soon realized how to pp because i used headphones to pinpoint footsteps in fps prior. i dont even remember knowing about bhoppers until late 2010 and i myself never even tried to learn until 2011, when i made this account that im on right now. i was already pretty decent at gr because bd wasnt a popular thing until late 2012. so i asked this guy in a pub how to bhop. his ign was all caps and he was br i think DARK_GHOST or something like that maybe a * in there somewhere, and he showed me the ez method for hopping where you get a running start then jump, crouch and hop. at this point i joined evil glory and basically got better playing in clan wars getting rekt by hell, s&m and others. 2013 rolled around and i gave into frozenpizzas begs to join the clan he was in inflicted. i was in that until aug 2013. then pizza and i created our love child aversion and have been masters of trolling and inconsistency since :)
  • lBanned wrote: »
    tmp hard to catch

    btw on topic, i googled free mmofps in feb 2009 and saw something like FREE NEW FPS CROSSFIRE and started playing. I remember Egypt being the first map i played and i thought this map is terrible. I played other maps and soon realized my laptop was a pile a junk, as i got 10-15 fps on most bigger maps but the smaller maps, and modes that didnt have as many people shooting, i got 20 fps sometimes up to 30 after i started using smartclose. so naturally i played ghost mode from time to time but never found success on bl so i stuck to gr and soon realized how to pp because i used headphones to pinpoint footsteps in fps prior. i dont even remember knowing about bhoppers until late 2010 and i myself never even tried to learn until 2011, when i made this account that im on right now. i was already pretty decent at gr because bd wasnt a popular thing until late 2012. so i asked this guy in a pub how to bhop. his ign was all caps and he was br i think DARK_GHOST or something like that maybe a * in there somewhere, and he showed me the ez method for hopping where you get a running start then jump, crouch and hop. at this point i joined evil glory and basically got better playing in clan wars getting rekt by hell, s&m and others. 2013 rolled around and i gave into frozenpizzas begs to join the clan he was in inflicted. i was in that until aug 2013. then pizza and i created our love child aversion and have been masters of trolling and inconsistency since :)

  • It's been so long that I can't even remember. I watched a few videos on YouTube here and there and asked some people. Other than that it was mostly trial and error.
  • I learn my Ghost mode from being a noob first...