Howdy Ya'll!

Good afternoon! Firstly, I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. Not accustomed to how this forum is organized just yet. Anyways..
I'm commonly referred to as Alerio. I'm 16 years old. I've recently moved back to my home state, Texas. Prior to that I was in a land oh so far away. Been playing cf eu. So before I get any stupid assumptions, I'd like to know a few things about how the NA version is.
How many players are actually North American? Are Egyptians still an annoyance? Can the in game community actually speak mediocre English yet?
These questions are based on my past experiences with this version. No racism intended (yet)
Oh and this one goes for you Texans out there (if you're out there that is..) Any estimations on what my ping *might* be like playing from Texas? Austin to be exact.

I'm getting a pretty spectacular desktop computer in a couple of days. Looking forward to seeing how ya'll are. Have a nice day!
(Please mind the mistakes if there are any. Using my phone for this)
