Ping limit !

I want,we want to make a ping limit,i can't play with all kid's with 100+ ping. Why in counter strike 1.6 server's have a ping limit,and it's a old game,but here in cross fire,all time new upgrades all time new weapon's (for money sure :)) ) can't make a ping limit ? If you will make a ping limit,many people will start again play crossfire,is to many arabs with big ping and this is a universal problem because they destroy this game........ and only arab with lag will not be agree with this PING LIMIT ! ! ! [Example for ping limit - if you have 120 ping more than 5 sec you will get kiked from the room ! ! ! all time and we,people with normal ping will play like in paradise ! ]


  • Our version is the version that needs it the most, and we don't have it. Every match I joined today had at least 2 people from Middle East teleporting around.
  • MDoPtimism wrote: »
    when i start play in Uk4 60 % is teleporting camels :D so In Uk1 it's imposibile to play :D all fly like camels :D

    In NA it's even worse. They all have 200+ pings. It's becoming rare to find a room full of low pingers.
  • in NA i see only 100 people's +- with 100- ping :))
  • MDoPtimism wrote: »
    in NA i see only 100 people's +- with 100- ping :))

    I know what I'm talking about. Their pings are higher in NA.
  • My ping is 54 in NA, 174 in uk. NA servers are full of 120+ pings and teleporters are back in full swing. So sad again.
  • Yea depending on time of day and what game mode you're playing will decide just how bad it is. But usually any Mutation type mode, escape if it's there, GM, and random ZM/ZM2 rooms are going to be filled with people with pings that are at least 160+. Morning hours of EDT/EST are the worst. Usually not too hateful after about 3PM. Probably due to both fewer ME people on and more actual NA people getting on.

    UK probably has it more consistent with their own play times though considering the time differences aren't quite as different between them and ME players. But...ME players at least have a slightly better connection to UK too.

    still get a kick out of the people who will join a room with like 500+ ping. get disconnected/Lag out...but will rejoin again...and again...and again. like seriously...what part of you can't play due to crappy connection don't you understand?
    but it would be nice to have a ping restriction thing. Heck make it a ZP item for 100 ZP. 1 use per room setting. I bet people would pay for that easy.
  • We've made many threads in the past about this 'ping limit' suggestion, but never got any support from Z8 about it, so I don't see it happening.. but it sure would be amazing to have in our version, at a respectable point of course.. in example, 200+ ping for 10 seconds or more = room/server auto kick.

    +1 but this specific demand is like a fantasy dream (to never see come true)..
  • Honestly, a ping limiting item wouldn't prevent Egys from playing. Just prevent them from destroying a room of actual NA/UK people who just want to be able to play a reasonable game. also be fair. I'd be completely fine if say they dedicated and renamed NA 3 server to Middle Easterners and called it the 'Egypt Server' or 'Middle East' server. is a good question of if the ME players would actually go there. They tend to try to follow VIP people around and let's face it not many ME players have VIP. And...well...don't think many of them bother or even can read English as otherwise they'd actually use defenses in ZM2.'s certainly worth trying IMO. Seriously if it keeps the 160+ pingers in their own server then they all lag together while lessening the lagsters in NA and UK servers. That's a win/win.

    Ultimately the best solution would be for a CF: Middle East/Egypt version of the game. But LOL. not enough money for that as was explained.

    But...probably the easiest and ought to be easily adapted solution is the item that can be used to lock down a ping restriction on a per room basis. Like the throwing axe option but for pings and available for ALL game types.
  • First off, guys stop the flaming. that useless banter is what will get topics closed that could otherwise actually lead to a productive suggestion and get things changed.
    why we dont make new server for middle east ?

    Why make another server when there's one or two that generally go unused and can be dedicated to the ME region? More over the cost of having a server in the ME region is probably higher and it's long term ability of keeping one in one spot is probably not very stable. Not to mention with countries such as Egypt supposedly testing blocking stuff like VoIP which could severely limit the player base of that region, thus making that server have a sudden drop off of player base if they were to ever fully force the block.

    I mean you do realize a server isn't just a separation within the game right? It's a physical thing that exists and must be maintained and the closer it is to you, the better a connection you will have with it usually and thus the smaller your ping will be and less lag via internet connection. So if making a single server in the ME region could very likely cost more money than already existing servers that service the NA and UK regions and the fact that there are relatively unused servers already the best solution would be to simply to make one of the unused NA servers into a Middle East server. Sure you'll still have 160+ pings but the likelihood you'll be playing with people of less than 100 ping is decreased as well so everyone will be on more fair footing with each other in terms of game play.

    So surely you see the hesitation in terms of why they aren't setting up a ME server let alone a ME version of CF. Despite what you say there doesn't appear to be THAT many ME players spending compared to the NA/UK players and ME players have a larger player base right now since the instability and unplayability due to the ping differences among other things has chased away a fair amount of NA/UK players. And when those spending ME players could potentially get blocked off of CF because of their countries new laws or whatever then that means there would be a loss of revenue. Why would they operate in an area that generates a loss of revenue? They are a business after all, not charity.
  • Pretty much just cleared this thread, sorry for some of the posts that got removed it was just easier instead of editing all the quotes out. There were 50+ removed lol.

    Nothing racist about asking for a ping limit option. It isn't just regions that lag, people with crappy internet or wifi are annoying as well. Even people who lag deliberately in knife matches to get behind spawn in sewers or to get into the escape portals.

    I imagine playing with a high ping is not enjoyable, but for the other players who have to deal with the player teleporting around the room that isn't enjoyable either.
    There are many players that play in NA that would get a lower ping in UK. The servers were renamed to try and help players find their servers. I don't have stats or anything but I don't think it made a difference lol.

    If I limited a room to 15 ping it would kick half the Bell users out as well as everyone outside of Ontario, maybe I'm a Rogers fanboy and don't want to play with non Rogers supporters?
    It's simple, not everyone wants to play with everyone else. BRs had their own channel, Chinese do as well. If you host a room (and even pay for an item) why shouldn't you choose who you play with? You can limit who joins already by the mode you select, map you choose and weapon limits you turn on. I really wish we had more limits available. Like in Perfect dark and Golden eye.

    Meet sims with proxy mines, doesn't get better than that.

    Edit: About there being no server in the MENA region this is just personal opinion as I have no official info nor would I be able to give it out but: if the money is there I would think a server would come. It could have to do with getting more licenses with SG is a pain or there is not the infrastructure required for them to let a server open. Money makes the world go round.
  • Thanks for the reply [MOD]Andrew, we appreciate it. I guess Z8 could do something about it, since it's been suggested many times in countless threads, it's just that Z8 hasn't got the full approval yet and M.E may not have the right infrastructures required to keep such servers.. makes sense.

    Nice to see a MOD reply respectively to one of our biggest concerns. We need to see more of this happen around forums, to give more hope to us all. xD
  • The GM's keep tabs on the suggestions, so when things come up again and again they see it and are aware. Those were just my opinions. The actual reasons (if any) are unknown to me.

    Hopefully we can get some solutions one day :)
  • Pretty much just cleared this thread, sorry for some of the posts that got removed it was just easier instead of editing all the quotes out. There were 50+ removed lol.

    sorry? for what? Cuz u deleted the truth statements? they were 50+ because ppl are done with this. Over and over and over and over and over again. But its still nice that you support it and you just cleared mixed points about beeing a racist. Thanks for tha^t^^
  • LOL on this game...

    Billion dollars company and can't invest a bit of their earnings on a ping limit option ?

    It's like super rich person roaming around with shabby clothes and hungry
  • ' wrote:
    KKS;4353557']sorry? for what? Cuz u deleted the truth statements? they were 50+ because ppl are done with this. Over and over and over and over and over again. But its still nice that you support it and you just cleared mixed points about beeing a racist. Thanks for tha^t^^
    I didn't delete them to hide anything. I deleted because of the swearing or flaming or just being completely off topic. Some of the posts that had good points were also mixed with quotes and other stuff. So it was just easier to purge.
    LOL on this game...

    Billion dollars company and can't invest a bit of their earnings on a ping limit option ?

    It's like super rich person roaming around with shabby clothes and hungry

    That's not a very good example. I know several "rich" people who wear shabby clothes and drive 500$ pick ups. Farmers don't always like to flash their earnings .

    The option exists in other versions or so I've heard, but obv CFNA is a small portion of that "billion" dollars.
  • dude i'm one of these arab and i agree with this idea my ping normally 100-140 recently (before was 80 ) and now i can't play with player have 20 ping he see me first he shoot first he kill first .. may better to replace unused server to limitation servers 0-80 server .. 80 - 120 server - 120 -200 .. server ..etc

    IGN: [N]atSu-
  • Pretty much just cleared this thread, sorry for some of the posts that got removed it was just easier instead of editing all the quotes out. There were 50+ removed lol.


    some ?
    all my posts deleted !
    thanks -_-
  • some ?
    all my posts deleted !
    thanks -_-

    I basically deleted pages 2 through 7. Let's keep this on topic.
  • I basically deleted pages 2 through 7. Let's keep this on topic.

    lol no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the post #10 was on page 7 !
    Answer me ?????????????
  • lol no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the post #10 was on page 7 !
    Answer me ?????????????

    honestly who cares about your posts unless you're really wanting to farm that Post Count up.
    that being said. I see mine were the lucky posts to survive. I guess that means I usually have good posts! woot!

    anyways on topic:
    as an addendum for the Ping Limiting Item. Maybe it could also be set to have a minimum and a maximum instead of just a maximum setting for ping? That way people from other territories, who rightfully should be playing in another server, could set the ping settings between 120-250 for them in a room. and actual NA people could just set a maximum ping of like 120. That way there's no bias in the item itself. just in how it's used. (meaning ME players could effectively keep out NA/UK players from their particular matches too. should they purchase this item and use it correctly. Should they want to do that anyways.)

    *sigh* if only we knew if anything along these lines would EVER even THINK about getting implemented into our version....or what they are even ABLE to do in terms of adding stuff.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    honestly who cares about your posts unless you're really wanting to farm that Post Count up.

    You are rude person
    this is none of your business
  • the problem is :
    Egyptians do not interact on Forum
  • We all need this to happen, it would be so positively game changing +1
  • Many online FPS games have ping limits or auto kicking if a players ping exceeds server set limits ..A few of them are: Quake Live, games in the UT series, COD4, COD Black Ops, Battlefield 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Insurgency, CSS, TF2 etc

    This is to limit the amount of compensation the server needs to make concerning the syncing of the game between players with different pings. Players with extremely high pings actually affect the quality of game play of the low ping players.

    The developers care more about making money off players on a global scale, instead of providing players a quality gaming experience.
  • An overall ping restriction on the server itself might not be possible, as you know ping technically changes every second and if at the moment you clicked on that server your ping was 1ms higher you won't be able to join.

    Ping restrictions on rooms are more feasible through an item i believe but it is not available in our version yet. We can ask to have it as a trial, we'll see.
  • [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    An overall ping restriction on the server itself might not be possible, as you know ping technically changes every second and if at the moment you clicked on that server your ping was 1ms higher you won't be able to join.

    Ping restrictions on rooms are more feasible through an item i believe but it is not available in our version yet. We can ask to have it as a trial, we'll see.
    That would be amazing to do.... Please do so ! :)
  • [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    An overall ping restriction on the server itself might not be possible, as you know ping technically changes every second and if at the moment you clicked on that server your ping was 1ms higher you won't be able to join.

    Ping restrictions on rooms are more feasible through an item i believe but it is not available in our version yet. We can ask to have it as a trial, we'll see.

    Wow that would be wonderful, please do and you will make many players very happy indeed.
  • The GM's keep tabs on the suggestions, so when things come up again and again they see it and are aware. Those were just my opinions. The actual reasons (if any) are unknown to me.

    Hopefully we can get some solutions one day :)

    I fully agree with you on this.
  • [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    An overall ping restriction on the server itself might not be possible, as you know ping technically changes every second and if at the moment you clicked on that server your ping was 1ms higher you won't be able to join.

    Ping restrictions on rooms are more feasible through an item i believe but it is not available in our version yet. We can ask to have it as a trial, we'll see.

    Instead , from one end to the players why not think of a solution to their problem ?
    Why do not collect the largest number of players ?